IMR RAH - Discussion / Impressions Thread

Feb 3, 2020 at 11:14 AM Post #1,936 of 3,340
Yes find the widest bored silicone tips you got around. Definitely no foam tips. Oh and take care for driver flex.

And try a different source.

My rah's bass hated my E1da 9038s usb dac, but loves my Hiby R6 Pro and even straight out of my Asus RoG Phone 2.

Both the E1da and the Hiby R6 Pro have an output impedence of less than one. So it is probably the tonality of the source that is important and not impedence matching.

Most popular matchup for the nozzle here is black-bottom and blue top.
Yes, using the R6 pro right now. I'll try widebores and switch to blue. I'm a basshead, so I want the bass, just not the graininess....

How does everyone feel about burn in on these?
Feb 3, 2020 at 11:16 AM Post #1,937 of 3,340
How would you describe graininess? Like an extreme distortion cutting in and out with the voices? Or too much impactful bass? Or too much physical subbass becoming distracting at high volumes?

On the HiBy R6 Pro try to avoid mqa files since it can have compatibility problems.

Surprisingly it sounds best off my phone directly. XD
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Feb 3, 2020 at 11:26 AM Post #1,938 of 3,340
How would you describe graininess? Like an extreme distortion cutting in and out with the voices? Or too much impactful bass? Or too much physical subbass becoming distracting at high volumes?
No. The transient response is a little slow to my ears, especially the decay. The bass isn't quite as quick and snappy as I like it too be, as if the magnet might be a bit underpowered or the driver isn't fully flexed/burned in.
Feb 3, 2020 at 11:33 AM Post #1,939 of 3,340
No. The transient response is a little slow to my ears, especially the decay. The bass isn't quite as quick and snappy as I like it too be, as if the magnet might be a bit underpowered or the driver isn't fully flexed/burned in.

Icic. Oh, if you got a Hiby make sure to turn off your MSEB/global EQ preset.

Try the 4.4mm output. And songs with different emphasis of bass, to see if it is only that track.

I really hope the last owner didn't resell because he unknowingly had lemons.
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Feb 3, 2020 at 11:56 AM Post #1,940 of 3,340
Really enjoying Red bass nozzles and green tips. Strong bass without what I perceive to be too much bloom into the mids with blue and black nozzles, and tasteful treble - not sibilant nor recessed. Unfortunately the semi-open nature let's a lot of the outside world in; after owning these since they first came out I finally tried to use them on my commute. Mistake, as all the sounds of the bus were clearly coming through. But very, very nice in quieter settings;
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Feb 4, 2020 at 4:58 AM Post #1,942 of 3,340
Feb 4, 2020 at 5:23 AM Post #1,943 of 3,340
That is really affordable little usb dac/amp. 8 hours playback too.

I hope AmirM can have time to look at it.
Feb 4, 2020 at 7:20 AM Post #1,944 of 3,340
Feb 4, 2020 at 7:55 AM Post #1,945 of 3,340
He just announced the Every Day Planar, saying "The EDP is the most isolating IMR product to date and as such makes them great for everything from commuting to stage work". Ordered it straight away.
Feb 4, 2020 at 8:00 AM Post #1,946 of 3,340
Definately will be following the EDP with great interest.
Feb 4, 2020 at 8:06 AM Post #1,947 of 3,340
I was wondering what the hell that instagram trick was about. So he is trying to make a Tin Hifi P1 of his own tuning.

Oh wait, this is a 10mm planar with a dynamic driver. So a hybrid.
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Feb 4, 2020 at 8:37 AM Post #1,948 of 3,340
So I got my hands on a used Rah and have 50+ hours on them plus whatever the previous owner had. They're good but the bass is a bit grainy. Details aren't "fuzzy" like other crossover free designs I've heard, which was my main fear. Right now I have black/black filters. Any recommendations on filters or burn in time to make the bass a little smoother?

For me it's grey (not silver) bottom and blue top. I have lost count of how many times I have changed the filters and the combos, but I will always eventually move back to this grey/blue combo. The bass I get with the gold, blue and black bottom is not bad, but it takes away the brightness and sparkle of the mids and upper frequency to the point of dullness and less detail for me. Blue or black tops would be my favourites. I feel the black top can often give me a very pleasant layered sound for many tracks, but I also encounter occasional harshness of sound in the higher frequencies which sounds almost synthetic. The blue top is a nice all rounder for me.

I think Rah gives it's best with the balanced cable. I find wide core tip with a very good seal is really important.
Feb 4, 2020 at 11:56 AM Post #1,949 of 3,340
For me it's grey (not silver) bottom and blue top. I have lost count of how many times I have changed the filters and the combos, but I will always eventually move back to this grey/blue combo. The bass I get with the gold, blue and black bottom is not bad, but it takes away the brightness and sparkle of the mids and upper frequency to the point of dullness and less detail for me. Blue or black tops would be my favourites. I feel the black top can often give me a very pleasant layered sound for many tracks, but I also encounter occasional harshness of sound in the higher frequencies which sounds almost synthetic. The blue top is a nice all rounder for me.

I think Rah gives it's best with the balanced cable. I find wide core tip with a very good seal is really important.

im doing grey/ black, separation and detail are out of this world this way, as well im using my dk2001 (orange!!!! my favorite color) tips, if anybody got the dunu oem tips from their latest iems, i would totally recommend em, im off the sednas and jvc spiral dot++ since i got em
Feb 4, 2020 at 11:59 AM Post #1,950 of 3,340
im doing grey/ black, separation and detail are out of this world this way, as well im using my dk2001 (orange!!!! my favorite color) tips, if anybody got the dunu oem tips from their latest iems, i would totally recommend em, im off the sednas and jvc spiral dot++ since i got em
Those are the Spinfit brand ear tips I believe.

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