K701 Re-Cabling
Sep 17, 2008 at 6:41 PM Post #31 of 33
Harvey, if i may take a crack at your question, in stock configuration (single entry) the cable running to the right driver runs through the two beams on top of the head phone and have 4 extra solder joints than the cable connected to the left driver. This means its longer to the right (which some may argue u cannot hear due to the electrons moving at near the speed of light), but i would argue that there may be a palpable difference due to the equation that takes length of wire into account of electrical resistance. This can cause variance between the two drivers because the amps are pushing the same current into the left and right driver.
Going dual-entry rectifies all of these problems. It removes hte extra solder joints, the length to both drivers is equal, thereby eliminating differences in electrical resistance and necessary push. How much of this you actually hear is arguable, but from a scientific standpoint it makes a lot more sense to go dual entry.

For some information on electrical watts, volts, amps, ohms, etc. I found this to be quite useful for a brief article -

Sep 17, 2008 at 10:02 PM Post #32 of 33
Hi Dave,
Thanks for taking a crack at my question.
Interesting analysis you present.
A little bit over my head.
Since I can't visualize how just how the unequal soldier joints
are part of single entry.
And, as you say, the delay in the sound signal arriving at the left and right driver, may be more theoretical than practical.
I have been considering getting a K701 - for the vaunted soundstage and airiness.
I once queried someone who was selling a re-cabled set.
Asking him why he hadn't sprung for the dual entry mod while he was getting the phones re-cabled.
His answer, and he was some kind of heaphone supremicus or whatever, was that he didn't consider that dual entry made any improvement.
It would be interesting if someone who had both the original single entry K701 and a dual entry re-cable job might tell us what differences he found.
Of course, the dual entry mod would go along with a change of cable, so the experiment would be invalid from the get-go.
But still....
BTW: Pataburd, a head-fier whose critical listening skills have been praised more than once on this forum, put a RAL cable on his K701s. And claimed that the change of cable made a marked positive change.
I don't remember if he went from single to dual entry.
But you might do a search for his write-up here of his fairly detailed impressions of what changes he found.
Sep 19, 2008 at 3:26 AM Post #33 of 33

I guess it would make mores sense if i explained that their is a ground and a channel cable running to each driver and there is a solder on each side of the headband where the cable is attached, as well as the solder to the drivers, but as there are 2 on each driver you can call those a wash. As far as im concerned if you are getting them recabled you may as well have them dual entry configured as it does not lower the strength or wearability (unless you dont like y-cords), and theoretically improves sound. I have read quite a few threads of people who have had their 701s recabled and noted positive change, I am also a believer in bottleneck theory so I can understand this. Me and my science =P....However what I am hoping to do is get a millet max and a re-cable to finish up my system and hopefully kill the upgraditis virus once and for all.


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