JH Audio JH-13 PRO impressions thread
Aug 8, 2009 at 6:17 AM Post #3,046 of 10,753

Originally Posted by daveDerek /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Peter, did you ever get a chance to compare the two side by side? what did you find? is the treble calmed down now in the demo? how close/far is it from the custom? inquiring minds want to know

I haven't had a chance to try it out yet. I will report back tomorrow or the next day.
Aug 8, 2009 at 8:24 AM Post #3,047 of 10,753
For some reason I have totally missed both this thread and the Jerry Harvey is back! one.
But this custom mold IEM certainly looks stunning, and from what I have read so far it seems to be a winner sound wise as well.

It is no secret that my portable rig is a bit lacking (iPod nano -> iBud), and that I have had my eyes on custom molds for a couple of years. This one looks to be exactly what I am looking for, so have already taken steps towards getting proper ear molds done.
Lets see where this lead!
Aug 8, 2009 at 10:03 AM Post #3,048 of 10,753

Originally Posted by daveDerek /img/forum/go_quote.gif
'scuse me if this was already corrected but there are a couple of other members who've owned all three of these iems (Ricey20 & cmascatello - although his ue11s are now history), as well as a number that have at least two of them (Boomana(ue&jh), Edwood(w&jh), dscans (ue&w), and some others).
from what i can glean so far, the preferred iem seems to be the jh13s.

Ricey20 apparently only has the ES3X & JH13, and not the UE11 (see posts below & check his profile). Yes, I'd forgotten about cmascatello, but at least I did say "I believe HPA & Sasaki are the only ones..."


Originally Posted by Ricey20 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
..... My ES3X were my first customs as well and when I first tried them, it felt like I had plugged up my nose/mouth and blew really hard so my head got all stuffed up and things sounded a bit muffled. After awhile it went away and I ended up listening to the ES3X more than my O2s


Originally Posted by Ricey20 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The fit is good, thankfully that seems to be a common theme too
They are surprisingly just as comfortable as my ES3X with the heat tips. So far, they do sound quite different than the ES3X. I personally like them both

I do like the fact the JH13 is slightly less sensitive than the ES3X. I couldn't use the ES3X with my Jade amp because it hummed like crazy, not so with the JH13. The JH13 sounds awesome out of the Jade


Originally Posted by Ricey20 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yep, it's fine for me (been wearing them for 6 hours now
). I guess for those with extra sensitive ears/canals then the heat sensitive tips on the ES3X would be better.

So far I think the JH13 pro is a bit more neutral than the ES3X, which to me seems to have a bit of warmth in the mids and a bit rolled in the highs and lows. Of course, that's not necessarily a bad thing as I do like it too
The JH13 also seems to have SLIGHTLY more detail and the added extension is noticeable to me. Soundstage wise, I haven't really compared/taken any notes on that yet. I guess if you look at specs the JH13 is technically superior but it really boils down to taste and in the end I can't decide which is really better, I just like both

Aug 8, 2009 at 10:56 AM Post #3,049 of 10,753

Originally Posted by Ricey20 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yep, it's fine for me (been wearing them for 6 hours now
). I guess for those with extra sensitive ears/canals then the heat sensitive tips on the ES3X would be better.

It would depend on the player I think, but for the most part the JH13 would at least be less prone to hiss.

So far I think the JH13 pro is a bit more neutral than the ES3X, which to me seems to have a bit of warmth in the mids and a bit rolled in the highs and lows. Of course, that's not necessarily a bad thing as I do like it too
The JH13 also seems to have SLIGHTLY more detail and the added extension is noticeable to me. Soundstage wise, I haven't really compared/taken any notes on that yet. I guess if you look at specs the JH13 is technically superior but it really boils down to taste and in the end I can't decide which is really better, I just like both

Oh yeahh. Thanks for reminding me. Now I remember Ricey's impression/comparison. Wow... I think I've partially come to my conclusion of my purchase decision. It's probably going to be the JH - nope, the ES3X. Seems like while the JH13 is technically superior, a few are noting that they don't emphasize the mids like the ES3X does (Westone meant for the ES3X's function to be somewhere in between for studio monitoring and audiophile listening); and I recall at least a couple ES3X owners (HPA and someone else) commented on the ES3X's magical mids. Most of the music that I listen to is oriental and is vocal-centric. The oriental string instruments in my favorite music vibrate mostly in the mids. Pila, I can imagine that from all of these impressions in this thread, you'd probably have enjoyed the JH13's more. :p

I haven't totally made up my mind, at least, until the good man posts his impressions and comparisons.
Aug 8, 2009 at 11:45 AM Post #3,051 of 10,753

Originally Posted by music_4321 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
^^ How dare you say you're somehow leaning more towards the ES3X -- You just can't say that on the JH13 thread. You CAN'T!!.

Go away. NOW!! :)

Oh, it'll be much more than just a lean if Powderhound can get Westone to start producing a balance-cabled ES3X.
Aug 8, 2009 at 11:59 AM Post #3,052 of 10,753
^^ You're asking for it, aren't you? Well, let me tell you one thing: You're either deaf, poor, a cheapskate or very OLD, or a combination of all 4. There!
Aug 8, 2009 at 12:10 PM Post #3,053 of 10,753

Originally Posted by music_4321 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
^^ You're asking for it, aren't you? Well, let me tell you one thing: You're either deaf, poor, a cheapskate or very OLD, or a combination of all 4. There!

I should have been smarter not to abuse my first constitutional amendment's rights. I'm done for, aren't I?
Aug 8, 2009 at 12:44 PM Post #3,054 of 10,753

Originally Posted by music_4321 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
^^ How dare you say you're somehow leaning more towards the ES3X -- You just can't say that on the JH13 thread. You CAN'T!!.

Go away. NOW!! :)

Hey, my friend, please cool down. everybody has his right to express his opinion, right?

You see, every body has his taste, it is no strange.
Aug 8, 2009 at 12:59 PM Post #3,055 of 10,753

Originally Posted by Booda /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Hey, my friend, please cool down. everybody has his right to express his opinion, right?

You see, every body has his taste, it is no strange.

he was just joking lol
Aug 8, 2009 at 1:59 PM Post #3,057 of 10,753
I've had people who tried my rig complain that it wasn't "musical" to them.

Plus they listen to different music altogether.

So actually it's really down to preferences. You might want to check out the JH10x3 before you decide on the ES3X as well, because if you like that kind of signature it might be for you.


Objectively it might not give you most amount of details, or churn out all the technical things that I look out for, at least you enjoy it. =)
Aug 8, 2009 at 3:03 PM Post #3,058 of 10,753
I must get a pair! Just to know how good they are...
Aug 8, 2009 at 3:50 PM Post #3,059 of 10,753

Originally Posted by powertoold /img/forum/go_quote.gif
From the size of the JH13's drivers, I see no reason why a universal 6-driver IEM won't come out in the next year or two.

Hmmmmm "Power of suggestion".... considering JH monitors this thread..

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