For me, personally, I'd like to know too.
I nearly clicked the "buy" botton on Amazon for the ER3SE. I want an IEM that sounds real, not theoretically ponsy clinical. I like a lot of EDM music but I also like to listen to guitar music and Singer songwriter stuff.
I already have an ER4B-S and need a convincing reason to splash out money I can't really afford on a new top end audio toy to muse about with a tiny elite bunch of rich folk who can own these complete sets without pain.
I appreciate the views of those who can afford them and describe them here, but I'm not really in that league. I even wonder if singing the praises is the ticket to being a whole-set owner around here. That's ok, if it's the case. Just let us all be in on the gig here please. For many of us, these kinds of prices are seriously no joke or whim.
My ER4B is not all that great sounding. It's un realistically thin on the bottom end. Nothing in this real world actaully sounds that light at the bottom end. I wonder if there is a significant missunderstanding going on at the heart of the Etymotic school of thought.
Seriously, can we get straight and real here, for a proper natter.