Knowledge Zenith (KZ) impressions thread
Apr 6, 2018 at 4:14 AM Post #30,121 of 64,299
I’m a big fan of KZ. I have the ZS6, ZS5v2, cZST. Honestly, they are enough for me. All I need to do is explore this brand, I really don’t have any desire for other products except JVC. Carbon nanotubes are marvelous.

And eventually I’ll get into loudspeakers.

But ZS6 with silver thick cable isn’t sibilant. It has punchy bass, amazing for electronic and hip hop.

Haven’t given my ZS5 a listen to in a while. Been mostly on ZST and ZS6. I need to sell my TFZ S5s to find ZS10 :)
Apr 6, 2018 at 4:41 AM Post #30,122 of 64,299
The ZS5 are way hotter at the upper mids and lower treble for my ears. I didn't notice a big enough difference in soundstage.
Limitation of source gear? Your HRT should be quite "foward" sounding according to reviews.
I'm happy with the the ZS5 after my simple mod. To me it felt like sound from the dynamic drivers was competing with sound from the BAs, especially around the mids and lower treble.
They sound great with some tracks right out of the box, but in other tracks it was wayyy too bright and aggressive for my ears. That's why i say they have a "prototype" feel to them, because it was a problem which got fix in a later model which used the same components.
I do understand why there's inconsistencies in impressions though (Different ears+Chi-Fi factory consistency+revisions etc...), just wanted to share my own experience :)
Always when I read Your comments about ZS5, I just can`t stop thinking You actually have v2. Also add "foward and brightish" sounding HRT, and that`s the result You don`t like.
I would agree if you were talking about ZS5 v2s. But v1s are infinitely better.
+1, I also have both, and, I fear wearing out the ZS5 v1.
I belive You guys! :wink:
Foam around BAs
around??? You should do foam mod inside BA nozzle ring :wink:
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Apr 6, 2018 at 4:59 AM Post #30,123 of 64,299
Limitation of source gear? Your HRT should be quite "foward" sounding according to reviews.

Always when I read Your comments about ZS5, I just can`t stop thinking You actually have v2. Also add "foward and brightish" sounding HRT, and that`s the result You don`t like.

around??? You should do foam mod inside BA nozzle ring :wink:

1.Limitation of source gear? not really, HS can push full sized headphones just fine, it's designed to be great with low OHM cans.. the ZS5 is just a cheap IEM designed by people who are not at the top of their field, lets not make it into something that it's not.
I also tried the ZS5 with other sources and the problem was persistent ,although to a different extent.

2.I posted a pic of my ZS5 here, it had 1 BA in the nozzle.

3.I like that sound of the BAs, why would i need to tame it? having owned the ZS3 and ATR before, i already knew that if i need to sacrifice the treble from somewhere - it's gonna be from the dynamic drivers. Maybe you're right and i should try the foam inside the BAs, i just dont see the point as i'm already happy with them the way they are.
I do remember putting the foam over the entire nozzle at made the sound kinda boring, i just wanted to keep the "sparkle" from the BAs.
Apr 6, 2018 at 5:20 AM Post #30,124 of 64,299
1.Limitation of source gear? not really, HS can push full sized headphones just fine, it's designed to be great with low OHM cans.. the ZS5 is just a cheap IEM designed by people who are not at the top of their field, lets not make it into something that it's not.
I also tried the ZS5 with other sources and the problem was persistent ,although to a different extent.

2.I posted a pic of my ZS5 here, it had 1 BA in the nozzle.

3.I like that sound of the BAs, why would i need to tame it? having owned the ZS3 and ATR before, i already knew that if i need to sacrifice the treble from somewhere - it's gonna be from the dynamic drivers. Maybe you're right and i should try the foam inside the BAs, i just dont see the point as i'm already happy with them the way they are.
I do remember putting the foam over the entire nozzle at made the sound kinda boring, i just wanted to keep the "sparkle" from the BAs.

Answer to point 1: I was talking about soundstage limitation caused by DAC sound signature.
The HeadStreamer is also a little hot up top---a bit too much sparkle in the treble. Accentuated bass and tipped-up treble often portend problems in the mids. And I noticed that here. While the overall sound was pleasant, there is a sense of congestion in the midrange that results in a blurred sonic image.
Accentuated bass and tipped-up treble often portend problems in the mids. And I noticed that here. While the overall sound was pleasant, there is a sense of congestion in the midrange that results in a blurred sonic image. Further, due to its bassy and trebly sound signature, it is a good choice for someone who is looking to rock out portably for short bursts of time---like a subway commute. But that same signature can be fatiguing, which is why it wouldn't be my first choice for a long listening session.

Point 2: Ok, forgot about it. Maybe it`s then about QC, I don`t know. But as You can see from many other user posts, they don`t find v1 such sounding as You describe.

Point3: You were talking about treble issue(competition between DD) and then You limit DD sound with foam (which carry most of the sound) and "enchance" BA sound... then call it wayyyy too bright?
Then, add up HRT "brightish" signature.... hmmm...

Oh well... I leave it there. Enough comments and impressions about ZS5v1 and talk about their source requirements to sound great. Poor that it didn`t work for You. Move on :wink:
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Apr 6, 2018 at 6:34 AM Post #30,125 of 64,299
Answer to point 1: I was talking about soundstage limitation caused by DAC sound signature.

Point 2: Ok, forgot about it. Maybe it`s then about QC, I don`t know. But as You can see from many other user posts, they don`t find v1 such sounding as You describe.

Point3: You were talking about treble issue(competition between DD) and then You limit DD sound with foam (which carry most of the sound) and "enchance" BA sound... then call it wayyyy too bright?
Then, add up HRT "brightish" signature.... hmmm...

Oh well... I leave it there. Enough comments and impressions about ZS5v1 and talk about their source requirements to sound great. Poor that it didn`t work for You. Move on :wink:

1. So only the soundstage was affected because of my DAC? hmmm good to know. I'll make sure to buy a bigger,more expansive DAC to support my 20$ IEMS lol.

2. That's why i talked about different ears+factory consistency+revisions in my previous posts. I don't preach my impressions like gospel, i just want to add my take to the discussion.

3.Who am i to argue with results? As i mentioned before, i'm not only talking about treble, i remember the whole region between 2K-10K was problematic in certain,usually busy tracks.

I feel as if you're trying to dismiss my impressions so i'll try to quit this debate for now.
Apr 6, 2018 at 6:43 AM Post #30,126 of 64,299
Apr 6, 2018 at 6:49 AM Post #30,127 of 64,299
1. So only the soundstage was affected because of my DAC? hmmm good to know.
Not only, didn`t say that. But different DACs and their signature, along with other hardware components and software processing can give different perceived soundstage/imaging result.
I have experienced such difference where HPs capabilities are "held back" by DAC/amp. That`s of course subjective and depends on what one wants from sounds signature and how it is perceived by person (we hear and our brains work differently). It`s all about gear matching :wink:
I'll make sure to buy a bigger,more expansive DAC to support my 20$ IEMS lol.
No need. Expensive doesn`t always mean better, especially when it comes to subjective side :wink:
Apr 6, 2018 at 6:52 AM Post #30,128 of 64,299
I really can't wear double flange tips, noise isolation is really strange for me, but i think it's just about comfort.
I will always recommend foam tips since when i tried them
I actually buy just foam tips as silicon ones create "vacuum" feeling in my ears.
Apr 6, 2018 at 8:10 AM Post #30,129 of 64,299
I really can't wear double flange tips, noise isolation is really strange for me, but i think it's just about comfort.
I will always recommend foam tips since when i tried them
I actually buy just foam tips as silicon ones create "vacuum" feeling in my ears.

I found that dual flange tips only work well with a certain number of IEMs, and the best dual flanges I ever used are the Mee ones. They tend to make bass frequencies more pronounced which some may not like!
Apr 6, 2018 at 8:49 AM Post #30,130 of 64,299
You know, believe it or not I played with them the whole day a few days ago (based on the ZSE talk a few days ago). I basically came to the same conclusion as you. I havent't found a tip or source combination where they consistently sound the same. They are ridiculously temperamental; like a 2 year old child. Sometimes sweet, sometimes lovable, sometimes not nice at all.

I also found that they are very insertion sensitive. At 1st I thought there was a ~25% channel imbalance. I reinserted them and they were perfectly balanced. Then a little bit later they were out of balance again, but this time the other side. I changed tips and they were perfect again. Even turning my head or moving my mouth can cause them to do odd things. The most consistent insertion I got was using foams, because once you have them inserted they stay 'locked' in place. But the sound isn't as good with foams.

I finally got fed up with them and put them back in the 'drawer of forgotten IEMs'.

It's sad though, because when they sound good they sound good. But it's like a random lottery if and when they are going to sound good. I would rather just use an IEM with a consistent IEM (like the ATE as you mentioned).

Note: I think what may be happening is there is a pressure buildup (while moving around, turning my head, etc), and it's causing resistance on 1 or both of the drivers. I may make a very small vent hole near the nozzle to reduce any pressure effect.

Exactly as you pointed out, the pressure on the insertion is almost like ZS3. And I get some driver flex on the ZSE. They should be vented on the nozzle side, as the vents in the back are only relative to the back of the drivers. This also speaks of a good quality construction, as they managed to isolate both portions airtight.

Another thing I dislike about the ZSE is the cable. At first it was like "wow, this is new", this tone of red, almost burgundy, sits well with their forward (or somewhat retro 80's boombox) styling. But the material from which the dielectric is made of is almost as hard as PVC, unlike the rubbery KZ's normal cables. It is stiff and noisy and it pulls the earbuds around when it's not attached or fixed. Thinking about it, if the insertion is a problem with the ZSE, I imagine some your problems should come from the stiffness of the cable pushing around the earbuds. They would certainly benefit from a chin-slider.

Talking about chin-sliders, the only KZ I know of that has it is the IE80 (even the cable is a Senn clone). Unfortunately, the original cable from my IE80 was out of phase and I got a third party silver one. It's about time for KZ to offer chin-sliders!

And that's right, they don't sound so good with foams, as they take the midrange down. Moreover, I find them too hard to insert with foams, due to its uncommon form-factor. Same thing for the ZS3, which makes my ear canals sore with foams.
Apr 6, 2018 at 9:00 AM Post #30,133 of 64,299
Well, I now have 3 new IEMS on the way that should make for an interesting month of reviews. Zs10, Campfire Comet, and IT03. I think I can give a pretty good comparison to see if the Zs10 really is a giant killer in the $150-$300 range with my current collection.
Apr 6, 2018 at 9:47 AM Post #30,134 of 64,299
Thanks everyone for the suggestions about the tips, BTW:

- Double flange: I have them from different brands, included the mee ones. They do not fit my ears. definitely, looks like the deeper flange is preventing the outside one to seal properly.. I tried them many times but the do not work at all (for me of course).
- Triple flange: they actually kinda work but I have to work hard to make them seal properly and it's definitely not comfortable the feeling of some silicone getting so deep inside my ear.
- Foam: I should probably buy some better quality ones and give them a shot as long as I only got some free ones provided with the MEE M6pro and the ones included with the monoprice 8320. They are probably both rubbish even if blaming to be genuine complyfoam.
I tried also to make some DIY Hybrid inserting a ring of foam under the flange of an L size silicone one.. was not bad but i could barely feel the difference with or without the ring of foam.
I then tried to make another kind of DIY foam tips by cutting the 3M sound isolating tips for workers... was basically the same feeling as the mentioned "complyfoam" tips.

As far as I know myself, I believe I can get the best result with a tip like this:
- Diameter: Wide, 14mm or more
- Depht: Thin, 10mm or less
- Bore: as a basshead, probably small.
- Material: Silicone, I like the sealed and vacuum feeling that makes basses go boom.
- Color: apparently the white/clear ones provide higher porosity that makes them stay in place better (don't think this apply for all but it's my personal experience).

I would really like to try they LL size of the sony hybrids (with or without foam) but they are nearly impossible to find at a reasonable price.

Any suggestion about some oversized foam tips that can deliver a kind of seal effect close to the silicone one?

Thanks again guys.
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Apr 6, 2018 at 11:09 AM Post #30,135 of 64,299
I found that dual flange tips only work well with a certain number of IEMs, and the best dual flanges I ever used are the Mee ones. They tend to make bass frequencies more pronounced which some may not like!

Been trying memt x5 triple flange tips, can't find them comfy in any way.
Since when i bought foam stuff, i promised myself i would have never regret it ! :D

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