Jun 20, 2010 at 1:40 PM Post #271 of 623
 LOL so now the iPad is the reasonably sized one? And the Touch's size is a "limitation"? Mac fanboyism at its finest.

I don't own a Mac and never have. I have PCs. Yes, a 3.5 inch screen is a limitation for books, video, photos, magazines, etc.. There is a reason publishers don't put out very many books or mags with a 3.5 inch page size. Apple makes the Touch and the iPad so I am not favoring one company over another.
  And you're right, the LCD size comparison is spot on- who wants to see anyone flaunt their mere 22" LCD? If you wanna stay up-to-date, hip, and trendy, you gotta go with the 60"!

I guess you did not understand the LCD comparison. A 22 inch serves a different purpose. It is for desktops or for very small rooms. A 60 inch is for movies and a truer theater experience in a larger room. The point is that they aren't comparable. No one looking for a 60 inch LCD is going to end up buying a 22 inch or vice versa.   

Jun 20, 2010 at 1:46 PM Post #272 of 623
I don't have a touch, but I have an iPhone. The iPhone is ok for a quick check of a web page, but it's too small for normal web browsing, it's also too small for reading a large number of emails, watching a two hour movie or writing using a keyboard. The iPad excels at all these things.

The iPhone will get you by until you can get to a computer. The iPad will make it so most of the time you won't need one.
Jun 20, 2010 at 2:30 PM Post #273 of 623
Were you really "Laughing out Loud" when you posted that? I doubt it.
No, more likely you were using it to signify your feelings of malice toward someone who has a viewpoint that you probably don't understand, not owning the product and more than likely having never handled one. 
Bad news, chum: your points here are tired and worn out, and your contribution to this thread is both unnecessary and lacking in any substance. I'm so tired of posts like yours; go somewhere else and add to discussions rather than detracting from them. 
LOL so now the iPad is the reasonably sized one? And the Touch's size is a "limitation"? Mac fanboyism at its finest. 
And you're right, the LCD size comparison is spot on- who wants to see anyone flaunt their mere 22" LCD? If you wanna stay up-to-date, hip, and trendy, you gotta go with the 60"!

Jun 20, 2010 at 3:50 PM Post #274 of 623
I don't have a touch, but I have an iPhone. The iPhone is ok for a quick check of a web page, but it's too small for normal web browsing, it's also too small for reading a large number of emails, watching a two hour movie or writing using a keyboard. The iPad excels at all these things.

The iPhone will get you by until you can get to a computer. The iPad will make it so most of the time you won't need one.

I'm surprised it took this long for someone to bring up typing; how is the keyboard on the Touch, lol. As a "hunt and pecker" I am looking forward to typing on the screen, as I won't have to look away from it to type like I do now. I know from my Nokia that typing on a small touch screen is ridiculous, and you need a stylus to do it if you don't have seriously small fingers.
I have never owned an Apple touch screen device before, but I am really looking forward to receiving my iPad. It's a shame ATT had to cripple the 3g video streaming by downrezing it, but otherwise I am planning on getting a lot of use from it, and being quite thrilled with the sophisticated multi-touch/gesture experience.
It's going to be exactly like Apple claims: even if you have never used it, "you already know how". That's the best part, IMO: even without any experience with the OS, it will be an almost non-existent learning curve.
Except for the jailbreaking part, that is

Jun 21, 2010 at 9:20 PM Post #277 of 623


Originally Posted by El_Doug /img/forum/go_quote.gif
for $500 you can get a gen-old tablet that does all the same music/web/movies/netflix, plus all the software perks of a PC, plus a stylus with writing recognition, and has better specs

what benefits does the ipad have? (im kinda hoping the answer is none, so I dont go run out and spend another $500.... although I am considering selling my sigmas

Not being bounded to MS Windows is a strong benefit!

For media? I find the 'Mac is better' argument particularly laughable in this sector. Being bound to Windows is a big plus IMO. On the Mac you've got iTunes and...
...Bueller? OK, so it's better than under Windows but not by that much. I've never actually had speed or resource problems with it in either Windows or Mac to be honest since I regularly upgrade my computers, but it's the way it hoards the library to itself that is the major problem. Let's not even mention how it behaves in a networked environment. I threw in the towel and have the master lossy library hosted on a Mac, every other (better) machine worth a damn on which I consume media (All Windows, and much better for it if it weren't for the iTunes fly in the ointment) effectively all having to bend to that single instance of iTunes' will, with the exception of the master lossless library (also hosted on a superior Windows setup).
Playcounts is the one and only thing keeping me locked to the iWorld at the moment... but Zune is a strong contender once they roll it out outside of the US and on mobiles/tablets. And for that reason, for me Windows 7 CE and Windows Phone 7 cannot come out fast enough.
Until then it's iPhone and iPad. But only until then. Can't say I have any real issues with either the iPhone or the iPad as standalone media consumption tools, but being tethered to iTunes and how that behaves is the real sticking point for me... and enough of a serious issue to actively seek to bug out of the platform.
Jun 21, 2010 at 11:49 PM Post #278 of 623

Well, I got mine yesterday.  I knew I'd love it because I'd spent enough time with friends' ipads, but I'm thrilled.  Waiting for my camera kit to arrive (not til end of july) then to connect it with a pico dac, and see how well it does with music.  Right now, I'm just downloading too many apps, and seeing all it can do.


For me, the killer app (so to speak) has been the Bluetooth keyboard. I've found that a keyboard plus gestures results in the fastest, most intuitive web browsing I've ever done. I've barely touched my desktop since and the laptop is gathering dust. I've started carrying a briefcase, the iPad and keyboard everywhere I go. Even now, I'm out on the patio at a bar happily going at it.

I haven't used the iPad for music that much, but I do jack in the IEMs and listen to music while I'm online. It's a great experience... except that it's tempting me to upgrade my IEMs.

I'm still waiting on a camera dongle for this thing. It's one accessory I really wanted, but haven't been able to find one yet. If I get that, it might be curtains for the laptop.
Jun 22, 2010 at 7:41 AM Post #279 of 623
Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere, but for those who own both, has the iPad replaced your eBook reader?
I realize there are differences in the screen technologies that may make the Kindle, etc. "better" for reading in certain environments. However, Amazon's & B&N's recent pricedrop on their models seem to reflect that Apple is infringing on that market, and that iPad adopters may be looking for some convergence.
Does anyone still use both? Just curious what you guys & gals thought.
Jun 22, 2010 at 8:56 AM Post #280 of 623
I got one for Father's day
.  I hadn't really been interested in one until I went to CanJam and saw them being used in iPod mode, and thought it was very cool - hadn't really considered that.  I've been really digging it - so nice not to have to boot up the laptop when I want a quick on-line session, and so much better than using my Blackberry for that.  Sitting with the Edition 8's plugged into it, listening to tunes on it while browsing - pretty sweet.  Glad I didn't get one during the hysteria period - but having one now, I am enjoying it!
Jun 22, 2010 at 9:29 AM Post #281 of 623

Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere, but for those who own both, has the iPad replaced your eBook reader?
I realize there are differences in the screen technologies that may make the Kindle, etc. "better" for reading in certain environments. However, Amazon's & B&N's recent pricedrop on their models seem to reflect that Apple is infringing on that market, and that iPad adopters may be looking for some convergence.
Does anyone still use both? Just curious what you guys & gals thought.

My Kindle has not been touched once since getting the iPad.  I can read Kindle, Nook and iBooks on the iPad through apps.
Jun 22, 2010 at 11:41 AM Post #282 of 623
I have quit using my laptop when going on site in favor of the iPad. The smaller size and quick power on combined with battery life make it perfect for my needs. I don't generally even use my bt keyboard.
Jun 22, 2010 at 3:20 PM Post #283 of 623
I just gave my laptop to my fiancee, it's one of the newer macbook pros and pretty capable. The thing is, I haven't used it AS a laptop in months. Bought a Mac Mini as a home machine / hub / TV computer, and the new one is incredibly slick. Especially when you pair a few PS3 controllers to it. 
Mini for when I really need a computer and I'm not at work... and iPad for everything else.
Jun 24, 2010 at 11:31 AM Post #284 of 623

Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere, but for those who own both, has the iPad replaced your eBook reader?
I realize there are differences in the screen technologies that may make the Kindle, etc. "better" for reading in certain environments. However, Amazon's & B&N's recent pricedrop on their models seem to reflect that Apple is infringing on that market, and that iPad adopters may be looking for some convergence.
Does anyone still use both? Just curious what you guys & gals thought.

i still use my kindle for reading. aside from the massive screen difference, i find the ipad too heavy and cumbersome for reading a book. 
i think the price difference was more b&n trying to undercut amazon to boost sales just to be undercut by amazon.
Jun 24, 2010 at 12:36 PM Post #285 of 623
 iPad adopters may be looking for some convergence.

I really think you hit the nail on the head with this one.  I can't imagine that anyone that owns the iPad would not use it for reading books.  Personally, I do not find it heavy or cumbersome at all.  I have handled plenty of books that are much more unwieldy.  Also, it handles color, so landscaping, photography, travel, art, etc... books work better with it than the black and white readers.
The benefit to the Kindle is reading it in direct sunlight.  Personally, I would rather just buy a couple (paper) books to read at the beach or by the pool, since there is always the risk of getting the iPad or Kindle wet, anyway. 
They have reported that the iPad has reached 3 million sells already, so I would imagine that the other ereaders would naturally drop in price to create a buffer between them and a device that does a whole lot more. 

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