iDSD micro Black Label. Tour details (page 147). Release info (page 153).
Feb 18, 2017 at 12:52 AM Post #2,671 of 4,252
Gonna keep the iDSD BL through the weekend to finish up my review, and send it on back to iFi.
man... I haven't been this sad to give some tour gear back since the Kumitate Labs tour 

Feb 18, 2017 at 12:58 AM Post #2,672 of 4,252
  Gonna keep the iDSD BL through the weekend to finish up my review, and send it on back to iFi.
man... I haven't been this sad to give some tour gear back since the Kumitate Labs tour 
triportsad.gif liked it? I was very impressed with the unit. My first foray into the realm of mid-fi, or higher gear than I had. It was a good experience! "Just one more day," indeed...
Feb 18, 2017 at 1:20 AM Post #2,673 of 4,252
Well folks,
I am enjoying my last few moments with the Black Label before it goes on to the next lucky person on the tour.  
My best impressions always come right after a major change, before the ears have had a chance to fully adjust.  For a final comparison in my 'giant killer' testing, I took the Black Label out of my primary system for two days, and put my Wyred 4 Sound DAC-1 LE Femto back in.  
First impressions upon putting the W4S back in... wow... more clarity and fine detail, more neutral sound, but, lacking the emotion and character of the iDSD BL.  
This evening, for one more listening session, out came the W4S and back in the iDSD BL.  Now the soundstage is bigger, images are bigger, but not as defined in space.  Bass isn't quite as tight, but has more slam. Upper midrange on the BL is more forward, but overall treble signature is more laid back.  Less sibilance, more warmth here.  Midrange is beautiful.  Colorful, but in a good way.  You can get lost in these deep mids.  
So in the end, how does the iDSD Black Label compare as a desktop DAC (only) against my W4S?  Take away all the headphone amp and its myriad of features, how does it compare?  Is it a 'giant killer'? 
Well, no, not a killer.  In the end, the Wyred 4 Sound is a better DAC.  More refined, better detail, layering, flatter response, if a bit north of neutral.  Excellent textures, fast transient response.  Really in and of itself an outstanding value at around $1100.  
But, my oh my the iDSD Black Label gives it a run overall, and that is even more impressive when one considers it costs half as much.  
How?  Just what is to my ears a gloriously musical midrange.  I am a tube guy, so I guess it is no surprise that a DAC with such a textured and rich midrange would be appealing to me.  The iDSD just makes music.  It just sounds 'right'.  No, it isn't perfect and based on sheer technicals, it shouldn't be as competitive as it is.  But competitive it IS INDEED, and I am going to be very, very sad to see it go!  
This is one of those special pieces of gear that just transports you away from where ever you are, deep into the music.  One of those pieces of gear that allows you to get lost in the music, and the next thing you know is several hours has gone by and you could swear it's only been 10 minutes.  Just a beautiful, warm, non-fatiguing sound, that in the form of the Black Label also has just enough spotlight on the treble to give it that extra bit of air and zing as compared to its Silver sister.  
A full proper review per the terms of the tour is coming, but just a few more hours, iFi.  Just a few more fleeting hours with this wonderful little device that at it's price is what I would consider a minor miracle.  I am going to go out on a limb and say products that can equal or exceed this iFi at a similar price are very, very few, if any.  I might say something like the Chord Mojo, but, that device really takes a fundamentally different approach at digital to analog conversion.  
Finally, as much as I love the Black Label, I probably will not be purchasing one.  As good as it is, I think I am personally going to ride out my time with the W4S DAC-1 LE until we finally see the prize I have been dreaming about come to market... the iFi iDSD Pro.  
HOPEFULLY THIS YEAR, iFi... RIGHT??? :wink: :wink:  
Feb 20, 2017 at 10:39 AM Post #2,676 of 4,252
I would love to be added to the tour if possible:
64 Audio ADEL A12
Chord Mojo
Empire Ears Zeus XRA (Soon)
B1, G1, S1, MAM
Feb 21, 2017 at 2:35 AM Post #2,677 of 4,252
Aaand my review has landed! You can read it here:
Feb 21, 2017 at 8:26 AM Post #2,679 of 4,252
Received my unit yesterday and I am really liking the black :heart_eyes:

The iDSD BL is a really fine unit, with multiple options for our use. I thoroughly enjoyed!
Feb 21, 2017 at 8:39 AM Post #2,680 of 4,252
Feb 21, 2017 at 10:35 AM Post #2,681 of 4,252
As for the delay on all songs, I have to say I never had that happen when I had the unit. Not sure if that is a firmware update or what not. Regardless, the iDSD BL is a fine unit, and I would love to add one to my Arsenal.

I recall reading some comments about being player-dependent. Someone said that there were no pauses with JRiver but I haven't tested.
With Foobar there are pauses but not at the beginning of each track... they occur when the unit is in standy-by (or were just turned on).
My only annoyance with the BL are the pops when it is turned on/off.
Feb 21, 2017 at 10:53 AM Post #2,682 of 4,252
Excellent review, mate. I thoroughly enjoyed the jovial nature of your review. Please keep it up. :sunglasses::thumbsup:

As for the delay on all songs, I have to say I never had that happen when I had the unit. Not sure if that is a firmware update or what not. Regardless, the iDSD BL is a fine unit, and I would love to add one to my Arsenal.

I had it happen with UAPP, with Cantata and with Foobar, What's weird is that when I then go back to the beginning of the track it will play fine, but if I pause it and then start playing from the beginning then it will skip again.
Feb 21, 2017 at 1:14 PM Post #2,684 of 4,252
  USB power saving enabled in your os?

Doesn't matter since these are virtual machines, they don't have physical control over the USB controllers.
Feb 21, 2017 at 3:35 PM Post #2,685 of 4,252

About 1500ms seems to do it and use noise instead of silence (no, you can't hear this noise).

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