If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...

Dec 12, 2017 at 1:27 PM Post #11,281 of 19,409
One thing I've always wondered, and it's a gross thing to think about, but I'll share anyway; with the depth that etys have once insterted into the ear, is there potential to create issues w/ impacted earwax deep into the ear canal? I wouldn't think it'd be a concern with most shallow-tipped iems, but with Etymotics, honestly, the most comfortable eartip for me is the smaller triple flange tip, and they go pretty deep. Just something I've always been concerned about.

Feel free to barf now :toilet:
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Dec 12, 2017 at 5:53 PM Post #11,282 of 19,409
It's not quite as nail-biting as solo rock climbing without ropes, but sticking anything in your ear carries a small risk. Cotton buds are a no-no these days, as they can also impact earwax. IEMs also create a nice warm, moist environment for nasty little bugs to grow, so they increase your risk of ear infections. Everything in moderation. Don't go nuts with that solo rock climbing ;-)
Dec 12, 2017 at 7:07 PM Post #11,283 of 19,409
i can say I've actually grown up with a huge tendency for ear infections. i also get fluid caught in my ear and have euststian tube issues. these got a lot better as an adult, but i still need to be careful with water getting in there.

with that said i can't even count the number of hours I've used the er4, and they've never caused me any issues at all except jaw soreness when used for very very long times, and even that is very temporary. so I'm sure this is a chance of anything. but it's probably pretty low.

ironically, i find my silicone tips pull out a lot of earwax now and then. i find it behind the flanges. but generally i have no isssues...
Dec 12, 2017 at 9:01 PM Post #11,284 of 19,409
One thing I've always wondered, and it's a gross thing to think about, but I'll share anyway; with the depth that etys have once insterted into the ear, is there potential to create issues w/ impacted earwax deep into the ear canal? I wouldn't think it'd be a concern with most shallow-tipped iems, but with Etymotics, honestly, the most comfortable eartip for me is the smaller triple flange tip, and they go pretty deep. Just something I've always been concerned about.

Feel free to barf now :toilet:

If you think Ety goes deep, then what about custom IEM and hearing aid that go even deeper (plus the shape that fills up the whole canal)? By that logic, I think most people who use CIEM / custom hearing aid would have very frequent ear infections all year round, and that's just not true. I think the point is - if you are a regular IEM user then keeping a good ear hygiene is sort of a prerequisite. If your ear canal isn't full of earwax that can be pushed in by IEM in the first place, then there isn't much a need to worry. If there is that much earwax, then you probably shouldn't use IEM in the first place but instead need some professional help. You don't drink first and then ask yourself whether you are intoxicated enough or not for driving, that will be the wrong way to approach the issue.
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Dec 13, 2017 at 1:49 AM Post #11,285 of 19,409
Awesome! Out of curiosity, how's the synergy between the Cayin N3 and ER4B without the Mojo pairing?

Naturally, the Cayin N3 sounds decently detailed with excellent soundstage and elevated (but well-controlled) bass + smoooooth detailed mids. I recently realised that the N3 complements my ER4S beautifully without the need for an amp because of the elevated bass and detailed mids. I also love the layering of N3 - I can hear the different layers and instruments played. I enjoy the N3 with the ER4S more than with the ER4B

IMO, my pioneer XDP 300r definitely sounds more clinical and detailed than the N3, but I enjoy pairing the N3 with the ER4S much more because of the N3's musicality

N3 + ER4S is my favourite super portable setup for now
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Dec 13, 2017 at 10:42 AM Post #11,286 of 19,409
If you think Ety goes deep, then what about custom IEM and hearing aid that go even deeper (plus the shape that fills up the whole canal)? By that logic, I think most people who use CIEM / custom hearing aid would have very frequent ear infections all year round, and that's just not true. I think the point is - if you are a regular IEM user then keeping a good ear hygiene is sort of a prerequisite. If your ear canal isn't full of earwax that can be pushed in by IEM in the first place, then there isn't much a need to worry. If there is that much earwax, then you probably shouldn't use IEM in the first place but instead need some professional help. You don't drink first and then ask yourself whether you are intoxicated enough or not for driving, that will be the wrong way to approach the issue.

I get it. I'm not saying I know for a fact that this is an issue w/ etys; it's just always been something I've worried about. It's the anxiety disorder in me :) To be fair, I dont think I've had an ear infection since I was a small child, and I wear my er4's all day at work, almost every day.
Dec 14, 2017 at 3:21 PM Post #11,289 of 19,409
One thing I've always wondered, and it's a gross thing to think about, but I'll share anyway; with the depth that etys have once insterted into the ear, is there potential to create issues w/ impacted earwax deep into the ear canal? I wouldn't think it'd be a concern with most shallow-tipped iems, but with Etymotics, honestly, the most comfortable eartip for me is the smaller triple flange tip, and they go pretty deep. Just something I've always been concerned about.

Feel free to barf now :toilet:

I had exactly that issue once, i hant worn the er4s for ages and jammed them in... the audioligist syringed my ears and i was ok after
Dec 15, 2017 at 2:12 PM Post #11,290 of 19,409
Sitting here enjoying me new ER4XR from my Meier Daccord+Classic desktop set. I’m still not sure if they are better than my current q-Jays 2 but there is something these Etymotics do with female voices. Adding that little lift in the bass compared to my old ER-4S brings some naturalness to vocals. Happy to be an Etymotic owner again after parting with the ER-4S some time ago.
Dec 15, 2017 at 10:13 PM Post #11,291 of 19,409
Sitting here enjoying me new ER4XR from my Meier Daccord+Classic desktop set. I’m still not sure if they are better than my current q-Jays 2 but there is something these Etymotics do with female voices. Adding that little lift in the bass compared to my old ER-4S brings some naturalness to vocals. Happy to be an Etymotic owner again after parting with the ER-4S some time ago.

Yeah, I love the realistic "body" the er4xr adds to the etymotic sound. It is awesome. Not too much. Makes pianos and things sound more believable to me (a pianist). The SR is fantastic, but I usually end up grabbing my XR... :-o
Dec 16, 2017 at 9:15 AM Post #11,292 of 19,409
Yeah, I love the realistic "body" the er4xr adds to the etymotic sound. It is awesome. Not too much. Makes pianos and things sound more believable to me (a pianist). The SR is fantastic, but I usually end up grabbing my XR... :-o
Okay so regardless of price the er4xr wins right. The er3se is not quite right? What is your updated thoughts. This is thinking regardless of price. I just want to kow which one is better.
Dec 16, 2017 at 11:16 PM Post #11,293 of 19,409
Okay so regardless of price the er4xr wins right. The er3se is not quite right? What is your updated thoughts. This is thinking regardless of price. I just want to kow which one is better.
better at doing what?
Dec 17, 2017 at 12:05 AM Post #11,294 of 19,409
better at doing what?

For me, personally, I'd like to know too.

I nearly clicked the "buy" botton on Amazon for the ER3SE. I want an IEM that sounds real, not theoretically ponsy clinical. I like a lot of EDM music but I also like to listen to guitar music and Singer songwriter stuff.

I already have an ER4B-S and need a convincing reason to splash out money I can't really afford on a new top end audio toy to muse about with a tiny elite bunch of rich folk who can own these complete sets without pain.

I appreciate the views of those who can afford them and describe them here, but I'm not really in that league. I even wonder if singing the praises is the ticket to being a whole-set owner around here. That's ok, if it's the case. Just let us all be in on the gig here please. For many of us, these kinds of prices are seriously no joke or whim.

My ER4B is not all that great sounding. It's un realistically thin on the bottom end. Nothing in this real world actaully sounds that light at the bottom end. I wonder if there is a significant missunderstanding going on at the heart of the Etymotic school of thought.

Seriously, can we get straight and real here, for a proper natter.
Dec 17, 2017 at 7:00 AM Post #11,295 of 19,409
For me, personally, I'd like to know too.

I nearly clicked the "buy" botton on Amazon for the ER3SE. I want an IEM that sounds real, not theoretically ponsy clinical. I like a lot of EDM music but I also like to listen to guitar music and Singer songwriter stuff.

I already have an ER4B-S and need a convincing reason to splash out money I can't really afford on a new top end audio toy to muse about with a tiny elite bunch of rich folk who can own these complete sets without pain.

I appreciate the views of those who can afford them and describe them here, but I'm not really in that league. I even wonder if singing the praises is the ticket to being a whole-set owner around here. That's ok, if it's the case. Just let us all be in on the gig here please. For many of us, these kinds of prices are seriously no joke or whim.

My ER4B is not all that great sounding. It's un realistically thin on the bottom end. Nothing in this real world actaully sounds that light at the bottom end. I wonder if there is a significant missunderstanding going on at the heart of the Etymotic school of thought.

Seriously, can we get straight and real here, for a proper natter.

Seriously! To be absolutely honest and true. I had a listening session with some good vocal jazz recordings the other night, using ER4XR and I felt like the musicians were standing around me for real. It was THAT great! No listening fatigue (using crossfeed on my amplifier) after listening through 3 full CD's, I felt like I could go on and on enjoying my old CD's. If you do not like ER4B than you will probably not like any of the new Etymotics. Etymotic is known for their own sound and you either like them or hate them. Save your money and spend them on gear that please your ears and taste.

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