JVC HA-FD01 Class S Solidege
May 25, 2019 at 10:16 PM Post #301 of 428
How you compare your silver cable to the original JVC cable?
Will give it a listen in the next few days. Cable comparison needs quiet time and that’s a little rare for me :beerchug:
May 27, 2019 at 6:21 AM Post #302 of 428
I didn't want to write so soon, but initial impressions are very positive with my DIY pure silver cable, and there's a sale until Wednesday on Aliexpress for a pure silver cable, so I decided to post already now

I used 8 core silver wire from Aliexpress with Nobunaga's MMCX connectors and a 2,5mm Rhodium plated balanced jack.
Since I am using it with the Chord Mojo, I have to use an adapter from FIIO from 2,5 balanced to 3,5 SE.

Please consider that these are first impressions...
These are the keywords I wrote down about the silver cable:
Feel: light but stiff, microphonic, not that comfortable on the ear
open, faster, clearer, more textured and detailed. Airier, music feels "elevated", sounds a bit brighter.
Bass also more textured, deep and clean.

In contrast the keywords I wrote down about the Nobunaga Yuuzen:
Feel: very soft and plyable, slightly heavy, but feels very good, very low microphonics
Warmer, slightly veiled, lower notes a bit fuller, more relaxed

Preliminary verdict: I like the silver cable! :)
May 27, 2019 at 3:50 PM Post #304 of 428
I spent another hour comparing cables and the findings are in line with what I wrote above.
All comparisons done with Mojo as source.

Original FD02 cable from JVC:
Clearly the worst of the 3. In comparsion to them, it sounds dull, lifeless and uncontrolled. Busy passages become shouty. Bass is kind of bloated and uncontrolled.
Soundstage is narrower and less deep.

Nobunaga Yuzen:
Much more open and airy, clearer, vocals floating, soundstage opens and gets depth. Bass is better controlled, but still the overall impression is "full", like a full mouth.
Smooth and slightly warm sounding, slightly round compared to silver cable. Can get a little shouty in busy passages.
Compared to sliver cable it sometimes feels a little veiled.

DIY pure silver cable:
Even more open and clear than the Nobunaga. Snappy, faster impulse response, bass tighter, drier, but also a tad leaner (perceived). It sounds brighter, cleaner and clearer, can almost seem a little sharp.
It is clean, clear and sharp, stays clean where the Nobunaga gets shouty.

I'll spare you the graphs, all 3 cables measured identically, but the perceived balance is quite different with the JVC being the boomiest/bassiest with veiled treble, the Nobunaga being much more neutral, smooth and warm with good sparkle, and the silver cable being almost bright with slighly more sparkly treble, more forward and neutral mids and cleaner and tighter bass.

Some specific observations:
Stravinski's Firebird: https://tidal.com/track/77607310
a really difficult piece. starting at 3:15 it's really busy, and that is where the JVC cable gets really shouty, and even the Nobunaga does not manage to keep things clean and clearly separated. The silver cable gets loud but stays clean and clear, keeping all the elements separated.

the original cables really hold the FD02 IEM back and should be replaced.
The Nobunaga cable is a pleasure to use, sounds much better than the original. Pity that it turns green after just a few weeks of use, and is not as clean and clear sounding as the:
DIY silver cable, which comes out on top. Slightly bright but clean, clear and with the best separation and bass control it's a clear winner in all aspects EXCEPT comfort and microphonics...

Cable used:
FP8101AG teflon insulated 6N OOC silver wire
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May 27, 2019 at 10:38 PM Post #305 of 428
I spent another hour comparing cables and the findings are in line with what I wrote above.
All comparisons done with Mojo as source.

Original FD02 cable from JVC:
Clearly the worst of the 3. In comparsion to them, it sounds dull, lifeless and uncontrolled. Busy passages become shouty. Bass is kind of bloated and uncontrolled.
Soundstage is narrower and less deep.

Nobunaga Yuzen:
Much more open and airy, clearer, vocals floating, soundstage opens and gets depth. Bass is better controlled, but still the overall impression is "full", like a full mouth.
Smooth and slightly warm sounding, slightly round compared to silver cable. Can get a little shouty in busy passages.
Compared to sliver cable it sometimes feels a little veiled.

DIY pure silver cable:
Even more open and clear than the Nobunaga. Snappy, faster impulse response, bass tighter, drier, but also a tad leaner (perceived). It sounds brighter, cleaner and clearer, can almost seem a little sharp.
It is clean, clear and sharp, stays clean where the Nobunaga gets shouty.

I'll spare you the graphs, all 3 cables measured identically, but the perceived balance is quite different with the JVC being the boomiest/bassiest with veiled treble, the Nobunaga being much more neutral, smooth and warm with good sparkle, and the silver cable being almost bright with slighly more sparkly treble, more forward and neutral mids and cleaner and tighter bass.

Some specific observations:
Stravinski's Firebird: https://tidal.com/track/77607310
a really difficult piece. starting at 3:15 it's really busy, and that is where the JVC cable gets really shouty, and even the Nobunaga does not manage to keep things clean and clearly separated. The silver cable gets loud but stays clean and clear, keeping all the elements separated.

the original cables really hold the FD02 IEM back and should be replaced.
The Nobunaga cable is a pleasure to use, sounds much better than the original. Pity that it turns green after just a few weeks of use, and is not as clean and clear sounding as the:
DIY silver cable, which comes out on top. Slightly bright but clean, clear and with the best separation and bass control it's a clear winner in all aspects EXCEPT comfort and microphonics...

Cable used:
FP8101AG teflon insulated 6N OOC silver wire

Great detail write-up. Good price for the "**** 4 Core Pure Silver Cable", but just that it does not come with a balanced 3.5mm plug.
May 27, 2019 at 11:56 PM Post #307 of 428
I have place an order for the Null Audio Lune Series MKV Premium cable (https://www.null-audio.com/products/lune-series-mkiii-premium-upgrade-cable-for-earphones) as it is now on sale and I have another 10% off (code: rv-vkns77). Not sure how this cable goes.

That looks like a nice cable! Optically quite similar to the Nobunaga, if it can combine the comfort of the Nobunaga cable with the sound quality of the teflon/silver cable you have a winner! And the price seems to be very fair.

I mounted some Nobunaga silicone earhooks on the cable which helps with comfort and a little bit with microphonics too.
And I ordered the Aliexpress cable to test it against my DIY cable.
May 28, 2019 at 6:36 AM Post #308 of 428
May 28, 2019 at 4:05 PM Post #310 of 428
After the cable upgrade a new comparison against the EX800ST is in order.
I did change the Micropore filter a bit to increase the damping by 1,5...2dB which compensates for the perceived additional brightness.
I have been spending a couple of hours listening to music and I am again really impressed.

The 3 most obvious improvements are:
Clarity and separation - tightness, speed and control of the bass and sub-bass - detail and openness

The difference to the Nobunaga cable is quite stark

Compared to the EX800 both IEMS retain their character, with the FD02 being the smoother and more enjoyable and lively of the 2 for me, the EX800 delivering a bit drier and more monitoring style sound. Bass control and texture and soundstage are still a hair better on the EX800 although the FD02 has caught up and delivers a deeper, dry and controlled sub bass that is really fun to listen to.
Detail on both is about the same, but a little rougher on the EX800 and smoother and more shimmering on the FD02.
Where the FD02 beats the EX800 now is the separation and clarity. In direct comparison, the FD02 simply always remains composed and the EX800 at times feels congested.

With the retuned damping the FD02 now keeps a smooth sound, but clearer and cleaner in all aspects, with a touch of warmth that works beautifully with vocals, and a new shimmer and sparkle in the treble and a slightly leaner, drier and tighter bass and sub bass.

I’ll soon compare against the T8iE and now I think the FD02 is ready for that challenge.
Jun 12, 2019 at 3:14 AM Post #311 of 428
Short update
I received the Yinoo silver cable and the A&K T8iE MKII yesterday.

The cable is quite a bit thicker than I had expected but looks very well made, with tight fitting connectors.
I didn't have much time for tests, also because I keep having mechanical issues with my DIY cable (wires breaking at the MMCX connector)
First impression are promising.

The T8iE is VERY different from the FD02, even after taming the upper mid/lower treble energy of the FD02 it's go much more energy in that frequency range than the T8iE.
What's immediately clear is the superior soundstage of the T8iE, the very different, warmer, darker tuning, and I'd say the T8iE is more refined in resolution, detail and separation.
But the FD02 is no slouch, fun, punchy, clear and energetic, with emphasis on sub-bass and upper mid/lower treble with a smooth upper treble.
The T8iE in comparison has more emphasis from mid bass to lower mids IMO, also paired with a smooth upper treble

I think I'll change the mod of the FD02 to make them sound a little darker still (or less bright) and get these two a little closer for easier comparison.

Thanks to @crinacle 's wonderful graph comparison tool I put together the graphs of the T8iE (MK1) and the FD02 and added the dashed red curve with the approximate response of my modded FD02. This shows really well the big differences in the bass-lower mids and the 2-5k region. I think I'll bring down that range by another 2-3dB

T8iE vs FD02.PNG
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Jun 12, 2019 at 9:20 AM Post #312 of 428
Short update
I received the Yinoo silver cable and the A&K T8iE MKII yesterday.

The cable is quite a bit thicker than I had expected but looks very well made, with tight fitting connectors.
I didn't have much time for tests, also because I keep having mechanical issues with my DIY cable (wires breaking at the MMCX connector)
First impression are promising.

The T8iE is VERY different from the FD02, even after taming the upper mid/lower treble energy of the FD02 it's go much more energy in that frequency range than the T8iE.
What's immediately clear is the superior soundstage of the T8iE, the very different, warmer, darker tuning, and I'd say the T8iE is more refined in resolution, detail and separation.
But the FD02 is no slouch, fun, punchy, clear and energetic, with emphasis on sub-bass and upper mid/lower treble with a smooth upper treble.
The T8iE in comparison has more emphasis from mid bass to lower mids IMO, also paired with a smooth upper treble

I think I'll change the mod of the FD02 to make them sound a little darker still (or less bright) and get these two a little closer for easier comparison.

Thanks to @crinacle 's wonderful graph comparison tool I put together the graphs of the T8iE (MK1) and the FD02 and added the dashed red curve with the approximate response of my modded FD02. This shows really well the big differences in the bass-lower mids and the 2-5k region. I think I'll bring down that range by another 2-3dB

That graph shows the T8IE MK1 though, and I believe the tuning between the MK1 and MK2 changed a bit (though not sure what changed exactly).
Jun 12, 2019 at 9:48 AM Post #313 of 428
That graph shows the T8IE MK1 though, and I believe the tuning between the MK1 and MK2 changed a bit (though not sure what changed exactly).

You are absolutely right.
I found statements that the MKII has a bit reduced bass, but there was not even consensus about that.
The basic finding that the T8iE has more emphasis on the 100-500Hz range and less on the 2-5kHz should still be valid for MKII though.
Jun 13, 2019 at 9:15 AM Post #314 of 428
Photo of the Yinoo cable. Looking really nice, but it's massive!
Certainly no understatement. Sound quality of the combination is very good.
I am switching between the T8iE and the FD02 with the Yinoo cable, and am enjoying both a lot.
Very different though. FD02 naturally fresh and clear with a nice bass foundation, T8iE warm and dark, very refined and great soundstage.

Jun 13, 2019 at 11:37 AM Post #315 of 428
Photo of the Yinoo cable. Looking really nice, but it's massive!
Certainly no understatement. Sound quality of the combination is very good.
I am switching between the T8iE and the FD02 with the Yinoo cable, and am enjoying both a lot.
Very different though. FD02 naturally fresh and clear with a nice bass foundation, T8iE warm and dark, very refined and great soundstage.

When you buying the fd01
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