Klipsch's NEW line of Reference X IEMs (X6i, XR8i, X12i, X20i)

Jan 5, 2016 at 12:55 PM Post #46 of 167
Some additional thoughts to add on to my x20i assessment...
I hate the apple mic / control.  It's useless to me anyway since I never use Apple products, however I find its location on the cable to be rather annoying.  And trying to roll the headphones up neatly, it's hard to do with that control there.  Technically I can replace the cable with one that has no control, however I seem to not be in the know of how to search for reasonably priced cables with these screw connectors.  Would be nice if klipsch would sell or provide a replacement cable that has no control, I'd buy it.  Or if they offered a replacement cable that works properly with Android, I'd buy that too.
The 'super slim medium' eartips that come with the x20i, I can't really comment on them as they're too small to provide either ear a proper seal.  I would be interested in trying a super slim large size, but that doesn't seem to exist at this time.  
After several days of using these headphones, I really am very pleased with its sound quality.  Keeps surprising me with how perfect it sounds.  
Jan 5, 2016 at 1:31 PM Post #47 of 167
@Lilfurbal, Have you tried the Comply Comfort 100?  http://www.complyfoam.com/products/ts-100/
They are amazing when paired with the x20i.  They seal incredible well and feel great (I'm using the smallest size).
Also, I could not agree more about the cable.  
Jan 5, 2016 at 4:27 PM Post #48 of 167
  @Lilfurbal, Have you tried the Comply Comfort 100?  http://www.complyfoam.com/products/ts-100/
They are amazing when paired with the x20i.  They seal incredible well and feel great (I'm using the smallest size).
Also, I could not agree more about the cable.  

I have earlier on with different headphones.  I haven't really had a good time with foam eartips however, extremely hard for me to insert for some reason and wasn't really working well for me.  I ever have a hard time with normal foam ear plugs.  

I haven't really had any issues with the klipsch ear tips, they've actually been the most easy to use ear tips of any headphone I've ever tried.  That oval shape, I really think they're onto something with that.  Wish every other headphone maker can make oval shaped ear tips, though it seems klipsch blocked others from doing this with their patents.  I can't get circular silicone tips to seal comfortably for the life of me.  
Jan 23, 2016 at 4:43 PM Post #49 of 167
Decided to pickup the xr8i and overall I'm pretty impressed. I'd consider myself a pretty big bass head and these deliver without sounding too muddy. Though there is definitely some loss of clarity on the highs. I've also ordered the x20i to see if I prefer the sound signature, I'll writeup an extensive comparison later. :)
Jan 27, 2016 at 3:56 AM Post #50 of 167
So for anyone that's interested -
I've had some hands on time with both the xR8i and the x20i and I wanted to post my thoughts. Let me preface and say that I'm no audiophile by any means, but I do appreciate really good sounding music. Music playback was tested through my 2014 macbook pro and galaxy s6 edge plus. 
- Strong and powerful bass + low end 
- Clear mid's 
- Fairly comfortable despite its larger size 
- Durable: wire seems sturdy, housing looks like it can take a beating

- Treble/high detail: high's appear as if they're hidden in the background; cymbals, tambourine, etc. really don't seem too pronounced when compared to the x20i
- Slight distortion with "complicated" music: When multiple instruments are playing, sometimes the music distorts and sounds icky 
- Price: these really don't sound $200 better than the existing R6i model 
- Crystal clear low's, mid's, and high's: high's in particular stand out, these are wonderfully detailed 
- Flat response for the most part 
- Extremely comfortable; the super-slim ear tips seem to fit my ears better than the normal oval tips of the xR8i 
- Durable: wire seems sturdy, housing looks like it can take a beating
- Included Accessories: love the wooden carrying box and leather case
- Price
- Bass: Bass is not quite powerful as the xR8i (While not everyone will see this as a con, I'd prefer just a little more oomph)
- 1 year warranty, if you're paying $550 for a pair of earphones you should have more than a 1 year warranty
Despite the relatively big price gap between these models, I have a difficult time deciding on what will be my daily driver. I really love the strong bass response of the xR8i while appreciating the clarity and comfort of the x20i. So as of right now my daily driver really depends on my mood. heh. I'm not sure if I believe in "breaking in" earphones, but I might try that for both models to see if sound quality improves further. (Any input on that? Would that help at all for these models?) 
If anyone has any specific questions feel free to ask. 
Jan 31, 2016 at 9:43 PM Post #51 of 167
It's entirely possible if you stay with the X20 for about a week, with no XR8 sessions, you'll adjust to X20 and find it's bass is more than enough. Then when you go back to the XR8, you'll feel its bass is WAY too much.

That's what happened to me when I moved away from the R6. Now when I go back to it, I feel the bass just buddies all the other frequencies. I still very much love a strong sub presence. It's amazing how much bass there is in IEMs that have less than the R6.

It's all a matter of distance and perspective. A warm sound signature is my preference, and have found such delicious IEMs that give me that while maintaining a fairly neutral balance.
Feb 1, 2016 at 4:31 PM Post #52 of 167
Thanks for your reviews.  I've had the Klipsch  S4 2 Enhanced  Bass for years.  I've tried more expensive models but loved the bass in the X4 enhanced.  I unfortunately have bought at least 4 of them and durability is a big issue with them.  In fairness, they did replace my headphones twice free of charge. 
I don't mind spending up to $250 for quality products and would be grateful if youd recommend the best Klipsch for me.   Thanks
Feb 1, 2016 at 10:36 PM Post #53 of 167
  Thanks for your reviews.  I've had the Klipsch  S4 2 Enhanced  Bass for years.  I've tried more expensive models but loved the bass in the X4 enhanced.  I unfortunately have bought at least 4 of them and durability is a big issue with them.  In fairness, they did replace my headphones twice free of charge. 
I don't mind spending up to $250 for quality products and would be grateful if youd recommend the best Klipsch for me.   Thanks

Honestly, I'd probably recommend the R6. 
It's the best bang for your buck and the the difference in sound quality between R6 and something like the xR8i is negligible. Both the R6 and xR8i will be bass heavy though. 
Feb 9, 2016 at 1:31 AM Post #54 of 167
Man, don't even get close to anything shaped like that danged R6i. I had that one, terrible microphonics, never stayed in your ear, worst iem hands down for daily commute. Now if you're a basshead, I think the quantity is there and the quality isn't bad either. But the rest isn't anything special. Looks like the X6i is more balanced, however. The fact I couldn't stand using the R6i on commute made me use them at home, but even light walking will have them fall out of your ears :/ wanted to like them, I really did. But do yourself a big favor and get the Fidue A73 :rolling_eyes:
Feb 26, 2016 at 5:20 AM Post #55 of 167
I just tested the x20i and I was rather disappointed......it had great sound. In Singapore, they cost SGD 999 or almost USD 750. I had to choose a retailer mainly for the warranty. But I was like 30 secs from payment when I asked about extending the warranty....which was not available.....then I sadly left the store with my 14mth old x10s.
Klipsch ## vs ##i (10 or 11 vs 10i or 11i)
I have issues with the vol control as it makes storing these very expensive earphones a big issue. I still use the leather pouch from the x10s rather than the container from x11.
Cable connectors to the volume control and the buttons seem not that reliable for people who like to roll into a 1 inch circle.
If they had a x20 or x12 (without "i"), I would definately grab them...
Copper cable vs silver cables
I do prefer silver vs copper.....for USD 500 (in my case...USD 750)...I would had expected more than copper....
But the "interchangable" cable for the x20i is more to change the pin than than the main cable.
For reference, I had the x10i, 2 of x11i and now using x10. 
- x10 ....loved it but the vol control had issues after 1 yr
- x10i.....loved it but the vol control had issues after 1 yr
- x11i .....rubber near earpiece worn out and the main cable to the pin cracked
- current x11....the main cable rubber near pin lose, have to use carefully...bought from ebay at USD 135.
Feb 26, 2016 at 4:31 PM Post #56 of 167
  I just tested the x20i and I was rather disappointed......it had great sound. In Singapore, they cost SGD 999 or almost USD 750. I had to choose a retailer mainly for the warranty. But I was like 30 secs from payment when I asked about extending the warranty....which was not available.....then I sadly left the store with my 14mth old x10s.
Klipsch ## vs ##i (10 or 11 vs 10i or 11i)
I have issues with the vol control as it makes storing these very expensive earphones a big issue. I still use the leather pouch from the x10s rather than the container from x11.
Cable connectors to the volume control and the buttons seem not that reliable for people who like to roll into a 1 inch circle.
If they had a x20 or x12 (without "i"), I would definately grab them...
Copper cable vs silver cables
I do prefer silver vs copper.....for USD 500 (in my case...USD 750)...I would had expected more than copper....
But the "interchangable" cable for the x20i is more to change the pin than than the main cable.
For reference, I had the x10i, 2 of x11i and now using x10. 
- x10 ....loved it but the vol control had issues after 1 yr
- x10i.....loved it but the vol control had issues after 1 yr
- x11i .....rubber near earpiece worn out and the main cable to the pin cracked
- current x11....the main cable rubber near pin lose, have to use carefully...bought from ebay at USD 135.

You were more disappointed by the inability to extend the warranty, I assume. Yeah, for the price, there should be a better warranty. I'd have to use SquareTrade to add an additional three years, but that's another out-of-pocket expense. You say you had issues with the volume control. How about the play button?
One thing that worries me about these (I'm looking lustfully at the X20i) is the remote. If sweat gets in there, that'll probably destroy the remote. I have their AS-5i, and since they're sport, they're rated waterproof to a certain degree. I can wear them out in NYC in the middle of the summer and not worry about the controls breaking. Even if I'm caught in a storm and get rained on. It doesn't seem these premium Reference models have any sort of protection from water, so even in a light drizzle, I run the risk of breaking them.
With the interchangeable cord, I wonder if they'd release a weatherproof cable and remote combo. Whether that detracts from the overall sound, or whether that cable should have been included from the start (yes), that's another story.
Feb 28, 2016 at 2:28 AM Post #57 of 167
Its not about the warranty extension.....its that klipsch does not even repair if its out of warranty and u willing to pay for it.
Then is its about the finishing or rubber worn out or main cable to pin "glue" issue, it is considered as wear and tear, not under the limited warranty.
So the x10, x10i, x11, x11i, x12i and x20i series have great sound, but Klipsch overall "non-sound" quality is utterly dismal for their prices.
Klipsch did not produce the x12 or x20 or something without the vol controls which could have helped as many people out there did not need that "point of failure" in the poorly made high-end product.
Feb 28, 2016 at 7:57 AM Post #58 of 167
Are aftermarket cables available for the x20i yet? I'm ready to pull the trigger on a pair, but don't want the inline remote.

Would love to see some x12i vs x20i comparisons if anyone has both.
Feb 28, 2016 at 9:37 AM Post #59 of 167
  Its not about the warranty extension.....its that klipsch does not even repair if its out of warranty and u willing to pay for it.
Then is its about the finishing or rubber worn out or main cable to pin "glue" issue, it is considered as wear and tear, not under the limited warranty.
So the x10, x10i, x11, x11i, x12i and x20i series have great sound, but Klipsch overall "non-sound" quality is utterly dismal for their prices.
Klipsch did not produce the x12 or x20 or something without the vol controls which could have helped as many people out there did not need that "point of failure" in the poorly made high-end product.

I'm a fan of in-line remotes, and that was partially why I ended up going from Android to iOS last summer. I don't want to have to keep my phone out to skip tracks or play with the volume, especially walking around New York City. Since I'm likely going to switch back to Android later this year, iOS remotes will be meaningless to me. Unfortunately, they're the norm. 3-button Android remotes are very rare, and compatibility with each device isn't guaranteed.

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