iFi audio iDSD Signature - The saga continues!
Nov 28, 2020 at 3:11 AM Post #661 of 2,295
Reserve final opinion until the capacitors have formed fully. Turned mine from being too bassy to being just right (like Goldilock's porridge).
I have found the cause. It was the silver plated cables that I plugged in. It's now very pleasant to listen to after I changed them all to pure copper.
It is a very good sounding all in one amp especially for the price. The only complain right now is the battery charging so slowly (5V 2.1A) and the USB C port not of good quality.
Nov 28, 2020 at 11:39 AM Post #663 of 2,295
Hi guys,

I just realized I was absolutely wrong, I do have quite sever channel unbalance on the 6.3 port.
The easier way to test/describe is from the point where the pot turn on, like will be at about 8:30 (pretending that it is the small arm of the clock). All the way to 10:00 (see picture), only the left speaker of my headphone is audible. I reversed the headphone on my head, just to eliminate my ear as being the culprit. It was indeed the Sig. So the right speaker only starts at 10 o'clock and of course it does not "jump in" and match the others volume, but rather starts from the bottom at that point. Hence they are quite a bit mismatched no matter what level it is at. So no matter how loud you put it, there will be a difference. quite sever at lower volumes.
Yesterday I was mostly listening loud and did not notice it at all, as I just move from cheap wireless headphones to the Sig and a better headphone.
However I generally like to listen a lower volumes so this now is a major concern for me. Changing gain does not help, this phenomenon. I am on full sized headphone and use the mid gain (that feels most right for it) and my preferred loudness (listening volume) is actually just at about this 10 o'clock :frowning2:
I do not have the balanced cables yet for my Dt177X and my CA Fibae 6 is yet to arrive so I cannot test the S-balanced port yet.
My question is, for those that can check, do you tend to get the unbalance on both port? Also how does this gets fixed? Warranty repair (as in takes time and long wait) or does IFI just exchange them. Are no this was a reported widely on the BL and even here on Sig some have mentioned it. I did not look into what the solutions have been. As I am using Tidal in exclusive (the whole point) I don't see anywhere where I could change the balance without defeating the purpose.
What are my options? How are others dealing with this?
I really like it otherwise, so would prefer a fix or exchange instead of a return. I am guessing not all units are like this right? It is just bad luck which you end up getting is it not?



Any resolution or updates from iFi regarding the problem you and many others are having with the volume knob and channel imbalance? Any comments from Rob from iFi on how those should proceed who have purchased a defective unit, or when a fix to the problem can be expected?

iFi is a both a quality / supportive company, who are active on this form.....so I would expect a statement to come regarding this issue
Nov 28, 2020 at 12:18 PM Post #664 of 2,295

Any resolution or updates from iFi regarding the problem you and many others are having with the volume knob and channel imbalance? Any comments from Rob from iFi on how those should proceed who have purchased a defective unit, or when a fix to the problem can be expected?

iFi is a both a quality / supportive company, who are active on this form.....so I would expect a statement to come regarding this issue
The solution is to use IEMatch so the knob sits above the imbalanced region of the potentiometer. It’s just going to be out of luck if you get a good one or not.

To truly solve the issue they need custom potentiometers, hand pick the good ones or use a different form of volume control. They knew about the issue because it happened with the micro BL, I think they don’t see it as an issue per se given that you can use IEMatch as a work around.
Nov 28, 2020 at 2:02 PM Post #665 of 2,295

Any resolution or updates from iFi regarding the problem you and many others are having with the volume knob and channel imbalance? Any comments from Rob from iFi on how those should proceed who have purchased a defective unit, or when a fix to the problem can be expected?

iFi is a both a quality / supportive company, who are active on this form.....so I would expect a statement to come regarding this issue

Hi well, the resolution was that I have returned it for a refund. I asked the vendor for an exchange. Then to my surprise they said they had two more in stock and they tested for me and both had channel imbalance. I don't know how bad those were, but I just wont risk it. Hence the refund.

I am just disappointment with the manufacturer. This was a know issue. How much are the pots? How much would it have cost them to hand pick instead of having 25% of the customer base affected with this issue, one way or another. I am aware that not all are as bad as mine. However other have also reported that the work-around with gain and IEM matching does not work for everyone. When Micro was plagued with this, why not address it on the revision that was meant to replace it.

Really how much of a cost saving did ignoring this problem cause. IFI?

I was very happy with the sound, if I had a wish, I would have welcome a second level of the Xbass, that is all. Otherwise it was perfect. Now it ends up being a waste of money as I will not be refunded the shipping cost probably.

About the claim that IFI is quality and supportive company. I have seen you and one other guy mention this. Then on the other side I see them ignoring every single person so far that has reported this issue in this very thread. So I do not share you experience. Their marketing rep who posts in here has always been very selective. Go look. Will only make comments (reply) to people saying how much the like it. Then skips over (ignores) everyone that has commented about the imbalance issue.
Yes, I would have expected a statement to come, I would have expected a "hey sorry, you case really sound worse than usual. Can you send us yours directly and we will send you one that tested and is sure to be good". Or even offer to change the pot. Nope, nothing. So I do not share your opinion about them.

Anyway to show my objectivity. I would have bought a NEO (even with the under-power headphone amp). However I am a bass-head and the lack of Xbass alone is preventing me. I would pay 200 maybe even 300 more for a NEO with PEQ. Anyway I realize this is my problem. My point was that just cause I am disappointed by the companies attitude and decision making. It will still not prevent me from spending money with them if I think I will like what I get.
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Nov 28, 2020 at 2:11 PM Post #666 of 2,295
I think they don’t see it as an issue per se given that you can use IEMatch as a work around.

Does not work for everyone! Depends on how bad your device/luck is. And if like me you like to listed at low volumes sometimes.

I am saying this from personal experience. And at least 2 other people have mentioned it in this thread. So how can they "pretend" to think that it is NOT an issue. They KNOW it is an issue. They probably are just "ok" with only x% being unhappy and the rest not being affected enough that the settings do not help. It is their right to do so. I will not argue with that. However no one in their right minds should say they don't see it as an issue. Their Forum rep post here almost everyday. Worst case he can see peoples report. But I am sure that from the many thousands of Micro BL owners, they must have gotten some reports too in the past years.
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Nov 28, 2020 at 2:52 PM Post #667 of 2,295
Does not work for everyone! Depends on how bad your device/luck is. And if like me you like to listed at low volumes sometimes.

I am saying this from personal experience. And at least 2 other people have mentioned it in this thread. So how can they "pretend" to think that it is NOT and issue. They KNOW it is an issue. They probably are just ok with only x% being unhappy and the rest not being affected enough that the settings do not help. It is their right to do so. I will not argue with that. However no one in their right minds should say they don't see it as an issue. Their Forum rep post here almost everyday. Worst case he can see peoples report. But I am sure that from the many thousands of Micro BL owners, they must have gotten some reports too in the past years.


ROB / iFi,

Does iFi have a resolution or pending fix for the above referenced channel imbalance issue on the Micro Signature? If there is an update, would you be able to share with the group. Everyone seems to agree it is a great DAC / AMP aside from this problem.


Nov 28, 2020 at 4:45 PM Post #668 of 2,295
Which one of the positions for the filter switch is the GTO filter? Literally everywhere I look it says the iDSD Signature comes with it installed, even iFis own product site. I can't seem to find any more information about it though.
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Nov 28, 2020 at 5:57 PM Post #669 of 2,295
I am really interested in this, but channel imbalance has me hesitant.
Nov 28, 2020 at 6:11 PM Post #670 of 2,295
I am really interested in this, but channel imbalance has me hesitant.

Buy from a place that you are sure will let you return not matter what. Then when it comes test it. If it is fine then it will stay that way. If it is not, then you send it back.
Chances are you will get a good one. More people here have no imbalance, then the ones that do. So I think the odds are in your favor.
Again it sounds nice, but I am not audiophile, so I don't have other high end gear to compare to. Never owned anything like it before.
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Nov 28, 2020 at 6:52 PM Post #671 of 2,295
Think you need to get a better understanding... When people plunk down their hard earned money and receive a manufacturer known defective product...they deserve to receive an answer. The manufacturer should release a statement acknowledging the issue and provide a resolution to resolve.

You probably didn't purchase one of these units so the topic is of no issue to you...

Please don't mind him. Mommy probably told him he was "more important" than the rest and "special".
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Nov 28, 2020 at 10:23 PM Post #672 of 2,295

ROB / iFi,

Does iFi have a resolution or pending fix for the above referenced channel imbalance issue on the Micro Signature? If there is an update, would you be able to share with the group. Everyone seems to agree it is a great DAC / AMP aside from this problem.


I think pompecukor posted this earlier:


This is likely the only response you'll get from iFi.
Nov 29, 2020 at 3:53 AM Post #674 of 2,295
I believe IFi did respond. Some people just want to keep calling them out.

Can you show me the post where they did? I must have missed it.

Honestly I feel a few of you behave sorto like the so called Apple fanboys. No facts. Just being protective as hell. When it is actually not even "your" concern. Then you imagine things, like you did just now about IFI responding. And turn a blind eye to when I post (even yesterday) about actually recommending the unit to others. Just to be sure to have an open return policy incase they get lucky. Does it hurt your feelings? Why are you so defensive. Only one entity in this story should be defensive and they don't seem to care half as much as you do.

All the response that I got to my issues was from you and one other dude saying how supportive a company they are. And that "... they will sort you out...". But "they" never made a comment and definitely did not sort me out.
Also even that link about how to try to fix the issue, I found by myself a day after I reported here.

And please consider this. I did let my case rest for a few days, till someone here asked me how I ended up sorting mine out. My reply was to him. It just became another discuss after that.
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