JH Audio Angie Impressions and Discussion Thread
Oct 15, 2015 at 8:09 PM Post #721 of 3,122
2 o'clock bass is just right, most of the time. The cable is great. The best I've used, so far.
Oct 15, 2015 at 8:42 PM Post #722 of 3,122
Hey Angie owners, I am trying to decide between Angie and Roxanne Universal fit
Right now I have 1964 Ears V6 customs, and they have a nice, rich sound, but slightly dark with rolled off treble.   Alot like my Sennheiser HD650s.   But I also find they are inadequate for classical music.   
I am looking for an IEM to complement my V6, something with a bit more treble detail and clear highs for listening to classical music.  
I suspect that the Angie would fit the bill, but it is super tempting to spend the extra 250 dollars in my case and get the Roxanne.  But I heard the Roxanne were "dark" sounding which to me means they will have a signature similar to HD650, which I don't like for classical.   For classical I like HD 700, or HD 800.  Bright sounding phones, to reveal all the slightest details and nuance of the classical recordings. From what I have read, Angie are brighter and less "dark" than the Roxanne.  Possibly Layla too, but they are out of my budget unfortunately. 
Will Angie fit the bill moreso than Roxanne for classical?   
Oct 15, 2015 at 8:54 PM Post #723 of 3,122
I've not heard Roxanne, myself. Folk do say they are quite warm and rowdy. The darkest phones I've owned were the Audio Technica IM04. They were velvety and quite dark.

Angie is not what I would call bright and analytical, though compared to the IM04 you could make that argument. I think she's got enough warmth to remain outside of that classification. Angie is CLEAR. Crystal clear, with brilliant, extended, pure treble. There's an abundance of detail from the tip-y top of the frequency spectrum all the way to the lowest lows.

With her adjustable bass, you can find your own perfect mix.
Oct 15, 2015 at 8:57 PM Post #724 of 3,122
  It's personal so you'll need to listen but here's my take with admittedly only short listens to the Angie. Check the 1st page of this thread and you'll see my initial take after a few minutes listen. You'll see I got it right and instantly preferred it to Laylas on DAPs.
With stock cables, I prefer the Angie but if you put a standard Whiplash TWAG V3 cable on your JH13fps, it's hard to beat beyond personal preferences. If you try the TWAG, give it a couple hundred hours to run it before coming to a conclusion. Gives it more apparent extension and harmonic structure like the the Sirens plus more with more space between notes. Angie is a bit more midcentric but both are effectively correct with the 13 having a slight raise of the lower bass. The twag doesn't decrease the lower bass, in fact it may be more apparent as the mids clear out once run in. Its not a very 'silver' sounding cable once settled.

Would it be correct to assume the Angies are more laidback and mid-centric than the 13s?
Oct 16, 2015 at 3:30 AM Post #725 of 3,122
Hey Angie owners, I am trying to decide between Angie and Roxanne Universal fit

Right now I have 1964 Ears V6 customs, and they have a nice, rich sound, but slightly dark with rolled off treble.   Alot like my Sennheiser HD650s.   But I also find they are inadequate for classical music.   

I am looking for an IEM to complement my V6, something with a bit more treble detail and clear highs for listening to classical music.  

I suspect that the Angie would fit the bill, but it is super tempting to spend the extra 250 dollars in my case and get the Roxanne.  But I heard the Roxanne were "dark" sounding which to me means they will have a signature similar to HD650, which I don't like for classical.   For classical I like HD 700, or HD 800.  Bright sounding phones, to reveal all the slightest details and nuance of the classical recordings. From what I have read, Angie are brighter and less "dark" than the Roxanne.  Possibly Layla too, but they are out of my budget unfortunately. 

Will Angie fit the bill moreso than Roxanne for classical?   

I've had the Angie, Roxanne and 1964 ears V8. I would say Angie would compliment your 1964 ears better. Roxanne is pretty dark and warm sounding.
Oct 16, 2015 at 7:59 AM Post #726 of 3,122
  Hey Angie owners, I am trying to decide between Angie and Roxanne Universal fit
Right now I have 1964 Ears V6 customs, and they have a nice, rich sound, but slightly dark with rolled off treble.   Alot like my Sennheiser HD650s.   But I also find they are inadequate for classical music.   
I am looking for an IEM to complement my V6, something with a bit more treble detail and clear highs for listening to classical music.  
I suspect that the Angie would fit the bill, but it is super tempting to spend the extra 250 dollars in my case and get the Roxanne.  But I heard the Roxanne were "dark" sounding which to me means they will have a signature similar to HD650, which I don't like for classical.   For classical I like HD 800.  Bright sounding phones, to reveal all the slightest details and nuance of the classical recordings. From what I have read, Angie are brighter and less "dark" than the Roxanne.  Possibly Layla too, but they are out of my budget unfortunately. 
Will Angie fit the bill moreso than Roxanne for classical?   

Κ3003 is also another good option as it has been labeled as an iem sounding like HD800, and can be found used here for 500-550$ , if you wanna stay inside budget

angie seems to be much better than roxanne though , so if you are only contemplating one of the 2 , angie hands down otherwise check out the K3003
Oct 16, 2015 at 8:05 AM Post #727 of 3,122
I've seen the UERM compared favorably, also.
Oct 16, 2015 at 8:18 AM Post #728 of 3,122
Would it be correct to assume the Angies are more laidback and mid-centric than the 13s?

I don't know about laid back but the Angie is a bit more midcentric to my ear. Maybe laid back because it's a bit back in the lower treble. I liked the bass closer to noon but I adjusted it for the mid transition vs overall quantity as it does affect the mids. It seems to do a general warming as opposed to just adding bass. I also only listened with AK devises so output impedance may have been a factor as well. They may have more highs with a lower source impedance and slightly change that character though I think midcentric is a good description, at least lower/mid midcentric. The 13 actually sounds more linear to me other than a rising bass that only sounds slightly overdone below 50 or so. It has similar midbass to the Angie control between 11-12 O'clock and alway more apparent low bass. It doesn't sound as refined with the stock cable but the the TWAG does it a treat. Of course, that also adds another $350 to the cost.
Setup this way, it will be very revealing of source which isn't always a great thing but it sounds/sounded great with my AKs, Lotoo, QP1r
, and even my Hisound a3 which is no shrinking violet. I think that with the Sirens, you get a certain focus and delineation from the steep crossover slopes alignment, low IM distortion and new driver tech. Folks are caught up on frequency response when as long as it's close, other things like timing and all your drivers playing together are more important to the soul and contrast of the music. There's more overlap on the 13 but Freqphase actually does it's job here and they can also get very black and focused, especially with the TWAG. I suspect its phase curve is actually flatter than the Sirens due to the different crossover design but it would also need to be for that same reason, more overlap. I haven't been moved to change from my 13s because I don't really think there's anything better once I put the TWAG on it, only a handful of different. 
Oct 16, 2015 at 9:22 AM Post #729 of 3,122
I've seen the UERM compared favorably, also.

We all have our favs with good reasons for it. The JH13 won over it in innerfidelity's shootout but there are respected members here that have had both and prefer the UERMs leaner take. It's valid and in that best range if it fits an individual. It's a great example of tuning for balance above 100hz vs time domain. It's probably more linear than the Angie but it's impulse response (time domain) isn't as good.


I'm not showing frequency response because they can't be sourced from the same place and they vary a lot by who measures them. Impulse doesn't change much if at all. Angie has a dip in the lower treble and the UERM has a bit of added treble sparkle. Neither is problematic. 
Oct 16, 2015 at 10:38 AM Post #730 of 3,122
I've had Angie for over a month now. Instead of becoming disillusioned by it, I am ever the more impressed and content with this purchase. The only upgrade I've even contemplated is moving over to a custom shell for her.
Oct 16, 2015 at 11:28 AM Post #731 of 3,122
We all have our favs with good reasons for it. The JH13 won over it in innerfidelity's shootout but there are respected members here that have had both and prefer the UERMs leaner take. It's valid and in that best range if it fits an individual. It's a great example of tuning for balance above 100hz vs time domain. It's probably more linear than the Angie but it's impulse response (time domain) isn't as good.



I'm not showing frequency response because they can be sourced from the same place and they vary a lot by who measures them. Impulse doesn't change much if at all. Angie has a dip in the lower treble and the UERM has a bit of added treble sparkle. Neither is problematic. 

Thank God I listen to music with my ears and not with my eyes using graphs or I never would enjoy anything
Oct 16, 2015 at 2:53 PM Post #733 of 3,122
Thank God I listen to music with my ears and not with my eyes using graphs or I never would enjoy anything

I've never formed an opinion from a graph but some knowledge as to why you may hear something a certain way after the fact is never a bad thing. If anyone expects perfection from an IEM, they're barking up the wrong tree. Until today, all my comments have been from listening and I've never seen a JH13fp measurement.
Oct 16, 2015 at 4:32 PM Post #734 of 3,122
I've had Angie for over a month now. Instead of becoming disillusioned by it, I am ever the more impressed and content with this purchase. The only upgrade I've even contemplated is moving over to a custom shell for her.

Totally agree.  It's relegated my LCD-2s to the closet.  I brought out the LCDs recently because they looked lonely and promptly put them back in the closet:  Angies have better slam and presence and is more pleasing to my ear.
Oct 16, 2015 at 5:05 PM Post #735 of 3,122
Totally agree.  It's relegated my LCD-2s to the closet.  I brought out the LCDs recently because they looked lonely and promptly put them back in the closet:  Angie's have better slam and presence and is more pleasing to my ear.

I had the same feeling with my HD 700s, yesterday. Dusted it off after a month and I ran them through HUGO. I felt it did not have any impact at all, across the frequency range. 
I might still keep it for Gaming, it's so Comfortable and has plenty of air circulation!

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