iBasso DX100:24 bit for bit, PG 1> Reviews & Impressions, Downloads, VIDEO, NEW Firmware 1.4.2.
Sep 6, 2012 at 7:29 PM Post #7,726 of 13,503
The thing is though figgie there is yet to be that perfect DAP with bot excellent UI and sound quality. That is the problem. The DX100 has greatly improved on it but has yet to perfect it. Now if that perfect player was really out there we'd all have one now wouldn't we? :wink:. I even have my reservations about the Hifiman 901 being perfect when it come out. Its just too much to expect form these companies (and I agree with you that its pathetic). I got my hopes up with the DX100 and wouldn't do it again on even on Hifimans products. But that's not to say I am not happy with my device with 1.1.7.  I am extremely happy with the sound and even more so when using my  Tralucent T1 amp. All if forgiven once the music is playing and the minor quirks that are still there are so minor in comparison to other past crap/clunky DAPs such as the Slfo2 and even Hifiman 601 (slow to use and access music).
Sep 6, 2012 at 7:52 PM Post #7,727 of 13,503
I using the DX100 with the 1.1.7 firmware I fail in a big way to see the problems. 
1. I have excellent sound driving IEM's like the JH13's to LCD-2's. 
2. The artwork shows up and looks much better than it did on my irivers. 
3. I can play apple lossless, FLAC, WAV, and FLAC or WAV up to 24/196. 
4. I can leave it in standby and unplugged, after a day, it uses about 10 percent of the power. 
5. I can leave it plugged in or on battery to listen and I have used it as a source with larger amps and got excellent results.  
6. I have zero problems with the UI. I could care less if they have gone beyond the OS, I listen to music and it does this extremely well. 
7. I can go from one album to another or song to song in about 1 second. 
8. I have dropped it, traveled with it, marred the case and continue to enjoy great music. 
Again, I fail to see the issues when it is doing exactly what it is supposed to do, play music, do it without a hassle, and sound excellent. 
Sep 6, 2012 at 9:00 PM Post #7,728 of 13,503
I using the DX100 with the 1.1.7 firmware I fail in a big way to see the problems. 
1. I have excellent sound driving IEM's like the JH13's to LCD-2's. 
2. The artwork shows up and looks much better than it did on my irivers. 
3. I can play apple lossless, FLAC, WAV, and FLAC or WAV up to 24/196. 
4. I can leave it in standby and unplugged, after a day, it uses about 10 percent of the power. 
5. I can leave it plugged in or on battery to listen and I have used it as a source with larger amps and got excellent results.  
6. I have zero problems with the UI. I could care less if they have gone beyond the OS, I listen to music and it does this extremely well. 
7. I can go from one album to another or song to song in about 1 second. 
8. I have dropped it, traveled with it, marred the case and continue to enjoy great music. 
Again, I fail to see the issues when it is doing exactly what it is supposed to do, play music, do it without a hassle, and sound excellent. 

Sep 6, 2012 at 9:02 PM Post #7,729 of 13,503
I using the DX100 with the 1.1.7 firmware I fail in a big way to see the problems. 
1. I have excellent sound driving IEM's like the JH13's to LCD-2's. 
2. The artwork shows up and looks much better than it did on my irivers. 
3. I can play apple lossless, FLAC, WAV, and FLAC or WAV up to 24/196. 
4. I can leave it in standby and unplugged, after a day, it uses about 10 percent of the power. 
5. I can leave it plugged in or on battery to listen and I have used it as a source with larger amps and got excellent results.  
6. I have zero problems with the UI. I could care less if they have gone beyond the OS, I listen to music and it does this extremely well. 
7. I can go from one album to another or song to song in about 1 second. 
8. I have dropped it, traveled with it, marred the case and continue to enjoy great music. 
Again, I fail to see the issues when it is doing exactly what it is supposed to do, play music, do it without a hassle, and sound excellent. 

Sep 7, 2012 at 12:53 AM Post #7,730 of 13,503
I using the DX100 with the 1.1.7 firmware I fail in a big way to see the problems. 

1. I have excellent sound driving IEM's like the JH13's to LCD-2's. 
2. The artwork shows up and looks much better than it did on my irivers. 
3. I can play apple lossless, FLAC, WAV, and FLAC or WAV up to 24/196. 
4. I can leave it in standby and unplugged, after a day, it uses about 10 percent of the power. 
5. I can leave it plugged in or on battery to listen and I have used it as a source with larger amps and got excellent results.  
6. I have zero problems with the UI. I could care less if they have gone beyond the OS, I listen to music and it does this extremely well. 
7. I can go from one album to another or song to song in about 1 second. 
8. I have dropped it, traveled with it, marred the case and continue to enjoy great music. 

Again, I fail to see the issues when it is doing exactly what it is supposed to do, play music, do it without a hassle, and sound excellent. 


Not in an insulting way, but I truly feel Figgie is in the wrong forums. In speaking and meeting to other head-fiers I've met face-to-face, our priorities here have primarily been about sound quality and other aspects in a very close 2nd or tertiary priority. The other aspects include convenience, size, price, etc. Figgie has yet to talk about SQ but more about the tech. & has mentioned audio is a -part-hobby.

Now as a veteran technologist myself, I also understand striving for an efficient OS & architectural design but that doesn't describe sound (yes I am aware of sound drivers and have kept that in mind).

This isn't a personal attack on Figgie but a general suggestion that since we're in head-fi, let's not forget about our priorities & talk about audio, & keep XDA development in the XDA forum.

If the above is inappropriate, I'm happy to edit/delete & PM Figgie directly. I won't take such recommendations offensively.
Sep 7, 2012 at 2:22 AM Post #7,732 of 13,503
I am not in this hobby. I am in the technology hobby, this happens to be PART of that hobby. Tell you the truth, just by seeing the choice of OS....

That sure was a lot of words for saying "No, I don't have a DX100 but I'd be happy to make an educated guess as to where the problems might come from, even though I've never heard the problems, only heard of them."
Let us know when you find the perfect player with perfect gui AND perfect sound. I know it might take a while but that's okay, we can wait.
Pro tip: The DX100 is by far the closest we've ever been to that perfect DAP. 5% (tops) of owning a DX100 is getting annoyed at the quirks while the other 95% is pure audio bliss. I guess it seems like we're all really bummed out because we only share our thoughs about the negative 5% but I'm pretty sure most of us couldn't imagine living with another DAP.
Sep 7, 2012 at 11:30 AM Post #7,733 of 13,503
That sure was a lot of words for saying "No, I don't have a DX100 but I'd be happy to make an educated guess as to where the problems might come from, even though I've never heard the problems, only heard of them."

...and if you would have read about 12 pages ago. Read and actually comprehended. You would have known that since I was working on the DX100 OS in the android emulator :wink: Specifically YOU should know that since you asked back then.
again, I even mentioned not once but numerous times...
"Best guess..."
I so eloquently said "Best guess" back when the file order was messed up and transcoding was also taking place. They were all best guess as I have no access to the Musict60.apk (apparently someone is reading this as with 1.2.3 they changed it to Music.apk file, curious) source code.

What do you think, RockChip/iBasso is the first to attempt this type of product? I will confidently put my "best guess" at a 95% accuracy and it is not because of a crystal ball. What if it told you that RockChip had product prototype nearly three years ago but they could not find anyone (at least US Stores) to carry it? Why?  the calcualted product returns would offset the profits making the entire "project" unfeasible.
Some one mentioned that I do not enjoy audio as a hobby. I love it. I have the Klipsch Ultra THX 2 package to show for it :wink: Again, my tolereance for crumy UI/User Experience is none existant. That is me. With that said, that is my priority not no one elses. You guys prioritize the sound over the UI. More power to you.

Any other questions?
Sep 7, 2012 at 12:14 PM Post #7,734 of 13,503
...and if you would have read about 12 pages ago. Read and actually comprehended. You would have known that since I was working on the DX100 OS in the android emulator :wink: Specifically YOU should know that since you asked back then.
again, I even mentioned not once but numerous times...

Any other questions?

I know, I was just wondering if you had gotten a DX100 since then and heard the difference between 1.1.7 and 1.2.3.
Sep 7, 2012 at 12:15 PM Post #7,735 of 13,503
Silly question time, ordered dx100 today from toxic-cables here in the UK, should be here tomorrow.
From what I gather I need some kind of adaptor for the 2 pin power supply, for those in the uk, is this the kind of adaptor I can pick up from tesco, morrisons etc? Is there a certain voltage/wattage I need to be aware of?
Sep 7, 2012 at 12:44 PM Post #7,737 of 13,503
Silly question time, ordered dx100 today from toxic-cables here in the UK, should be here tomorrow.
From what I gather I need some kind of adaptor for the 2 pin power supply, for those in the uk, is this the kind of adaptor I can pick up from tesco, morrisons etc? Is there a certain voltage/wattage I need to be aware of?

I have to say a big thank you to you cuz I was about to order it from ibasso now I don't LOL
Sep 7, 2012 at 1:01 PM Post #7,738 of 13,503
seems like RockChip/iBasso is reading this thread as they changed the Musict60.apk (1.1.7) to only say music.apk file in 1.2.3.
No.. Not yet at least. I am digging into the APK first. I decompiled the music.apk file and taking a peak. it jump all over the place.
I just put an order in for JH-3a. so getting that in 4-8 weeks or whenever. lol. Another project I am diving head first into.
Digging into the code
Can you guys rename from with the music app? Specifically from the place where you have

Add to Playlist
Add to Favourite (The UK spelling apparently).
It might not.. caught a spelling mistake.
"All your bases belong to us!!" English
"Sorry!No find relevant music" (That is from the 1.2.3 code. Cool that it searches. Does it work?)
Sep 7, 2012 at 2:35 PM Post #7,739 of 13,503
Figgie you don't own the DX100, you don't use one but you have some of the coding? For me and many others, the DX100 does what it is intended to do. What you espouse here is idle banter. Flagging that you have worked in software and with different  companies is fine but you don't have or listen to the DX100 so it is just that, bantering about your concepts of what should or should not be with a product you do not have. I will restate on this. It works for me, it sounds excellent and I own one. 
Sep 7, 2012 at 3:03 PM Post #7,740 of 13,503
Figgie you don't own the DX100, you don't use one but you have some of the coding? For me and many others, the DX100 does what it is intended to do. What you espouse here is idle banter. Flagging that you have worked in software and with different  companies is fine but you don't have or listen to the DX100 so it is just that, bantering about your concepts of what should or should not be with a product you do not have. I will restate on this. It works for me, it sounds excellent and I own one. 

Now, I have all of it. Decompiled and readable in plain english (programming langauage Java). Specifically I was right (there is that damn concept turning into facts again). The ESS likes 80Mhz as the sweet spot and 100Mhz as it max for CLK. looks like the 1.2.3. firmware went above 100mhz for the ESS CLK hence the sound degredation being reported. Why they decide to muck with the CLK signal is beyond me (again experience says, no version control and no software repository with incremental changes being kept).
Music.apk file is broken down into 162 components with a specific set used for the ESS chip (and btw it is RockChip doing the development work). Now the fun part is to decipher which part is the ESS. Security through obscurity. Already found the component that outputs SPDIF. trying to figure out if that is from the ARM CPU or the ESS. with no IDE, makes reverse engineer a huge connect the dots game (read time consuming).

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