Hugo TT 2 by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread
Mar 20, 2021 at 6:06 PM Post #13,006 of 19,128
You haven’t written on the Dave thread either lazybones 🤣. Too busy listening no doubt. I just want to know is it noticeably “cooler” sounding than the HTT2? My only real fear regarding the Dave is that it will be too analytical to be as musical as the HTT2.
Ok ok... :rolling_eyes:

It does reveal a lot more detail. It's quite noticeable. I think some people might think that means that it's cooler or more analytical, meaning less musical, but I don't find that to be the case at all. There's also more texture to the instruments - the brush on a snare drum for example - and a sense of more space around them.

The TT2 revealed things in songs I know very well that I hadn't realised were there. The DAVE has done the same thing again. It's really quite impressive. I'm comparing them both using the M-Scaler. I have not tried my headphones with it yet.

If I couldn't afford the DAVE or they didn't make it then I'd be perfectly happy with the TT2. But they do, and I can, so I did, and I'm very happy with it.
Mar 20, 2021 at 11:28 PM Post #13,012 of 19,128
I see the pills I’m taking still haven’t started to take effect.......🤣🤣🤣

No ?

You must be taking the wrong pills, as my pills work a treat. Aslong as nobody touches my legs and feet.

I would advise you to take the blue pill, which just so happens to be 10mg of valium. The red pill, it’s just ibuprofen.
Mar 21, 2021 at 1:24 AM Post #13,014 of 19,128
Can I use both XLR and RCA to same headphone amp ? So I can compare best connection for my system with the switch selector .
Yes, that's what I did with my iCAN, which allows for instantaneous flipping back and forth. As much as I tried, I couldn't tell a difference (with the TT2 in the fixed DAC mode).
Mar 21, 2021 at 7:41 AM Post #13,016 of 19,128
Ok ok... :rolling_eyes:

It does reveal a lot more detail. It's quite noticeable. I have not tried my headphones with it yet.
griff500, congratulations 🎊 on getting a Chord DAVE. Some of the TT2 ownership faithful here are very happy for you. Others, owing to the possibility that you’ve single-handedly probably destroyed this thread and will cause many of us to go further into debt, not so much. 😃 Since I do all of my critical music listening using headphones these days, I shall reserve judgment and withhold any ire and derision that you might honestly deserve. Now that that is out of the way, what color is your new DAVE, silver or black?
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Mar 21, 2021 at 7:52 AM Post #13,017 of 19,128
griff500, congratulations 🎊 on getting a Chord DAVE. Some of the TT2 ownership faithful here are very happy for you. Others, owing to the possibility that you’ve single-handedly probably destroyed this thread and will cause many of us to go further into debt, not so much. 😃 Since I do all of my critical music listening using headphones these days, I shall reserve judgment and withhold any ire and derision that you might honestly deserve. Now that that is out of the way, what color is your new DAVE, silver or black?

Black of course!

I find black to match better between components rather than silver. And the pretty lights look better against black and that's very important... :thinking:
Mar 21, 2021 at 2:33 PM Post #13,019 of 19,128
griff500, congratulations 🎊 on getting a Chord DAVE. Some of the TT2 ownership faithful here are very happy for you. Others, owing to the possibility that you’ve single-handedly probably destroyed this thread and will cause many of us to go further into debt, not so much. 😃 Since I do all of my critical music listening using headphones these days, I shall reserve judgment and withhold any ire and derision that you might honestly deserve. Now that that is out of the way, what color is your new DAVE, silver or black?

You have got to be kidding. I don't believe any sane person would go into debt to buy this kind of stuff.

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