I dare you to wear your biggest heapdhones in public
Oct 14, 2003 at 6:26 PM Post #61 of 86
Yes, even the color helps the design here

I happen to know how good these sound, and I really like them, I just wonder why we can't have the cake (sound) and eat it too (design).

"No these are not some very old headphones from ebay, these are new earspeakers i have borrowed for from a friend" (me responding to an actual comment i got last week on the classic system 2 )
Oct 14, 2003 at 9:44 PM Post #62 of 86
I once wore a pair of Sennheiser HD470's out round the town.

I looked a lot like Dan Dare
and overall I got virtually no listening done so I decided to donate them to a worthy cause and switched over to some Stax SR001s instead.
Oct 14, 2003 at 10:02 PM Post #63 of 86
Does the HD590 count as sufficiently goofy looking for this experiment? I might try it. At least it will work with portable equipment....

Actually, I've heard from a few different people on this board that the HD590 seemed to be very popular with women. Maybe they meant that a lot of women seem to own them. Anyone remember what I'm referring to?
Oct 14, 2003 at 10:40 PM Post #65 of 86

Originally posted by redshifter
ah, excuses excuses.

eagle driver,
go for it man! get those cd2000 out there and show the world that WE'RE DEAF AS HELL NOT GOING TO TAKE CRAPPY PHONES ANYMORE!!


I did exactly that yesterday, to and from work. And what do people think? Well, they didn't pay any attention whatsoever to the 'phones.

Oct 15, 2003 at 2:11 AM Post #66 of 86
well, i guess people are used to big cans by now. i thought my cd1700 woud get some comments, but no.

now for those of you who voted and felt like an idiot wearing them, i feel for you. but you are what you feel.

for you "babe magnet" people, move out of your parent's basement, and get used to the awful reality of real women.

for the "no comment" people like me, i feel happy to wear my giant cd1700 anywhere anyhow anywho.

whatever the last choice was, i don't rememeber.

thanks for joining me in this, my friends. you are indeed brave and should be proud of your hobby.

now if you will excuse me julia bought me the 2nd season of "24" on dvd and i have to watch the next episode.
Oct 15, 2003 at 3:24 AM Post #67 of 86
I wore my HD 280 to the gym until I figured out that my portable would drive the Ety 4S with no problem.

My wife winced at me a few times, but no one else paid any attention at all. Most folk there are wearing the dorky cans that came with their players.
Oct 15, 2003 at 7:28 PM Post #68 of 86
A little off-topic, but man, the cans I see at the local gym. Stock cans across the spectrum. And i've seen a large number of people come in. There seems to be very little headphone enthusiasm in this part of New Jersey...and the funny thing ins, they'd laugh at me for wearing, let's say, the HD600.
Well, keep laughing, says I. Ignorance is bliss!
Oct 15, 2003 at 10:35 PM Post #70 of 86

Originally posted by tommyatkins
Hrm, maybe I'll take out my AKG K501s. With the big driver enclosures, and soaring headband, I hope they're a winner.


you know they're a winner, and so are you! (like the new sig, man.)

Oct 16, 2003 at 3:09 AM Post #72 of 86
i cant even walk circles in my room without the cd3000 shifting, i dont think that they'd be that good at all for being outside. harr. Plus i tend to listen with my eyes closed, also not good.
Oct 16, 2003 at 3:15 AM Post #73 of 86

Originally posted by akio
i cant even walk circles in my room without the cd3000 shifting, i dont think that they'd be that good at all for being outside. harr. Plus i tend to listen with my eyes closed, also not good.

like i said before, nothing a little duct tape around the forehead can't fix. and what's wrong with walking around with your eyes closed? i used to do it all the time. i'd let my dog lead us and after 10 minutes or so, open your eyes and your somewhere else! somewhere your dog wants you to be! (ok, i grew up in a very boring small town. so sue me.)

besides, with your eyes shut you can't see the people pointing and laughing at you.
Oct 16, 2003 at 4:22 AM Post #74 of 86

Originally posted by redshifter
official mascot of "team humungus":


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