Ipod classic - rockbox - its happening.
Sep 10, 2011 at 1:37 AM Post #288 of 3,645
I have a 160 GB classic (this is 6th gen, yes? Please correct me if I am wrong).
I would sing if I could get my iPod to play FLAC files as I would no longer need to have a separate ALAC and FLAC library.  As long as I can still interface it with other digital components that utilize the DIGITAL out I will be happy.
I have an old dedicated laptop just for craptunes so I can manage my iPod with ALAC -- Rockbox would be my ticket out!
Does anyone know if a stable version exists for this 160GB iPod yet?  It has to be close...
Sep 12, 2011 at 5:30 AM Post #290 of 3,645
I've used it on my 160GB (fat, 6G) classic for the last week or so.  It's perfectly usable stability-wise - I had one lock-up when I was doing a lot of searching and pausing/unpausing on a track, but otherwise works perfectly.  Battery life isn't great, but I'm used to taking a hit on that with RB.  Reversed channels is a bizarre bug, but since I only tend to use my ipod with IEMs, reversing them isn't an issue.
Sep 12, 2011 at 7:22 PM Post #291 of 3,645
Does the digital out work?
If not, does the analog line out work?
And, are the stereo channels swapped there as well?
Sep 12, 2011 at 9:41 PM Post #292 of 3,645
I'm using it (no idea if it's the latest version, but according to the site no updates have occurred since spring). It crashes quite often (1G Classic 160GB). I believe I have an extended battery installed, so I'm not really noticing a hit on battery life.
Sep 21, 2011 at 6:06 PM Post #294 of 3,645
Rockbox is still at release version 13 for the ipod classic. The same issues are there: stability, battery consumption, no bootloader, no recording and minimal accessory support.
Oct 2, 2011 at 9:56 AM Post #296 of 3,645
I have had it on mine for a fair while now. Haven't bothered to see if the channels are reversed (might do that today for interest's sake), but I find it very usable. Did the install using the instructions on the EMCore page. For the record:
iPod 160GB (2007, fat model)
FiiO E7 (Am using a bog-standard line out cable, don't have to do anything special to make it work.)
Grado SR60i headphones
Was pleasantly surprised to find that it plays ALAC on Friday...so for all of you out their with significant collections of both ALAC and FLAC, fear not....
Oct 2, 2011 at 3:30 PM Post #298 of 3,645
Its not the greatest ever...I habitually plug my iPod in every night though, to update and add/remove albums and podcasts, so I am not too worried about it. That said, I listen for at least 6 hours a day, and primary in large flac files. I could probably go three days without charging.
Oct 2, 2011 at 6:23 PM Post #299 of 3,645
Its not the greatest ever...I habitually plug my iPod in every night though, to update and add/remove albums and podcasts, so I am not too worried about it. That said, I listen for at least 6 hours a day, and primary in large flac files. I could probably go three days without charging.

I fail to see that as bad.
Oct 2, 2011 at 10:55 PM Post #300 of 3,645
Indeed, neither do I...its not as good as it was using the old firmware, but its a small price to pay for the format flexibility of Rockbox in my humble opinion.

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