I need headphones for gaming and metal on a budget
Jul 6, 2011 at 4:57 PM Post #17 of 24

Unfortunately I can't give an unbiased opinion here :)
The ATH-AD700's were my very first stepping stone into the audiophile realm.
At first, I regretted spending my 170$ AUD on the headphones. Being young, I was expecting the quality I had heard in the audiophile shops (where I tested products that were worth well over 1000$).
But it was my very first headphone and I stuck with them.
After about a month I purchased the ATH-CK100's for roughly 500$ AUD. These sounded roughly the same as my AD700's.
So the story continues where I took my AD700's all over the place - On train rides, in LANS, My desktop etc etc (I can attest to the build quality)
I then managed to get my hands on a pair of HD800's and the coveted LCD-2's (for an extended period of testing).
But funnily enough, I preferred the AD700's over them. I think I just got too attached to my first pair of phones though.
HOWEVER, I must say that the COMFORT, BUILD QUALITY and SOUND QUALITY make the AD700's a much loved pair of cans universally.
I'm assuming that your not too much into the audiophilia market as you are the gaming. But if you were, I would definitely say to go with the AD700's - If only to experience why such a large proportion of head fiers recommend them as entry level headphones. 
Also as a side note, I liked the K702's. But I had the AD700's and didn't think the price difference was worth the upgrade. What I'm saying is: A dollar saved is a dollar earned.
If you foresee yourself getting into the audiophile market - BUY THE AD700's
If not.

It's your choice :)

Preferred the AD700 to HD800 and LCD2? Now that is some serious attachment, because there isn't even a comparison to make there. Even I was able to let go of my beloved D2000s and AD700s easily as soon as I heard something better (Though I won't sell either of them).
Jul 6, 2011 at 7:42 PM Post #19 of 24

If you're really looking for Metal cans, do NOT get the AD700 or K70x.. For competitve gaming though, they are among the absolute best.

I decided It'd be better to get a closed portable set for listening to music (I have to do a lot of commuting every day) and an open-air set for gaming, at least in the beginning... wanting headphones that did it all was way too much to ask.
Jul 6, 2011 at 8:14 PM Post #20 of 24

I decided It'd be better to get a closed portable set for listening to music (I have to do a lot of commuting every day) and an open-air set for gaming, at least in the beginning... wanting headphones that did it all was way too much to ask.

Indeed, especially at this price. That said I still would have gone for the D2K if music is of more importance. Btw I think you'd be better off with IEMs for commuting.
Jul 7, 2011 at 10:29 PM Post #21 of 24
Completely false. There are closed cans that are great for Metal, and a few that are phenomenal for it.Though I do prefer open cans in the end (and hell, so does anyone who has experienced the best of both), Metal can absolutely work with the right closed can. As for your comparison of the M50 to K701, that makes no sense. The M50 is what I imagine to be a decent to good Metal can, whereas the K701 is something I know is one of the worst choices out there for the genre.

Your "soul-sucking" idea of the cans is unbelievable. Just because they don't have a sound signature doesn't mean any life is being taken out of the music. I don't know what crap you were shoving through but with quality produced metal the k701's are amazing.
I highly advise you to download this album in lossless (free, provided by the band) and see how they do. Hell even if you don't have the k701's you should listen to this:
Jul 8, 2011 at 12:46 AM Post #23 of 24

Your "soul-sucking" idea of the cans is unbelievable. Just because they don't have a sound signature doesn't mean any life is being taken out of the music. I don't know what crap you were shoving through but with quality produced metal the k701's are amazing.
I highly advise you to download this album in lossless (free, provided by the band) and see how they do. Hell even if you don't have the k701's you should listen to this:

Lol. I listened to the K701 with my usual assortment of all types of metal in FLAC. No, it does not work well for Metal. What do you mean they "don't have a sound signature"? They most certainly do, as does every headphone. It just so happens the K70x's does not fit this genre nearly as well, and I'm far from the only one who thinks so. Do you have other open cans to compare it with? Because again, I once thought the AD700 was amazing for Metal too. You don't know what you're missing until you hear it, but whatever, if you like it have fun.
Jul 8, 2011 at 4:14 PM Post #24 of 24

Lol. I listened to the K701 with my usual assortment of all types of metal in FLAC. No, it does not work well for Metal. What do you mean they "don't have a sound signature"? They most certainly do, as does every headphone. It just so happens the K70x's does not fit this genre nearly as well, and I'm far from the only one who thinks so. Do you have other open cans to compare it with? Because again, I once thought the AD700 was amazing for Metal too. You don't know what you're missing until you hear it, but whatever, if you like it have fun.

No I don't have a reference, I'd like one but don't

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