Sep 7, 2012 at 3:04 PM Post #16 of 53
The GSIII does not have better sound than an iPhone, in fact it has shockingly bad sound (at least the USA version) - both specs-wise and in actual usage.  I'll be returning mine at the end of the return window since I can't stand listening to anything on it.

That's because the USA versions(all of them) have Snapdragon S4 SoC instead of Exynos(international). Only Exynos has Wolfson DAC.
Sep 11, 2012 at 2:28 PM Post #17 of 53
The sound quality on the iPhone 4 and 4S is much higher than that of a 4th generation iPod touch and in fact any iPod touch. There is a measurable and audible difference.
Sep 11, 2012 at 3:34 PM Post #18 of 53
The GSIII does not have better sound than an iPhone, in fact it has shockingly bad sound (at least the USA version) - both specs-wise and in actual usage.  I'll be returning mine at the end of the return window since I can't stand listening to anything on it.

Is this through the headphone port you are talking about ?
Didn't I read somewhere that the SG S3 supports line out using USB OTG through the Micro-USB port so you can run it through an external amp/DAC ?
Sep 12, 2012 at 6:57 AM Post #19 of 53
The sound quality on the iPhone 4 and 4S is much higher than that of a 4th generation iPod touch and in fact any iPod touch. There is a measurable and audible difference.

I mentioned this earlier on in the post. I bought the iPhone 4S last week and report that the SQ is indeed better than on the iPod Touch 4G. The SQ on the 4S is similar to my Sony A729 and X1060. However, I don't know if this is placebo but ever since jailbreaking my 4S I find the SQ a bit more harsh and cold than before. Could jailbreaking do this or could it be that I've installed other apps like Sonic Max Pro which I find a bit harsh that is making the stock player sound harsh too? Please advise.
Sep 12, 2012 at 8:13 AM Post #20 of 53
I mentioned this earlier on in the post. I bought the iPhone 4S last week and report that the SQ is indeed better than on the iPod Touch 4G.

How much of a difference would you say there is?
Sep 12, 2012 at 8:48 AM Post #21 of 53
How much of a difference would you say there is?

Alot.  My iPhone 4S doesn't sound as harsh and cold as the iPod Touch 4G. However when saying all this I did a jailbreak of my 4S and it sounds a bit more harsh and colder than before. I don't know if its anything to do with jailbreaking or the fact I've installed other EQ apps. Funny thing is I installed SonicMax Pro and I find that app makes the SQ cold and harsh and since installing that I find the stock player back to iPod TOuch SQ. I don't know if it's placebo effect kicking in.
Sep 12, 2012 at 8:59 AM Post #22 of 53
If you're buying this for music, why don't you just get an iPod Touch? Could probably get a new one at the price of a second-hand iPhone.
Plus, I'm sure there's no difference in the sound.

Not from what I've heard. The iphone4 actually sounds better than the itouch. YMWV. To be fair I own the iphone4 and no longer use it since moving on to much better DAPs (sound quality wise that is).
Sep 12, 2012 at 9:00 AM Post #23 of 53
SGS3 has TERRIBLE audio quality and output impedance. (over 3 ohms) Unacceptable for a premium phone, sold mine.
Iphone 4 has slightly lower output impedance than 4s, that said i doubt you could tell the difference between the two.

I wouldn't say that the S III has terrible SQ, I think it's fine. It uses a Wolfson chip and there are some partial ports of voodoo sound to the SIII.
Sep 12, 2012 at 9:02 AM Post #24 of 53
Alot.  My iPhone 4S doesn't sound as harsh and cold as the iPod Touch 4G. However when saying all this I did a jailbreak of my 4S and it sounds a bit more harsh and colder than before. I don't know if its anything to do with jailbreaking or the fact I've installed other EQ apps. Funny thing is I installed SonicMax Pro and I find that app makes the SQ cold and harsh and since installing that I find the stock player back to iPod TOuch SQ. I don't know if it's placebo effect kicking in.

When I had my Touch 4G, I had Sonicmax Pro, EQu, and Equalizer all installed, and the sound of the stock player never changed for me. Maybe it was the jailbreak? I never tried that.
Sep 12, 2012 at 9:48 AM Post #25 of 53
Alot.  My iPhone 4S doesn't sound as harsh and cold as the iPod Touch 4G. However when saying all this I did a jailbreak of my 4S and it sounds a bit more harsh and colder than before. I don't know if its anything to do with jailbreaking or the fact I've installed other EQ apps. Funny thing is I installed SonicMax Pro and I find that app makes the SQ cold and harsh and since installing that I find the stock player back to iPod TOuch SQ. I don't know if it's placebo effect kicking in.

Did you jailbreak your Ipod touch as well. May have something to do with your original preference.
I always preferred the LOD out of the touch 3 to the 4 as well but the amp in the 4 is better.
Sep 12, 2012 at 10:03 AM Post #26 of 53
Hi currently I am using Galaxy S2 and I must say it has the WORST sound quality period!!. Before this I used Moto Rokr E8 and Sony Walkman phone .
I am looking for a phone with SQ similar to Moto or Sony and better yet comparable to ipod classic 5/6 generation .
Out of iphone 4/4s which would be a better music phone also any idea how is sq of Nokia pureview phones .
Sep 12, 2012 at 10:51 AM Post #27 of 53
Did you jailbreak your Ipod touch as well. May have something to do with your original preference.
I always preferred the LOD out of the touch 3 to the 4 as well but the amp in the 4 is better.

Yeah, My iPod Touch 4G is jailbroken aswell. I wonder what the jailbreak does to degrade the SQ. Hmm its making me wonder.
Sep 12, 2012 at 10:54 AM Post #28 of 53
Yeah, My iPod Touch 4G is jailbroken aswell. I wonder what the jailbreak does to degrade the SQ. Hmm its making me wonder.

I'd probably only jail break the unit if you plan on using a superior DAC/Amp section with your ipod/iphone4. The UHA6 MKII would take your set up to an entirely different level.
Sep 12, 2012 at 12:04 PM Post #29 of 53
I only did a jailbreak on my iPhone 4S because of the cydia app External iPod Controls which allows me to use the volumes buttons for next track/previuos track skipping. I really didn't think this jailbreak would degrade the SQ but it doesn't sound as sweet as it did before I applied the jailbreak.
Sep 12, 2012 at 8:50 PM Post #30 of 53
I only did a jailbreak on my iPhone 4S because of the cydia app External iPod Controls which allows me to use the volumes buttons for next track/previuos track skipping. I really didn't think this jailbreak would degrade the SQ but it doesn't sound as sweet as it did before I applied the jailbreak.

Could be apples own EQ at work.

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