Sep 12, 2012 at 9:27 PM Post #31 of 53
Ive never heard anybody else say that a jailbreak degrades SQ. My iPhone 4 is jailbroken and i notice no difference in sq. I dont use any eq or any non stock eq apps though. I just plug my GR01's into the headphone jack and enjoy.
Sep 13, 2012 at 4:54 AM Post #32 of 53
Did you jailbreak the iPhone 4 with songs still on the device?
Sep 13, 2012 at 5:47 PM Post #33 of 53
Go for the ipod classic.I tried the 4th touch and returned it 2 days later.Terrible compared to my 80gb classic.Now i just bought the new/7th gen classic.And it sounds better (slightly).Because of cleaner sound without any sacrifices.Also tried Sony Z.Bass on the classic is way better in terms of impact and snap.My sisters iphone 4 sounds very good.But not as good as the classic.
Sep 14, 2012 at 2:21 AM Post #34 of 53
I've heard most people actually prefer the iPhone to the classic. The best sounding iPod to most people though is the iPod video though aka the 5th generation. That in part is due to the superior sound quality of a Wolfson chip. I hope they bring these back to Apple portables.
Dec 27, 2012 at 2:53 PM Post #36 of 53
They already have the wolfson DACs and he sets them up for line out. I still think the best Ipod at headphone out into most IEMs is the touch 4. I only heard a Iphone 4s breifly but thought it quite good. Thought it seemed to have more texture to it than the touch 4. I think it's and the touch 4s output impedance is about 2 ohms.
Dec 28, 2012 at 10:55 AM Post #39 of 53
I've read that the Touch 5th gen. sounds better than the 4th, but not audible to me.
Jan 12, 2013 at 3:45 PM Post #40 of 53
Ive been lookin around the Internet lately and have found forum discussions in which every one clearly states that the iPhone 3GS has the greatest sound quality of all the iPhones. Hopefully the iPhone 5 was able to return to the 3GS' sound quality?
Jan 13, 2013 at 12:37 PM Post #41 of 53
Ive been lookin around the Internet lately and have found forum discussions in which every one clearly states that the iPhone 3GS has the greatest sound quality of all the iPhones. Hopefully the iPhone 5 was able to return to the 3GS' sound quality?

I've read others that said differently. The only way to know for sure is try it for yourself.
Jan 13, 2013 at 2:09 PM Post #42 of 53
I was actually going to buy a secondhand Samsung Galaxy (i9000) because of the Wolfson DAC which was going for under £200 so its a choice between that and the iPhone 4 and 4S even though the iPhone 4/ 4S doesn't have the Wolfson DAC.

The Galaxy S with stock player is nothing impressive but once voodoo'd and combined with Neutron player.... for a mere phone it is just unbelievable, it totally wastes my Sony X-series in terms of SQ in every single area I sh1t you not.
I have listened to the S3 with stock player and its not bad but nothing special, hopefully Supercurio can release its untapped potential and release the App soon...
I have only listened to the Iphone 4 very briefly so can't really comment on its SQ in comparison.
The Iphone 4 is supposed to have superior test data but real world user experience can often paint a different picture. As someone else described the Galaxy S1 with the Voodoo Sound App compared to the Iphone 4- 
"...however my experience has been much longer with the Galaxy S (1st Gen) with the Class W Wolfson DAC and supercurio's Voodoo Sound. Additionally, the music sounds more "correct" on the SGS. It sounds more organic.
Voodoo Sound also gets you the configurability and high quality 128x oversampling (aka Hi-fi play which gives you 128x Oversampling) via direct DAC access. Anti-jitter option accesses the ReTune (from Wolfson) Anti-Jitter features which are baked into the chip for added sound clarity due to better audio clock source management.  
DAC Direct bypasses the Android analog Channel Mixer of the device, delivering superior SNR (aka Signal to Noise Ratio) with low distortion for a portable device. Finally, the Bass Boost feature (which you can tailor to pump the sub-bass frequencies (aka Sub-bass), lower bass (aka Standard), midbass (aka Medium), or bass & mids (aka Small speakers; which works well with those times you actually want to just use the phone without headphones and NO accessory speakers, (can't do that with an iPhone as far as I know and have it sound remotely "natural")... Works well. Very very well. Not just with my ESW9's but with everything I've listened with (except for some DIY SFI Ortho cans which just can't be pushed by such a "puny" source. Though its far from puny. Never tested output directly to the iPhone 4 so I can't comment."
Part of one post from this thread-
Jan 13, 2013 at 5:43 PM Post #43 of 53
I've read that the Touch 5th gen. sounds better than the 4th, but not audible to me.

I can verify the 5th gen iPhone sounds better than the 5th gen itouch with UM3X RC's that is... neither are as good as a Walkman X or Z
Jan 14, 2013 at 2:28 PM Post #44 of 53
I can't remember as far back as the Sony X or what it sounded like - it was a player I didn't like for various reasons, though.
Anything Apple is good enough for me.
Jan 14, 2013 at 2:35 PM Post #45 of 53
I can't remember as far back as the Sony X or what it sounded like - it was a player I didn't like for various reasons, though.
Anything Apple is good enough for me.

I do miss my 4th gen Touch, with one exception.....the too-small screen that it had. Of course, the new ones addressed that issue, so I remain

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