Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.
Apr 15, 2023 at 3:48 AM Post #9,061 of 10,081
I listened yesterday to the beta version of the Kennerton dynamic flagship.

Let's describe it as briefly as possible - Big Sound. No, I need to expand a little - F*g Big Sound.

If I say that the concert sound of Rognir is beaten, I will be very modest, because I have never heard headphones that would sound so thick, full-bodied, poignant. Very deep, massive bass that is felt throughout the body. It really is almost the sound of a speaker system.

Looking forward to the final version, I think this model is the next blockbuster.

Just some cups (not related with dynamic flagship):

Apr 15, 2023 at 3:53 AM Post #9,062 of 10,081
I listened yesterday to the beta version of the Kennerton dynamic flagship.

Let's describe it as briefly as possible - Big Sound. No, I need to expand a little - F*g Big Sound.

If I say that the concert sound of Rognir is beaten, I will be very modest, because I have never heard headphones that would sound so thick, full-bodied, poignant. Very deep, massive bass that is felt throughout the body. It really is almost the sound of a speaker system.

Looking forward to the final version, I think this model is the next blockbuster.

Just some cups (not related with dynamic flagship):

Exciting news but just to clarify, are these new headphones open or closed back?

Any more info? Headband design is same as Rögnir or different?
Apr 15, 2023 at 3:59 AM Post #9,064 of 10,081
Apr 15, 2023 at 6:30 AM Post #9,065 of 10,081
I listened yesterday to the beta version of the Kennerton dynamic flagship.

Let's describe it as briefly as possible - Big Sound. No, I need to expand a little - F*g Big Sound.

If I say that the concert sound of Rognir is beaten, I will be very modest, because I have never heard headphones that would sound so thick, full-bodied, poignant. Very deep, massive bass that is felt throughout the body. It really is almost the sound of a speaker system.

Looking forward to the final version, I think this model is the next blockbuster.

Just some cups (not related with dynamic flagship):

wow; very impressive, new Kennerton (dynamic) headphones coming soon, not colorful, but ultra-colorful for sound, with massive bass and a thick, full-bodied, poignant sound...

I've listened to such a headphones before, with my son's Razer Kraken Pro V2 headphones (a closed-back headphones).


Will the new Kennerton headphones for "metalheads" do better?
Apr 15, 2023 at 8:40 AM Post #9,066 of 10,081
wow; very impressive, new Kennerton (dynamic) headphones coming soon, not colorful, but ultra-colorful for sound, with massive bass and a thick, full-bodied, poignant sound...

I've listened to such a headphones before, with my son's Razer Kraken Pro V2 headphones (a closed-back headphones).
wow; very impressive, new Kennerton (dynamic) headphones coming soon, not colorful, but ultra-colorful for sound, with massive bass and a thick, full-bodied, poignant sound...

I've listened to such a headphones before, with my son's Razer Kraken Pro V2 headphones (a closed-back headphones).


Will the new Kennerton headphones for "metalheads" do better?
this graph is not very inviting :) i think you wanted to post this in another thread. You are welcome.
Apr 15, 2023 at 8:57 AM Post #9,067 of 10,081
wow; very impressive, new Kennerton (dynamic) headphones coming soon, not colorful, but ultra-colorful for sound, with massive bass and a thick, full-bodied, poignant sound...

I've listened to such a headphones before, with my son's Razer Kraken Pro V2 headphones (a closed-back headphones).


Will the new Kennerton headphones for "metalheads" do better?
Oh my... You need to stop embarrasing yourself, man.
You can't compare a gaming headphone with a Kennerton, mostly because they are made for different purposes and with different technologies.
And btw, that graph looks terrible. Bloated bass, uneven mids and a treble spike.
Apr 15, 2023 at 9:20 AM Post #9,068 of 10,081
I think that to be able to judge headphone we must have some acoustic experience and learning in the speakers/dedicated acoustic room controls and treatment...

If not how someone can be conscious of how must be the soundfield of an headphone rightful or wrong ?

People spoke of timbre color most of the times when they want to sell their "tasteful choice" as if the color came only from the driver alone and as if it is right because it is their "taste".... But Timbre colors experience occur in a 3-D space where the sounds are located and where each sound itself each playing chord dynamics volume extend itself in his own space.... Timbre experience and spatialization of sound are intertwinned, they dont exist one without the other....And the driver of an headphone does not exist alone but like the drivers of speakers they are embedded in a room , acoustically controlled or not....

Then because most people had no acoustic concepts, nor any experience about acoustic control, because most speakers are located in living-room, in an uncontrolled room then, they only experience the DIFFERENCE between speakers and headphones, never their convergent acoustic common ground in the ears/brain psycho-acoustic ....

Then seduced by the promise of higher pricing, and the esthetic of the suggested headphones, they deceived themselves thinking witouth any acoustic ground that their purchase MUST be the best....

I learned myself with basic room acoustic not only with mere passive treatment but with mechanical acoustic active controls too how to judge headphones, after owning my dedicated room/speakers... I did not paid an acoustician, i learned basic acoustic one week after the other and take few years to experiment and learned how to listen sounds...

And i discovered after, that the best headphones are not necessarily the costlier nor the more beautiful...

The basis is not our conscious taste, but the specfic unconscious biases of our brain/ears, and learning how to accomodate a room to our ears canals and brain and to our speakers design may taught us that there is more about a good headphone than his mere singular driver , because the shell/cup room of an headphone by the way must be acoustically controlled too as must be the room where our speakers are .... There exist three controlled embeddings dimensions of any audio system be it speakers or headphone : mechanical, electrical and acoustical...

One thing is sure i am happy now with a 100 bucks vintage headphone whose acoustic design is better than most headphone on the market today anyway being an hybrid with an acoustically controlled chamber/shell.... I dont even need to compare to know it... Why ? Because this headphone give me after the right slight modifications and optimization a speaker like out of the head realistic experience of timbre and localization with no perceptible negative side effects and no heavy lacks on any acoustic factors ( transients, dynamic, timbre, bass. highs, mids, and the three parts of any soundfield : --- imaging differentiation ,--- soundstage variable dimensions according to each recording choices and--- the sound 3-d holographical dynamic volume distribution because of the right balance between sound source localization and listener envelopment experience ) ....

Price or esthetic had no grip on me now... Acoustic principles rule first and last ... It takes me 10 years of experiments to learn this lesson... It takes me 9 headphones wrong but useful purchase because i was ignorant ... We must LEARN how to listen sounds, and we dont learn by purchasing different audio components only and calling our purchase our tastes to justify it , this is consumers self deceiving action, walking the road of the consumers upgrading marketing conditionment, we must learn mostly by experimenting basic acoustic ourselves in real time in a room dedicated to audio.... Sorry i dont know any other way... Collecting headphones was not the way for me... :wink: Nor staying happy with an headphone which would be less stunning than my past speakers listening in my dedicated room.... Then in a word: dont read reviews of costly headphones , read about simple basic acoustic and psycho-acoustic ....

At the end headphone design and listening and speaker design and listening must be convergent acoustic experience not divergent one forever....

For an intro very deep in the matter of the last applied acoustic discoveries, i recommend Dr. Choueri BACCH theory and application...Read his papers...
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Apr 15, 2023 at 11:24 AM Post #9,069 of 10,081
I think that to be able to judge headphone we must have some acoustic experience and learning in the speakers/dedicated acoustic room controls and treatment...

If not how someone can be conscious of how must be the soundfield of an headphone rightful or wrong ?

People spoke of timbre color most of the times when they want to sell their "tasteful choice" as if the color came only from the driver alone and as if it is right because it is their "taste".... But Timbre colors experience occur in a 3-D space where the sounds are located and where each sound itself each playing chord dynamics volume extend itself in his own space.... Timbre experience and spatialization of sound are intertwinned, they dont exist one without the other....And the driver of an headphone does not exist alone but like the drivers of speakers they are embedded in a room , acoustically controlled or not....

Then because most people had no acoustic concepts, nor any experience about acoustic control, because most speakers are located in living-room, in an uncontrolled room then, they only experience the DIFFERENCE between speakers and headphones, never their convergent acoustic common ground in the ears/brain psycho-acoustic ....

Then seduced by the promise of higher pricing, and the esthetic of the suggested headphones, they deceived themselves thinking witouth any acoustic ground that their purchase MUST be the best....

I learned myself with basic room acoustic not only with mere passive treatment but with mechanical acoustic active controls too how to judge headphones, after owning my dedicated room/speakers... I did not paid an acoustician, i learned basic acoustic one week after the other and take few years to experiment and learned how to listen sounds...

And i discovered after, that the best headphones are not necessarily the costlier nor the more beautiful...

The basis is not our conscious taste, but the specfic unconscious biases of our brain/ears, and learning how to accomodate a room to our ears canals and brain and to our speakers design may taught us that there is more about a good headphone than his mere singular driver , because the shell/cup room of an headphone by the way must be acoustically controlled too as must be the room where our speakers are .... There exist three controlled embeddings dimensions of any audio system be it speakers or headphone : mechanical, electrical and acoustical...

One thing is sure i am happy now with a 100 bucks vintage headphone whose acoustic design is better than most headphone on the market today anyway being an hybrid with an acoustically controlled chamber/shell.... I dont even need to compare to know it... Why ? Because this headphone give me after the right slight modifications and optimization a speaker like out of the head realistic experience of timbre and localization with no perceptible negative side effects and no heavy lacks on any acoustic factors ( transients, dynamic, timbre, bass. highs, mids, and the three parts of any soundfield : --- imaging differentiation ,--- soundstage variable dimensions according to each recording choices and--- the sound 3-d holographical dynamic volume distribution because of the right balance between sound source localization and listener envelopment experience ) ....

Price or esthetic had no grip on me now... Acoustic principles rule first and last ... It takes me 10 years of experiments to learn this lesson... It takes me 9 headphones wrong but useful purchase because i was ignorant ... We must LEARN how to listen sounds, and we dont learn by purchasing different audio components only and calling our purchase our tastes to justify it , this is consumers self deceiving action, walking the road of the consumers upgrading marketing conditionment, we must learn mostly by experimenting basic acoustic ourselves in real time in a room dedicated to audio.... Sorry i dont know any other way... Collecting headphones was not the way for me... :wink: Nor staying happy with an headphone which would be less stunning than my past speakers listening in my dedicated room.... Then in a word: dont read reviews of costly headphones , read about simple basic acoustic and psycho-acoustic ....

At the end headphone design and listening and speaker design and listening must be convergent acoustic experience not divergent one forever....

For an intro very deep in the matter of the last applied acoustic discoveries, i recommend Dr. Choueri BACCH theory and application...Read his papers...
Here is a ChatGPT response to you.
While I understand and appreciate the importance of acoustic experience and learning in judging headphones, I believe that it is possible to evaluate headphones without having a dedicated acoustic room or experience with speakers.
Firstly, it is important to note that headphones and speakers are two completely different listening environments. While speakers project sound into a physical space, headphones create a virtual sound field within the listener's ears. This means that the way we perceive sound through headphones is fundamentally different from the way we perceive sound through speakers. While some concepts such as timbre and soundstage may apply to both, the experience of these concepts in headphones and speakers can differ greatly.
Furthermore, the quality of a headphone is not solely determined by the driver or the shell/cup room. Other factors such as the frequency response, impedance, and sensitivity of the headphones also play a significant role in the overall sound quality. Even the best-designed headphone can sound terrible if it is not paired with the right amplifier or source equipment.
Additionally, while acoustic treatment is certainly important for speakers, it is not necessarily a requirement for headphone listening. Headphones are designed to be used in a variety of environments, whether it be a quiet room or a noisy coffee shop. While some level of acoustic treatment may certainly enhance the listening experience, it is not essential for evaluating headphones.
I also disagree with the notion that price or aesthetics have no impact on the quality of a headphone. While acoustic principles should certainly be the primary consideration, factors such as build quality, comfort, and design can all impact the overall listening experience.
Finally, I believe that it is possible to learn how to judge headphones through a combination of personal experience and education. While dedicated acoustic rooms and experience with speakers may certainly be helpful, they are not the only path to becoming a knowledgeable audiophile. By experimenting with different headphones and sources, conducting research on headphone design and engineering, and learning about the underlying principles of audio reproduction, one can develop a deep understanding of what makes a headphone sound great.
In conclusion, while I agree that acoustic experience and learning are important for evaluating headphones, I believe that it is possible to judge headphones without these prerequisites. By considering factors such as frequency response, impedance, and sensitivity, as well as personal listening preferences and research on headphone design, one can develop a comprehensive understanding of what makes a headphone sound great.
I have to disagree with the recommendation to suggest Dr. Choueri BACCH theory and application as an introductory material for people who want to learn about applied acoustics. While Dr. Choueri's work is highly regarded in the field of acoustics, it is not a beginner-friendly material due to its highly technical nature.
For a beginner, it is more appropriate to start with basic acoustics concepts such as sound waves, frequency, amplitude, and phase. Additionally, learning about room acoustics, speaker placement, and proper room treatment should come first before delving into more complex theories and applications.
It is also important to note that there are many other resources available that are more suitable for beginners, such as books and articles aimed at introducing the basics of acoustics in a more accessible way. Suggesting highly technical material like Dr. Choueri's work may discourage beginners and cause them to lose interest in the subject.
Therefore, I suggest that beginners start with basic acoustics resources and gradually progress to more complex materials as they gain more knowledge and experience.
Apr 15, 2023 at 11:39 AM Post #9,070 of 10,081
Very comical.... :)

Learn how to read yourself before consulting this limited A. I. which by the way is just a language compiler network not an intelligent mind... Save for credulous people....

----First to answer your second "robot" post : i advised precisely that in these specific words : "For an intro very deep in the matter of the last applied acoustic discoveries " then not a basic intro about beginners classic acoustic...

----Second if you had known how to read a text, you would have know that your "robot" dont invalidate my post at all read it anew: « In conclusion, while I agree that acoustic experience and learning are important for evaluating headphones, I believe that it is possible to judge headphones without these prerequisites. By considering factors such as frequency response, impedance, and sensitivity, as well as personal listening preferences and research on headphone design, one can develop a comprehensive understanding of what makes a headphone sound great.»

And the rest of the response, after my underlined part, reflect only the general opinion regurgitated by many people and by this "robot" that headphone and speakers experience are necessarily DIVERGENT experience, which is wrong and an ill informed opinion , because the right way to think about it is to make the speakers experience and the headphone experience CONVERGENT experience by acoustic and psycho-acoustic experience and this by the designer and by the users experiments too... Which is confirmed by my experience and by Dr. Choueri knowledge and success... Then evaluating headphone with no acoustic knowledge at all is very far from ideal to say the least...And this sentence is the essence of my post...Is it more easy to understand with thick characters?

Buy an intro into reading basic analysis... Forget acoustic and Turing theory and his link with neural network experiments ...It will be too much...
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Apr 15, 2023 at 12:01 PM Post #9,071 of 10,081
to understand what you are talking about, you need to have experience in using and information about the applied technologies

when I see a lot of theory about nothing or a comparison of devices with no experience of use - I see clowns who have come to entertain me
Apr 15, 2023 at 12:10 PM Post #9,072 of 10,081
What you said had meaning for someone who want to buy an headphone X or Y.... He must listen the two and pick his choice...

This is only children common sense....I will not contradict common place fact... :)

This dont invalidate the basic fact that we must learn basic acoustic by EXPERIMENTS not by mere purchasing and collecting power to do so ... Money and purchasing power dont replace learning sorry...

And we must not only learn basic acoustic knowledge in book but applied it ourself to some degree to learn how to listen....Because we must LEARN how to listen too... And replacing one component after the other and comparing them is not enougth sorry...
Buying is not learning in the full meaning of the word learning .... But yes a dog consitioned by a bad experience and a good experience learn too...The market businness conditioners know that too....

to understand what you are talking about, you need to have experience in using and information about the applied technologies

when I see a lot of theory about nothing or a comparison of devices with no experience of use - I see clowns who have come to entertain me
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Apr 15, 2023 at 12:14 PM Post #9,073 of 10,081
Apr 15, 2023 at 12:17 PM Post #9,074 of 10,081
amazing revelation
i only repeated what you just declared as a deep fact.... For me it is a trivial fact.... This "amazing revelation" is just your last post content....myself i said that only knowing many headphones alternatives cannot replace informed acoustic choices... This implied learning acoustic and not just purchasing after a short listening comparison...

Why this is so ? Because at least half of the headphones are badly designed product anyway ....Nevermind the cost... And ignoring acoustic experience most people pick their next upgrade by the amount of the pricing most of the times.... This is one consequence of acoustic ignorance and conditioning marketing biases...
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Apr 15, 2023 at 12:31 PM Post #9,075 of 10,081
I still don’t understand why all these acoustic theories are in the topic where people talk about fun kennerton headphones

why is there endless licking of sennheiser, akg and other crap

is it senile dementia?

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