Knowledge Zenith (KZ) impressions thread
Oct 21, 2014 at 10:24 AM Post #1,037 of 64,810
:wink: ... Yes they are good but needs a good amount of time. How much burn in do you have if I may ask :smiley:

Around 50h. I will definately go beyond 100h. But lost any hope :/
Oct 21, 2014 at 7:28 PM Post #1,040 of 64,810

Hi guys, new member here, but i've been watching this thread for some time now.
I too have been eyeing that KZ LPS deal ( and now with those coupons it's even more atractive.
For that price I'll probably pull the trigger anyway, but I was wondering if someone could help me with a dilemma.
For some time now I've been using a pair of Creative Aurvana Live on my PC (with a Xonar D2/PM sound card) and I can say that I'm happy with the sound characteristics that they offer.
Now I know the LPS is a new model and probably no one got them yet so that they can give a hands-on impression, but what about the "old" LP model (I think that's what it was called)? Seeing as the CALs are a pretty popular headphone did anyone had the chance to compare them to the LP model from KZ? How do they sound compared to each other? Are they even in the same ballpark regarding the characteristics of the sound they output? For example, I'm not looking for a very bassy headphone, but for one with a balanced, all-round sound.
Any info would be appreciated. Thanks!

Oct 21, 2014 at 8:28 PM Post #1,041 of 64,810
  I dunno, can no-one else hear the increase in background noise from the EDSE going to ES? If not, I'm guessing it's a complete gamble on these headphones, quality-wise, although my sample size is one.

What noise? Comes from your source/amp, right? I think ES signature overall being bit clearer, brighter, more treble oriented, and not having that bloaty bass covering stuff, it would be quite expected that certain noise becomes more audible. So I doubt your ES have any problem.
Oct 21, 2014 at 8:49 PM Post #1,042 of 64,810
What noise? Comes from your source/amp, right? I think ES signature overall being bit clearer, brighter, more treble oriented, and not having that bloaty bass covering stuff, it would be quite expected that certain noise becomes more audible. So I doubt your ES have any problem.

Not a lot of bloaty bass covering stuff when it's just silence being played :) The source isn't perfect obviously, but from just a/b ing the EDSE and the ES, the background noise is much more noticeable. Often distractingly so :/ I don't *think* the overall volume through the ES seemed higher (which could possibly account for it), although I can't check that right now...
Oct 22, 2014 at 6:28 AM Post #1,044 of 64,810
Not a lot of bloaty bass covering stuff when it's just silence being played :) The source isn't perfect obviously, but from just a/b ing the EDSE and the ES, the background noise is much more noticeable. Often distractingly so :/ I don't *think* the overall volume through the ES seemed higher (which could possibly account for it), although I can't check that right now...

Oh, well I still think it makes the noise coming from your source more audible due to different signature... so likely ES is fine, but not so nice to listen to with your source...
I have hiss with my NX1, but haven't compared wether it sounds different on the IEMs... I'll check that thought I suppose amp hiss is different to what noise you are talking about. Maybe someone wiser can weigh in.
It's just that I notice that I drop volume with EDSE, because there's so much bass... so if I switch to ES with same volume level, then treble and stuff is accentuated compared to EDSE, any noise would be probably those frequencies... if it works that simply.

Oct 22, 2014 at 10:12 AM Post #1,047 of 64,810
Dude, it might not be a sound for everyone, but I love the sound that comes out of my kzedse. It's the best headphone deal of 2014 IMHO, at least so far.

It's extended on both ends, has lush and forward-ish mids, good separation, and prominent bass. It's a very enjoyable and musical sound IMHO.

It's built like a tank, and the new kz able is dope.

Like all iems, source and tip selection play a big part in getting the most out of them.
Oct 22, 2014 at 11:46 AM Post #1,048 of 64,810
The kz se and kz gr definitely punch way above their weight, I would say they compete with iems in the $50 category range. Im actually preferring the sound of the gr to the se. The gr has a smooth treble, very easy to listen for long periods. Hisoundfi honestly I prefer the the se and gr to the TTPOD T1E, for me the T1E's are too laid back. Has anyone got the platinum edition yet?
Oct 22, 2014 at 11:48 AM Post #1,049 of 64,810
Idk, but to me the kz es has a really congested top end. Upper mids and treble is splashy and sloppy. It's like I want to appreciate them for offering something with less boom and more tightness in the bass and lower mids department in comparison to the kzedse, but it's like the looseness and sloppiness is now apparent in the upper mids and treble, which makes them very hard for me to enjoy. There's a harshness and grainy sound in the top end that I can't ignore, especially during complex passages.
Oct 22, 2014 at 11:54 AM Post #1,050 of 64,810
The kz se and kz gr definitely punch way above their weight, I would say they compete with iems in the $50 category range. Im actually preferring the sound of the gr to the se. The gr has a smooth treble, very easy to listen for long periods. Hisoundfi honestly I prefer the the se and gr to the TTPOD T1E, for me the T1E's are too laid back. Has anyone got the platinum edition yet?
That tells me you like a v signature, and probably listen to mostly edm, pop, hip hop, or dub step. I really enjoy the KZ gr for these genres.

I'm glad you like the gr, it's an awesome iem, not to mention the amazing price.

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