JH Audio JH16 Pro First Impressions
May 9, 2011 at 5:34 PM Post #2,311 of 3,787

You haven't heard this on your other iems, so it's a problem. Don't drive yourself nuts.

It's not burn-in. Other people have had the same issue with other customs, they attributed it to armature placement in the earpiece--obviously I can't confirm that this is the cause, but it's an interesting theory. Westone's ES5 had it for a few folks and Westone was cool about remaking them--problem solved in all cases.
Send it back have them rebuild both earpieces, not only one.

Yes, I sent them back.  Very curious as to their findings because, like I say, it was subtle, nothing blatantly obvious but enough to detect a slight imbalance.
What is the problem with alcohol on acrylics?  Every few weeks I would usually use an antiseptic wipe on my IEM's and cords.
May 9, 2011 at 6:25 PM Post #2,312 of 3,787
Thanks for the replies.  I also got an email reply back from Jamie at JH saying that my graphic choice and colour was not going to add to the price.  Very happy about that.  They also suggested the 48 inch cable.  Sounds about right.
What do you guys think about the JH3a?  Luckily, it is outside my budget?
Congrats Bobfoc on the perfect initial fit.  I can imagine it will be a time or excitement and fear...leading to elation. 
May 9, 2011 at 11:40 PM Post #2,313 of 3,787


Yes, I sent them back.  Very curious as to their findings because, like I say, it was subtle, nothing blatantly obvious but enough to detect a slight imbalance.
What is the problem with alcohol on acrylics?  Every few weeks I would usually use an antiseptic wipe on my IEM's and cords.

Alcohol causes fissures and cracks in acrylic, as well as leading to a cloudy finish.
Use Audiowipes instead. I would avoid Novus brand cleaner, it can turn the certain clear plastics dark green (a very different green than "silver" cable turning green due to copper).
May 10, 2011 at 3:02 AM Post #2,314 of 3,787
I was adviced to use Audiologist's Choice Audio Wipes (160p canister) and it works like a charm. The same brand's single wipes reportedly contain alcohol, but the great, user-friendly canister doesn't.
May 10, 2011 at 7:59 AM Post #2,315 of 3,787
getting kinda frustrated with JHA
it's been more than 4 months since i bought my jh16 (lost them already) but my otterbox is still nowhere in sight!
i keep getting bounced off by jaben who asked me to ask JH (then what do i pay u for??) while my emails go ignored by JH
have emailed jaime 1 week ago, who didn't reply me so i sent it to brittany.
i seriously hope they'll reply me quick cos i will be overseas next week
May 11, 2011 at 6:06 PM Post #2,317 of 3,787
I managed to get some time to go to the audiologist for fitting.  Got the impressions for only $38 which was awesome since they quoted $120 and the first place that I called quoted $150.  I was quite pleased thinking that I could now pull the pin on an order.
And then I re-read the tip sheet from JH about getting ear impressions.  I had shown this to the audiologist prior to the fitting process.  My molds were created with my mouth only slightly ajar.  The tip sheet says that your mouth needs to be over 1-1.5 inches and you really should be using a bite bar.  Jaime confirm all of this for me in an email last night.
Dohh.  Looks like I will need to go back and get some new molds.  So dissappointing.
It is too much of a risk for a bad seal or uncomfortable fit to proceed with my current molds.
May 12, 2011 at 4:32 PM Post #2,318 of 3,787
Go back and get proper molds done as JH can only work with what they receive.
In theory, your audiologists made the mistake so should get it re-done for you for free. I'd personally kick up a fuss if they didn't.
The last thing you want though is to have to send your JH16s back repeatedly to get them sorted for fitment issues.
May 12, 2011 at 6:13 PM Post #2,319 of 3,787
Yes.  Sanity prevails.  I booked another appointment for this coming Monday.  They apologised and offered to redo for free.
The first round pink semi soft silicon molds look like part of a brain or internal organ etc.  Nowhere near as cool looking as a set of JH16's.
May 13, 2011 at 8:23 AM Post #2,320 of 3,787
I actually just got my pair of JH16's last week Thursday (today is day 8). I've probably listened to them for at least 4 hours each day, more on the previous weekend. So I have about 30-40 hours of use.


So far, I am not very happy with my purchase. I am holding out to make my final opinion until I get my desktop headphone amp (I currently only have two DAP's to use: Sony NWZA818 and clip+). I find the JH16's to be very, very sibilant. In fact I didn't really know what sibilance sounded like until I listened to these... My TF10's don't sound like this at all. When I fired up some tracks from my favorite artist, Seal, the sibilance in the song "Free" in his album "Soul" is just downright painful to listen to. 


As far as the seal of the headphones go, I think it is perfect on the right headphone, but I will need to send the left headphone back for a refit (if i am not careful and move my jaw the seal is broken and I can only guarantee a perfect seal by applying ever-so-slight pressure on the top of the headphone). Even when I apply the constant pressure and have a good long listen I am dissatisfied with the results. It has been 5 months since I have been able to listen to my HD650's with amp (i get them back tomorrow - i moved a few months ago to Eruope). But I know Seal's albums very well and I just do not remember them sounding this badly. I can't say that there is a lack of detail, but I wouldn't say that the details presented by the JH16's is any better than my TF10's... which absolutely should NOT be the case. The JH16's should blow the TF10's out of the water.


The bass isn't nearly as punchy as everyone has alluded to. I have heard it called "visceral" upon multiple occasions. I do not find it so at all. I prefer the bass of the TF10's. Is there bass? Absolutely, but to my ears, its more boomy than punchy. Sure there is some punch in there at times, but not what i was expecting and I do think the TF10's are better in this area as well. Because it seems sort of boomy at times I am thinking that perhaps my DAPs just aren't up to the job without an amp (yes i know an amp will help regardless) but it was my assumption that the JH16's would work fine without an amp and would work just fine alone with a DAP.


As far as source material goes, I listen to solely FLAC on my clip+. I only have VBR-mp3's on my Sony DAP, i think they are about ~215 bitrate, which shouldn't be too much worse than 320 FBR.


Right now I'm feeling like my particular pair of JH16's is worth... I don't know... $250? But in light of the fact that TF10's can be commonly purchased for ~$100... I just don't know. I'm going to keep using my JH16's and talk to JHAudio on Monday... but right now I definitely prefer my TF10's. /Sigh


On a lighter note, I am a HUGE fan of the stock silver (clear) cable that came with the JH16's! It is very supple, smooth, and looks sharp. Now if only I could be half as happy with my headphones as I am with the cable! 


So... What is going on? Any ideas guys?




P.S. I'm posting this in the Just got my JH 16's Today - Something Wrong? thread as well.. if that's not Kosher, please delete that post!

May 13, 2011 at 5:08 PM Post #2,321 of 3,787
So after three adjustments and two re-molds (one of each side), I have finally got the perfect fit on my JH16's.
It took just one day longer than two entire months from the time JH Audio first received my impressions (March 9th) to my audiologist receiving the final perfect fitting JH16's (May 10th). It was certainly a journey getting here, but I am happy that I strived to get the perfect fit. It's so worth it.
I think the JH16's are a very sensitive IEM to tune properly to each individual's ear. What I mean by this is, every re-fit/re-mold that I had always had some problem (a lot of sibiliance, or muffled bass, or channel imbalance/imaging problems). This was primarily due to the fact that one side was adjusted or re-molded without changing the other side, although JH Audio did once adjust the right side and then snip off the length of my left tip although they were not instructed to do so (pretty sure they did this to keep channel balance, but this resulted in a very bad fit on the left side which then required a re-mold). I think a lot of sibilance complaints about the JH16 is simply coming because the fit is not perfect. I can attest to this fact because when my JH16's did not fit right, there was always an excess amount of sibilance--all of which disappeared after the perfect fit (albeit, it took 3 adjustments and 2 re-molds to get there).
Additionally, I think the reason why sibilance issues apparently exist more on the JH16 is because the midrange drivers are separated from the bass units, whereas on the JH13 they are right next to each other. Additionally, Jerry Harvey discusses the vast difference in engineering/complexity between the JH13 and JH16 in this interview. The soundboard, crossover, tuning, and sound bores all play a big role in this precision tuning of the JH16, which consequently is a double-edged sword as it can sound very sibilant if the fit is not right; I think a more precise tuning & phase has to be done with the JH16 because of these reasons, and if the fit is not right then all goes haywire and you hear this terrible sibilance that everyone complains about. However as I mentioned, I hear absolutely no sibilance on my JH16's right now with a perfect fit--and if I do hear sibilance, then it is the track that has the sibilance, as there are a few tracks that I know with sibilance that I tried out and 'lo and behold the sibilance was portrayed well.
I went back to my audiologist today (Dr. Andrew Resnick in Manhattan--highly recommended and also a JH Audio recommended audiologist) and I thanked him for all the hard work and patience he had with me (going through two months of fitting and a new set of impressions for the right side, all with care, patience, and excellent communication).
At the same time I was able to compare the JH16 custom to the demo units of both the JH16 and the JH13. I can honestly say that I am very glad I went with the JH16 over the JH13. Although the JH13 sounded great and very competent, I think after listening extensively to the JH16 custom, JH16 demo, and JH13 demo, that the JH13 is lacking the authority and energy presented in the JH16. The midrange and highs were all very similar between the three units, with the JH16 custom getting the nod from me as well on these two attributes (probably because it was custom fitted and had a more polished sound). Additionally, the JH13 seemed to miss a lot of the deep vocal chord bass notes from the midrange. What I mean by this is that, when I listened to vocals on the JH16, I could hear the throat and the air vibrating around the vocals, whereas the JH13 did not convey this as realistically (though it did bring it out, it was not as convincing as the JH16). The JH13 did sound more neutral and very balanced, which I expected. At times when I tested some bassy music, the JH13 sounded a tad bit cleaner than the JH16, but I still preferred the authority and energy of the JH16's even if it sounded a tad bit congested during these rare moments where the JH13 sounded more clean.
I definitely noticed a lack of finesse and an "unpolished" sound with the demo units, all of which were completely alleviated with my custom JH16s. I will go over this and a bunch of other details extensively in an upcoming review that I plan on writing. Right now, I am very impressed with the JH16 sound and glad that I finally got a perfect fit.
I agree with Jerry Harvey when he described the JH16 and JH13 as:
"I compare the JH13's as the near fields that you mix down on, and the JH16's as the big speakers in the recording studio that when people come in you want them to hear the excitement of what you've been doing." (you can find him saying this in an interview here).
More impressions will follow soon!
May 13, 2011 at 6:47 PM Post #2,322 of 3,787
Thank You SolidVictory for sharing your history about the JH16. But I just want to add my experience. I had A LOT of sibilance with my JH16, and sent them back to JH Audio twice. And the crazy sibilance disappeared when they changed it to JH13, now they sound amazing. I got perfect fit on my 16s, and perfect fit on my 13s, because they share the same acrylic house, they "just" changed the X over and the drivers. So even with perfect fit, I was getting sibilance with my 16s. And almost the same thing happened with the head-fier "Nuwidol".

May 13, 2011 at 8:12 PM Post #2,323 of 3,787
Great comments solid victory.  It is always good to get an extra opinion on whether to go 13 or 16 too.
The leap of faith to splash down over $1k for something that I have never heard is quite daunting.  I have never heard a JH iem of any type and am reasonably happy with my TF10's.  So to go and spend money and arrange audiologist appointments is a scary phase.

So after three adjustments and two re-molds (one of each side), I have finally got the perfect fit on my JH16's.
It took just one day longer than two entire months from the time JH Audio first received my impressions (March 9th) to my audiologist receiving the final perfect fitting JH16's (May 10th). It was certainly a journey getting here, but I am happy that I strived to get the perfect fit. It's so worth it.
I think the JH16's are a very sensitive IEM to tune properly to each individual's ear. What I mean by this is, every re-fit/re-mold that I had always had some problem (a lot of sibiliance, or muffled bass, or channel imbalance/imaging problems). This was primarily due to the fact that one side was adjusted or re-molded without changing the other side, although JH Audio did once adjust the right side and then snip off the length of my left tip although they were not instructed to do so. I think a lot of sibilance complaints about the JH16 is simply coming because the fit is not perfect. I can attest to this fact because when my JH16's did not fit right, there was always an excess amount of sibilance--all of which disappeared after the perfect fit (albeit, it took 3 adjustments and 2 re-molds to get there).
Additionally, I think the reason why sibilance issues apparently exist more on the JH16 is because the midrange drivers are separated from the bass units, whereas on the JH13 they are right next to each other. Additionally, Jerry Harvey discusses the vast difference in engineering/complexity between the JH13 and JH16 in this interview. The soundboard, crossover, tuning, and sound bores all play a big role in this precision tuning of the JH16, which consequently is a double-edged sword as it can sound very sibilant if the fit is not right; I think a more precise tuning & phase has to be done with the JH16 because of these reasons, and if the fit is not right then all goes haywire and you hear this terrible sibilance that everyone complains about. However as I mentioned, I hear absolutely no sibilance on my JH16's right now with a perfect fit--and if I do hear sibilance, then it is the track that has the sibilance, as there are a few tracks that I know with sibilance that I tried out and 'lo and behold the sibilance was portrayed well.
I went back to my audiologist today (Dr. Andrew Resnick in Manhattan--highly recommended and also a JH Audio recommended audiologist) and I thanked him for all the hard work and patience he had with me (going through two months of fitting and a new set of impressions for the right side, all with care, patience, and excellent communication).
At the same time I was able to compare the JH16 custom to the demo units of both the JH16 and the JH13. I can honestly say that I am very glad I went with the JH16 over the JH13. Although the JH13 sounded great and very competent, I think after listening extensively to the JH16 custom, JH16 demo, and JH13 demo, that the JH13 is lacking the authority and energy presented in the JH16. The midrange and highs were all very similar between the three units, with the JH16 custom getting the nod from me as well on these two attributes (probably because it was custom fitted and had a more polished sound). Additionally, the JH13 seemed to miss a lot of the deep vocal chord bass notes from the midrange. What I mean by this is that, when I listened to vocals on the JH16, I could hear the throat and the air vibrating around the vocals, whereas the JH13 did not convey this as realistically (though it did bring it out, it was not as convincing as the JH16). The JH13 did sound more neutral and very balanced, which I expected. At times when I tested some bassy music, the JH13 sounded a tad bit cleaner than the JH16, but I still preferred the authority and energy of the JH16's even if it sounded a tad bit congested during these rare moments where the JH13 sounded more clean.
I definitely noticed a lack of finesse and an "unpolished" sound with the demo units, all of which were completely alleviated with my custom JH16s. I will go over this and a bunch of other details extensively in an upcoming review that I plan on writing. Right now, I am very impressed with the JH16 sound and glad that I finally got a perfect fit.
I agree with Jerry Harvey when he described the JH16 and JH13 as:
"I compare the JH13's as the near fields that you mix down on, and the JH16's as the big speakers in the recording studio that when people come in you want them to hear the excitement of what you've been doing." (you can find him saying this in an interview here).
More impressions will follow soon!

May 23, 2011 at 12:45 AM Post #2,324 of 3,787
JH16 fans, an interesting note.  
I have modded a pair of Fostex T50rp using what I call "rastapants" tuning.  The balance and detail is very on par with the jh16, but it's a full over ear can for $74, plus about $40 in stuff for the mods and new ear pads and about 2-3 hours of time to mod.  
A cheap way to get a pretty similar sound for an over ear when an IEM isn't the right tool for the job...   

P.S.  As I run them they are a few DB lower in output in the sub 150Hz arena, though they easily go below 20Hz.  This may make them a bit closer to the JH13, but also they can be tuned to have more bass easily enough...
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May 24, 2011 at 8:44 AM Post #2,325 of 3,787
Took advantage of the 15% off promotion today and joined the JH16 club. Now just to send off my impressions. See Facebook for the saving code. GettinHitched. Congrats to Jaime on the marriage.

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