iDSD micro Black Label. Tour details (page 147). Release info (page 153).

May 17, 2014 at 2:07 AM Post #526 of 4,256
  this xmos optimization . what type of ifi audio range use the newest octacore xmos chipset?
is it only the upcoming micro and mini idsd or all ifi dac implemented this?

Starting from AMR downwards, ALL AMR/iFi products have the dedicated XMOS.
iFi audio Stay updated on iFi audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
May 17, 2014 at 6:52 PM Post #528 of 4,256
Is this micro iDSD using async USB?
This is a very good idea!
Note: Final specs may yet change such as the option of adjusting gain.
PS: Sorry if my english is bad, it's not my native language.
May 18, 2014 at 4:10 AM Post #530 of 4,256
One more question, if I got it right, iDSD takes power from the usb, so can I plug it to pc but make it take power from the internal battery?
May 18, 2014 at 5:48 AM Post #533 of 4,256
i believe if you have it connected to USB and then turn on the iDSD, then it is powered via the USB bus. if the iDSD is turned on and then plugged into the USB, it is powered by the battery, but the battery is being charged by the USB. i think that's what iFi said on the nano thread, if i recall correctly.
edit: here is the post by iFi confirming this:
May 20, 2014 at 6:43 AM Post #534 of 4,256
I see from other users that the firmware update is at 4.02 version now... Should anybody update from 4.00 to 4.02?

Στάλθηκε από το Nexus 7 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
May 20, 2014 at 6:45 AM Post #535 of 4,256
I see from other users that the firmware update is at 4.02 version now... Should anybody update from 4.00 to 4.02?

Στάλθηκε από το Nexus 7 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

Oups sorry.. This was supposed to be for the idsd nano thread!!

Στάλθηκε από το Nexus 7 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
May 21, 2014 at 12:07 PM Post #536 of 4,256
Photos from the Munich High-End Show
Apologies to all for the slight radio silence over the last few days as we were jammed out at the Munich High-End Show. We are gonna upload more over the coming days:
Good times, good tunes and great company. A few Head-Fi customers who knew about the micro iDSD came to the show and grabbed our cans for a listen! It was a very nice surprise.
Just as a teaser...below is Sabine, a very good long-time friend of iFi.
Sabine had a listen of the micro iDSD > iTUBE > iCAN micro:

and this is what she thought of the sound! 


Hey, she made our Owen photograph her very apt necklace. We couldnt have said it better ourselves! 
iFi audio Stay updated on iFi audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
May 22, 2014 at 1:10 PM Post #537 of 4,256
Part two of Mark and Gordon's hard work is the XMOS "Star Clocking" Scheme. We hope you like it.
Software Design Team's Notes (2)
XMOS Programming – Star Clocking Scheme
There is the XMOS USB platform and there is iFi XMOS USB platform.
Inside the XMOS, there is a radical “Star-Clock” scheme in the iFi-XMOS implementation. This is a major departure from the traditional “Daisy Chain” clocking scheme provided originally by XMOS which many others use.
Why?  On the stock XMOS USB platform, we were not 100% happy with the overall jitter level, especially with high-speed signals.  Hence one of our senior software engineers, who has military defence programming experience, spent a few sleepless nights on the XMOS standard source code and discovered that the standard XMOS used a traditional “Daisy Chain” clocking scheme, which is perfectly fine for low-speed audio signals, but not the best topology for high-speed audio signals.
The reason he discovered this was he actually did his entire programming in Ada (yes, Ada) when he used to work for military projects.
(Ada was named after Ada Lovelace (1815–1852), who is widely credited as being the first computer programmer)
For some background reading:
One of the reasons (of course there are many other reasons too) for doing the military stuff in Ada is because of the real-time requirements (he once working on a targeting system for an air-to-air missile!)
So everything must be in real-time and must have zero-timing error. In other words, this guy is "super timing sensitive”.

After discovering this, he went on to redesign the whole clocking topology inside XMOS USB platform and utilised a “Star Clocking” scheme which he used before in the missile targeting system he was part of.
To put this into an audio context, parallels can be drawn from the JVC “K2” mastering grade clocking scheme below:

Inside the customised iFi-XMOS, just imagine “what if” all those internal XMOS software modules received their reference clocks from a single, ultra-low jitter master clock?
This is exactly what happens and improves the overall system jitter performance significantly and is easily audible as the attack and decay is better presented and everything is just more accurately executed.
Next time, Part 3: The Microprocessor.
iFi audio Stay updated on iFi audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
May 22, 2014 at 2:27 PM Post #538 of 4,256
Nice Fujiyama Headphone and Munich HIgh-End Show write-up
e-earphone of Japan penned this very nice write-up. We hope you like it!
"In Japan a big hit and of the next big hit are the "nano iDSD" and "Micro iDSD" respectively.
Because the sample version yet, it is not a formal specification, but was able to get to hear it at the iFi-audio.
The major difference between the micro iDSD and nano iDSD is that the DAC chip is mounted in a dual configuration. The DAC chip, was developed by Burr-Brown before it was acquired by Texas Instruments. In addition, the DAC chip of DSD1793 has a dual character, native playback of DSD is also possible. Because it belongs to the Micro series, ¥ 50,000 price - that is before and after is expected, but I think that it is going to be a high/cost performance product. It is a at the prototype stage, but still, when released will be a fun product!
This report is far from over! So stay tuned! !"
Yoroshiku e-earphone!
iFi audio Stay updated on iFi audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
May 23, 2014 at 6:09 AM Post #539 of 4,256
  Hence one of our senior software engineers, who has military defence programming experience...

Which government did he work for... 

Other than that, I have a large selection of xrcd24 CDs and I can clearly hear the benefits of the outlined master clocking scheme against a "common" red book CD
May 23, 2014 at 11:13 AM Post #540 of 4,256
High-End Show Munich (Part 2) Mouth-Watering in every sense.
In this second part of, we show you some of the best bits of the show. The following photos is a small snapshot of our daytime and night time activities. Enjoy!
As a teaser...
All hands on deck at the iFi station!

Nice wheels in Hall 2.

Munich Pilsner...

Munich hefeweizen (wheatbeer). We had to go native to get the good stuff!

Rib-eye in a restaurant in the marketplace of the Marienplatz. Succulent and blew you taste buds aways.

iFi audio Stay updated on iFi audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.

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