Incredible mod transformed my e500s... LITERALLY!!
Feb 20, 2007 at 12:19 AM Post #31 of 89

Originally Posted by jonnywolfet /img/forum/go_quote.gif
totally badass! i would love something like this for my e5c, which i actually prefer soundwise to the e500 (yeah i know, but the e500 are even less forgiving on bad recordings, and have a little less bass) could we have a shot detailing the armature drivers inside the customs? if its not to much trouble.

oh, and you lucky bas***d!

Here you go. You can clearly see the dual woofer in this pic. It was tough to get a good shot, but I think this one's not bad.

Feb 20, 2007 at 12:57 AM Post #32 of 89
One word: wow
Feb 21, 2007 at 6:06 PM Post #37 of 89

Originally Posted by jayehs /img/forum/go_quote.gif
BTW, how long did the process take?

Got the impressions done last Tuesday and picked them up on Friday. I don't think he would normally be able to turn things around so quickly though. He did it for me because I was only in Japan for 1 week and was leaving on Saturday.
Feb 25, 2007 at 1:10 AM Post #39 of 89

Originally Posted by flamerz /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Amazing. Go buy some 10 Pro's to make a comparative review

You know I would love to. In fact, before I bought my e500s, I was trying to decide between the two, and in the end e500 just won on the price/performance ratio. I just didn't believe that I would get $900 more worth of sound from the 10 Pros (the difference because of purchasing from Canada).

However, since the mod, I will be quite honest that while I do believe they are better than before, it's not a huge difference, but a subtle one. I think for me, it is mostly in the bass, where I perceive it to be more refined, and my guess is that this has changed the way that I perceive the other frequencies? I'm not sure why this is, because when you think about, there really shouldn't be much change, if any at all. They are still the same drivers.

What I am really enjoying is the incredible difference in comfort. While I thought my tri-flanges provided all the comfort I needed, I was easily taking them out once ever couple of hours to give my ears a break. With these things, however, I could literally leave them in all day and it wouldn't bother me.

And finally, they are just freakin' cool!
Mar 10, 2007 at 10:35 PM Post #40 of 89
I contacted Suyama by email yesterday (his written English is not bad at all). I'll go by his shop with my e500s early next week. I'm pretty excited about this. I have both the UE-10 Pros and the e500s and, frankly, have been most impressed with the e500s. The UE-10s are more comfortable (no surprise here) and are a bit cleaner sounding but the stock e500s are surprisingly close in sound (certainly for the $) and are a bit more fun when I switch away from classical and jazz.

Portable music has become pretty important to me since moving to Japan (the iPod is a great excuse as to why I can't understand what the cab driver is saying).

I'll let folks know how the new and improved e500s stack up against the UE-10 Pros as soon as I get them back.
Mar 11, 2007 at 12:40 AM Post #42 of 89

Originally Posted by TokyoWoo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'll let folks know how the new and improved e500s stack up against the UE-10 Pros as soon as I get them back.

Congrats and definitely post pics and impressions. After having lived with them for a while now, I can certainly say that the biggest difference is in the bass. It just seems more refined to me. Again, not a huge difference, but a subtle one.

As I said earlier, I'm not sure if that is what is helping to improve the overall sound, or maybe the highs are better too? In any event, I don't think you'll notice a huge change. They will still be your good 'ol e500s (without the crappy cable). Which, for me was a very good thing.
Mar 13, 2007 at 6:01 PM Post #44 of 89
Hi, today i`ve send an email to the builder of this fabulous mod and asked if he can make it for me too.
I asked if i can send him an earmold made by a local specialist so that he can make a fitting mod, along with my e500.

I have no response so far but i will make a post what he said about that.

Is there anybody here who might be interested in such a mod as well, so that we could send him the parts at once to probably get a better price?

Please let me know, just send pm or email.



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