Baten reacted to Leonarfd's post in the thread Denafrips Ares 12th speculation/discussion/impressions with Like.I find the Feliks Audio ECHO to have better synergies with my two headphones than A90 Discrete, sound more musical and full bodied. But...
Baten posted a reply to a review on the item Aune X8 18th Anniversary Edition.Aune X8 -> ESS9038Q2M (data fed via FPGA) Chord -> custom resistor/array DACs (data fed, but also conversion through FPGA-driven logic...
Baten reacted to Rayon's post in the thread An exploration of Chord DAVE, MScaler, Qutest, and Holo May, HQPlayer with Like.My experience as well. Never bought Dave, but auditioned it properly with for example Utopia. While it was impressive, there was this...
Baten reacted to Edward Ng's post in the thread DENAFRIPS 'ARES' R2R discrete ladder DAC - close up view with Like.Seems the uptake for DDCs is not as they expected and now they’re looking for ways to move some of them by bundling them with DACs at a...
Baten reacted to Vamp898's post in the thread YAMAHA flagship YH-5000SE headphones | MESSAGE FROM THE ENGINEERS with Like.I demoed these 3 times and even though i liked them, i was surprised about the tuning. For an Headphone at that price point, i expected...
Baten reacted to Thorsten Loesch's post in the thread iFi audio iDSD Signature - The saga continues! with Like.IME yes. XMOS is a curious chip. It is unlike most (RISC) "CPU" type IC's we see in embedded systems, including now common ARM Cortex...
Baten reacted to Astral Abyss's post in the thread Soekris Audiophile Line Dac's 2541, 1541, 1421, 1321, 1101 with Like.The DAC 1221 is up for sale on the Mod House site. I ordered one. I want to see how well it does vs my Bifrost 2/64 and Metrum Amethyst.