Introducing Trinity Audio Engineering
Jul 24, 2015 at 2:48 PM Post #1,159 of 4,830
I just had the wife listen to the techne. Played some "money glory power" by Lana Del Ray (which btw is an epic recording). Used purple filters.

Her response was classic:

"How do they fit that much sound into these little metal pieces?"

Yeah, and I want to know how they get all of those full sized people into a flat screen television!  I'm certain there must be some crushing involved... maybe it's magic!  Damn sneaky wizards!
Jul 24, 2015 at 2:48 PM Post #1,160 of 4,830
 I purchased my Cayin N6 from Headfi sponsor CTCAudio, who also carry the DUNU and Fidue's, I actually started researching the Titans, which led to a few references to the Delta's, which led me to this thread, so I guess those are my fallback...cheaper, no exchange, no duty. BUT... the fact that they are a hybrid bud/IEM means that they are almost guaranteed to make the missus "irritable" when I disturb her with my music when I wear them to go to bed LOL.

What really speaks to me is the way Bob has conducted himself, it generates in me that desire to be part of something, rather than just making a purchase. I believe in rewarding the efforts of folks who genuinely have passion and care about what they do and have the courage to go out there and try to put out something they believe in. Craftsmen. Which is not to say that those things are missing in the DUNU's or Fidue's, just that they are not  apparent to me as it is with Bob and Trinity.

PS. I completed the purchase. Sometimes just discussing stuff gets you where you need to be. Reminding myself of my own values as far as what I want my $$$ to support. I want to support Bob and Trinity. Thanks all.

Thank so much
Jul 24, 2015 at 2:54 PM Post #1,163 of 4,830
couldnt resist trying the purple.  The vocals are simply, ive already used excellent and great...whats a word that is better than those whatever it is that is what this is
Im certain now i dont need the headphone amp regardless of filter 
Jul 24, 2015 at 3:50 PM Post #1,165 of 4,830
  couldnt resist trying the purple.  The vocals are simply, ive already used excellent and great...whats a word that is better than those whatever it is that is what this is
Im certain now i dont need the headphone amp regardless of filter 

Indulgent? Does that work?

Jul 24, 2015 at 4:17 PM Post #1,167 of 4,830
Do the Techne's have their place at $100 and only around $40 cheaper than the Deltas?
I would definitely say so.

They are probably the best fitting IEM I have (on par with the phonaks). While I don't think the sound quality matches the delta it is still superb.

Techne is awesomesauce, delta is awesomesaucerest.
Jul 24, 2015 at 4:28 PM Post #1,170 of 4,830
Hisoundfi: Um, how about the Hyperion? Hmm?
I listened to them for a short while, and still on the fence about them. I know they have the same driver as the techne, but the short time I spent jamming them, there was something wonky up top. It was kind of hazy and grainy sounding. I don't want to draw a conclusion because they aren't even burned in yet. I'll need some time with them before I say too much.

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