Hugo TT 2 by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread
Feb 10, 2021 at 1:24 AM Post #12,331 of 18,991
So you mean to say they design headphones to be driven by high output impedance amp that's why chord dacs low output impedance does not sound good ?🤔 Rob watts once said through chord dacs your headphones has just been driven correctly due to ultra low output impedance. Imo it's only the matter how early you get accustomed to uncolored sound of ultra low distortion ultra low output impedance chord dacs. It can be calculated that how increase of even few ohms of output impedance can change the frequency response of headphones depending upon the frequency vs impedance curve of that headphones. So ultra low impedance of chord dacs ensures that there is no affect of output impedance on headphones. Through other dacs/amps, having more output impedance what you here is the change in frequency response which you can't avoid except to have very low output impedance.
This is probably true, but the change in frequency response is what is making these headphones sound better. It's all very subjective and that small change can be the difference between someone really enjoying them or not. It's all about what sounds better with the specific headphone and sometimes, they don't sound their best without a change in the frequency response that a higher impedance output provides.
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Feb 10, 2021 at 1:34 AM Post #12,332 of 18,991
There's a nice thread on headphones dot com about the TT2 with a review that tried all the outputs, which I haven't seen before.

Wait that thread. The first post. A review says the TT2 can't drive Susvara in the bass. However it can drive speakers.

Susvara specs: 60 ohm, 83dB.

My Dynaudio Special Forty (SF40): 6ohm, 86dB.

The Special Forty only drop to 5 ohms impedance, so do the Susvara drop lower than that.

Otherwise personally I found the TT2 could drive the SF40 louder than I needed. With very quiet recordings, I could get the volume orb to about 0dB at most, in a small room. I can imagine with the Susvara sensitivity being lower than the SP40, you'd need more volume gain. I have read that too. Like folk saying the Abyss 1266 Phi TC needing to be around 10dB. Similarly I think someone mentioned the Susvara like that too.

However to accuse the TT2 of running out of current to control bass - that's where you lose me. As Susvara impedance is quite a bit higher than SP40, it would require less current. Unless impedance drops down a long way.

Well HiFi news are saying Susvara drop to 29 ohms HiFiMan Susvara Headphones Lab Report | Hi-Fi News

That would suggest enough current if you ask me, considering SP40 drop to 5 ohms. @Rob Watts B&W 803 D3 drop to 3 ohms I think he said, but they are more sensitive so less poke (voltage) needed.

I am going to annoy a few people here but I am going to say it. One of two things is happening.

1. Somehow, unbeknown to me the TT2 is running out of current for difficult headphone loads. However I don't believe it.

2. Some people are mistaking TT2 driving their difficult headphone load sound signatures.

To elaborate on this second point. I used TT2 driving SP40 speakers and with a Chord Ttoby. I compared somewhat the signatures. .... I put the Ttoby on the TT2, using a modest Chord Clearway (ÂŁ100 award winning RCA). It's a touch bright, and not anything like good enough to extoll all that the TT2 and Ttoby can do. It was insightful never-the-less though. ......... My immediate impression with the Ttoby in the system was. Hell's teeth - speed, where's the bass, slightly bigger soundstage. (Bigger soundstage possibly from RCA slight brightness.)

After cooling myself after a few days I had found the bass. THIS IS THE CRUX OF IT. ... Bass seemed to occupy a smaller/different area, which was odd given I thought the soundstage was larger. Bass sounded very tuneful, and to be in perfect balance with treble. (Meaning my slightly bright RCA was doing OK.) There was an overall solidity to everything too, that was different to the TT2 driving speakers. I could just chill 100% to what was happening, and listen to anything. It was a very relaxed but still fast listen.

Anyway long story short: after a very few weeks, the Ttoby went back to the retailer. When I listened to TT2 driving speakers again, it sounded to be 100% honest, 'odd' in the bass. I gave this some thought, and pondered, does the TT2 really need an amp? It wasn't just the bass though. I found it hard to focus on sounds.

Then I remembered, when I first drove speakers using TT2. It took me a whole week (and more with some familiar music) to adjust to the TT2 driving speakers. I thought about that compared to how I felt about bass and everything, after Ttoby was gone. I realised, I had not adjusted back to TT2 driving speakers. It took a while to get the focus and picture back.

I also remembered how I used to feel about bass on the TT2 driving SP40 speakers. It was rock solid. The whole TT2 sounded solid driving speakers. (Also 'wow' watching a movie with TT2 and speakers.)........... Therefor I concluded unequivocally, adding an amp changes the TT2 to a lesser experience. When adding the amp at first it sounds majestic, full, clear, etc etc. .... After removing amplifier, and re-adjusting to the TT2 driving speakers; 'what was I thinking?'.

When you add an amp, you move stuff about in the soundstage, and lose layers of detail. You can't help it, because that's physics. When you remove the amp, you hear more layers; transparency. That can sound like weak sounding poop, until you hear it right. Like I said it always takes me time to readjust. Once you hear the transparency and layers, to be construction of the instrument, it's magic. Until then, it's just confusing as to what's happening, and you think w.t.h?

It was the same going from my first PC DAC to Mojo. Then Mojo to Hugo 2. Then H2 to TT2. Each step took time to adjust to the new layers of detail. ... Anyone who says TT2 hasn't enough current at 6 ohms down to 5ohms, and 86dB. They are not right. ... What you hear from the TT2 and no amplifier, is right. ... That's why I say, listen to TT2 driving your headphones for a long time. (Days/weeks.) Then add the amp, and see how it changes.
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Feb 10, 2021 at 1:54 AM Post #12,333 of 18,991
That's why I say, listen to TT2 driving your headphones for a long time. (Days/weeks.) Then add the amp, and see how it changes.

Couldn't agree more. Yes, adding an amp will change the TT2's presentation, no doubt about that. If you like it or not, which is better, can only honestly be determined by long-term testing. In my case, I did a quick A/B test when comparing TT2 output to my amp at the time with the Susvara. I thought the Rag2 made them sound better. I was so wrong...after I sold it and was waiting for a Pass XA25, I spent a couple weeks with just the TT2 and was blown away at all the little things I didn't perceive in my original quick A/B between the two. It was far superior in every way once I let myself acclimate to it. You can't just let your initial impressions, which will lean towards whatever sounds louder, fool you into thinking it's automatically better. It takes time to perceive stage and details that the TT2 presents beautifully.
Feb 10, 2021 at 2:00 AM Post #12,334 of 18,991
Otherwise personally I found the TT2 could drive the SF40 louder than I needed. With very quiet recordings, I could get the volume orb to about 0dB at most, in a small room. I can imagine with the Susvara sensitivity being lower than the SP40, you'd need more volume gain. I have read that too. Like folk saying the Abyss 1266 Phi TC needing to be around 10dB. Similarly I think someone mentioned the Susvara like that too.

I find myself driving the Susvara at volumes ranging from -18 to +12(rare), never need to go louder than that. Most of the time I'm on the negative side of 0. XLR balanced on high gain. I don't know how much the TT2 goes up to without distorting with the Susvara, but I have plenty of head room left with the volume.

@Rob Watts I've seen you crunch the numbers for the Abyss in showing how capable the SE output is, but never seen your opinion on the inefficient Susvara. Is that one headphone that you might suggest the balanced drive for?
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Feb 10, 2021 at 2:14 AM Post #12,335 of 18,991
I find myself driving the Susvara at volumes ranging from -18 to +12(rare), never need to go louder than that. Most of the time I'm on the negative side of 0. XLR balanced on high gain. I don't know how much the TT2 goes up to without distorting with the Susvara, but I have plenty of head room left with the volume.

@Rob Watts I've seen you crunch the numbers for the Abyss in showing how capable the SE output is, but never seen your opinion on the inefficient Susvara. Is that one headphone that you might suggest the balanced drive for?
Wow +12? Oh boy!
That is wild!
I stay at - 17 Max, în high mode from amp out.
Mostly - 20 to - 22
Feb 10, 2021 at 2:32 AM Post #12,338 of 18,991
Couldn't agree more. Yes, adding an amp will change the TT2's presentation, no doubt about that. If you like it or not, which is better, can only honestly be determined by long-term testing. In my case, I did a quick A/B test when comparing TT2 output to my amp at the time with the Susvara. I thought the Rag2 made them sound better. I was so wrong...after I sold it and was waiting for a Pass XA25, I spent a couple weeks with just the TT2 and was blown away at all the little things I didn't perceive in my original quick A/B between the two. It was far superior in every way once I let myself acclimate to it. You can't just let your initial impressions, which will lean towards whatever sounds louder, fool you into thinking it's automatically better. It takes time to perceive stage and details that the TT2 presents beautifully.

I think the only time it's worth adding another component is if you need to tune kit. Like if the DAC is warm, a bright amp could help. Still going to lose in other areas though. Better to just get a bright cable for you headphones in that case.

Yeah the TT2 is still magic to me. Even after owning TT2 for nearly two years, I feel no urge to upgrade with M-Scaler or to DAVE. I am more interested in some headphones, as my best is still Shure KSE1200. (KSE 1200 are blindingly good though.) I'd like some full-size headphones. I will buy a quality speaker amplifier one day too. I think Chord have scared me enough to make me want to buy a speaker amp.

@Eveyone else

I need an amp anyway because I run a Qutest and TT2 next to each other. I need to swap between them depending on what I am doing. ... While I advocate running TT2 driving speakers for audio quality, there are practical needs too. I would never use a headphone amp though; to me that would be throwing money away.

It's tricky this TT2 driving speakers thing. I have not seen Chord's announcement anywhere, that speakers on TT2 would invalidate warranty. It's made more confusing because Rob Watts stands by his comments. Chord also condone TT2 driving speakers in the manual.

I think it means one of two things. Either Chord E realise they made a mistake. Or they realise they will sell less amplifiers if they endorse TT2 driving speakers.
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Feb 10, 2021 at 3:03 AM Post #12,339 of 18,991
From what I understand, the concern was with speakers that dip too low in impedance creating a condition that would lead to the TT2 overheating... If you are driving very efficient speakers, you will be fine. I didn't notice any issues when I used it with my Klipsch Cornwalls.
Feb 10, 2021 at 3:22 AM Post #12,340 of 18,991
From what I understand, the concern was with speakers that dip too low in impedance creating a condition that would lead to the TT2 overheating... If you are driving very efficient speakers, you will be fine. I didn't notice any issues when I used it with my Klipsch Cornwalls.

I dunno because Rob uses speakers that dip to 3 ohms, I am sure he said. Maybe it was 5 ohms.

I am not sure the TT2 would overheat if you needed more current. I think it would just run out current provision. Hence the adage that ampifers with loose bass control, are ones with not much current. I think that's what happens, you just lose control of the drivers with not enough current.

Don't take it from me though, as I am only theorising really.
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Feb 10, 2021 at 4:15 AM Post #12,342 of 18,991
If you go for full size HPs try the Stax. I use both the KSE1200 (excelllent) and the Stax 007s to keep the “electrostatic” magic.

Yeah right now I am listening to the TT2, with the KSE 1200. (KSE 1200 is an electrostatic IEM - for anyone not knowing what they are.)

Track right now is Lovers in the City, by Tanita Tikaram, from her album Lovers in the City. .............. I am having that 'can't believe my ears' experience with this track. (I would genuinely encourage anyone to audition that album. Some great stuff on it. Give it maybe two auditions, to compensate for 'music mood'.)

I have been looking over the Stax SR-009s, however I think (for reasons) I will settle for the Focal Utopia. ....... I was listening and reading the Absolute Sound 009s review. Stax SR-009S Electrostatic Earspeaker - The Absolute Sound (I was noting again that they declare the 009s "dead-neutral voicing". Would be bliss on the TT2.)
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Feb 10, 2021 at 4:39 AM Post #12,343 of 18,991
With hd650 I rarely need to go beyond -16L or so from front headphone out jack. Perfect volume output reference for me is where the vocals is just like singing live in front of you. For instrumental it's the setting where no instrument is drawing extra attention. Surprisingly this result in the levels which are lower than most people claim to listen at. Imo if tt2 can drive sensitive speakers then it can always
drive insensitive headphones too because headphones need much less power being very close to ears. A 8ohm speaker at say -10L will draw lot more current than a 60ohm or even 32ohm headphones at -10L, even if headphones are not very sensitive. So I don't think tt2 can't drive headphones like abyss. It's more of psychological thing, when you reach near 80 to 90% of volume, you start thinking about lack of power. Headphone in any case will draw it's required share of power from any amp irrespective of volume setting you are at. In Tt2 it may be around -5L or in other amp it may be at 8'o clock only. What matters is the current availability at that volume setting. For that tt2 is very good as it can drive the 8ohm speakers directly.
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Feb 10, 2021 at 4:43 AM Post #12,344 of 18,991
Btw did anybody try zmf verite or any other 300ohm zmf headphones with tt2 ? How neutral and distortion free these zmf offerings are ? Any other 300ohm or more impedance headphones with slightly more open sound than hd650 ?
Feb 10, 2021 at 5:26 AM Post #12,345 of 18,991
Would I improve my sound quality more by using that money to 1) upgrade the 887 amplifier to a Benchmark HP4A (or Headamp GSX Mini); OR 2) would I see more sound improvement keeping the 887 (which I actually prefer to my V281 for some strange reason) and adding the M Scaler to my TT2?

@SaddleSC From my limited experience with TT2 I'd say you buy it because of its sound signature including musicality. It has great head amp section so personally I never saw a need to add additional amp just for cans. Coming back to fist sentence which is the key here I believe: you either buy TT2 for its specific signature, adding anything in the chain will simply add some distortion meaning you will loose or otherwise impact the TT2 "sound" which means you were not looking for this particular signature in the very first place. While I agree that adding tubes could have a nice influence on sound it will also mean you will loose some of TT2 original sound tuning. Is it worth it? You have to decide but my point is: if you think TT2 sound must be tuned with additional amp you may as well try to consider different dac altogether because similar final result could be probably achieved with completely different setup.

Just my friendly 2 cents.

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