Hugo TT 2 by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread
Oct 8, 2023 at 5:13 AM Post #18,121 of 19,128
Check this out, miketlse, alot of forum members will know him due to being a long time poster, he bought a new TT2.

It was meant to be delivered on a friday in mid september, as he wasn’t working on that friday, however it was shown as being “delivered” on a thursday, the day before it was meant to delivered, but he was at work then and that can be verified easily.

Mike never got his TT2 and since he used a debit card he may not get a refund. The store thinks it was delivered and to this day he still does not have his TT2.

Before anyone says anything, I’ve known about this for a few weeks, mike never asked me to post on his behalf or to even mention it to anyone, and I never mentioned I would make a post to him either.

I took it upon myself to post, but I think that chord need to hear this since they scrutinise dealers of their higher end products and, a TT2 is not exactly cheap and for a delivery on the wrong day and it being “delivered“ when he was at work, well what can you say ? He didn’t want to make a fuss with the store and he is now in a situation where he handed a store £4500 for nothing. Maybe a force change of delivery companies for whatever region mike is in is needed ? as it could of been a dodgy delivery driver, it wouldn’t be the first time a delivery driver has nicked stuff.

I can assure everyone that mike is 100% legit, he DID NOT get his TT2 and that is legit. I don’t know what to say, I’m stunned, either the delivery company ripped him off or it was returned to the store, which did or didn’t happen and since he used a debit card he has little chance of getting a refund because it shows as being delivered.

There is proof that mike was at work on the day and time that it said it was delivered.

Just to make it clear, Mike never asked me to make a post, I never told him that I was going to, as he doesn’t want to make a fuss, but I will make a fuss for him as nobody would like to be in the situation that he is now in.

Just to add, I hate the new format of the forums, I use an ipad and there are very large disruptive adverts on the right hand side of the screen, please headfi, sort that crap out as it is intrusive and it makes the posts tiny looking compared to what it used to be like. Maybe next year you can update the forum look and just use the entire page for adverts.
What country are we talking. ? Im in UK and if this happened with UK Dealer/Courier I want to know. If anywere else in the world it will be of no relevance at all.......
Oct 11, 2023 at 4:58 PM Post #18,124 of 19,128
I connected my TT2 to the Sony TA-ZH1ES using the XLR out for the first time (using a quality XLR to RCA cable). I noticed that when I disconnect the headphones from the TT2 headphone jack, it doesn't do the power cycle / 15 sec wait time to enter line out mode. It's immediately ready to put out sound via the XLR out. This is different than the RCA out. Am I correct that these behave differently? Any potential issues?
Oct 11, 2023 at 8:54 PM Post #18,126 of 19,128
I have noticed that when TT2 is in LOW GAIN mode, I never see the wait-cycle thingy.
In MEDIUM or HIGH GAIN mode, it does the wait cycle when plugging in/out my headphone.
Dunno if this is normal or different if using other amps, or using XLR/RCA to the external amp, haven't checked out on that.
Oct 11, 2023 at 11:16 PM Post #18,127 of 19,128
I have noticed that when TT2 is in LOW GAIN mode, I never see the wait-cycle thingy.
In MEDIUM or HIGH GAIN mode, it does the wait cycle when plugging in/out my headphone.
Dunno if this is normal or different if using other amps, or using XLR/RCA to the external amp, haven't checked out on that.
There is no medium gain mode, only High or Low.

The delay many are mentioning is when the TT2 is set to DAC mode, and it is normal operations. One way to avoid the delay is use in amp mode and manual set the voltage out using the volume ball. That way the TT2 does not have to pause, change modes and carry on.
Oct 13, 2023 at 11:14 AM Post #18,129 of 19,128
Nope. can't do either. That's why i need some input.

Let me know how it goes. I have read mixed review about the m scaler.
Difficult to put it in words: Better soundstage, naturality, three-dimensionality... After I switched the m-scaler off after listening to it for a long time, I thought everything was so digital, and the soundstage somehow collapsed into a less-dimensional experience; some naturality disappeared, and I could not stand it. It is a matter of time; initially, the perceived differences were quite subtle, but after a long time with the M-S, I perceived it much more strongly. In short, try it for as long as possible before forming any judgments.

I even bought a second M-Scaler for my second Chord DAC. It is almost impossible for me to listen to music without it after having it for a long time...

Ease, naturalness, flow. Once you get used to it it’s very, very difficult to give up. There’s nothing about it that’s an instant hifi difference for me. It’s just…better.
Well, I heard the M-Scaler & TT2 together today. The dealer has a Chord DAC at home, but said M-Scaler never convinced him enough to own one. He suggested I buy a TT2, borrow an M-Scaler for a few weeks to see if I could justify the expense.
I listened to a broad mix of tracks. We listened with M-Scaler, then direct to TT2. I'd say my experience was as above. M-Scaler certainly changed the sound of TT2 on every track. Some were very different. The dealer was surprised by the Bicep tracks (electronic music). He said before we took M-Scaler out, that there would be no difference with a recording like that. 2 minutes into the track, he paused it, put M-Scaler back in, then we listened to the whole track again. When it finished he said how surprised he was by the change.
The TT2 is a good DAC. Honestly, I wouldn't have bought it on it's own. I was torn between keeping my existing Linn setup, or, I was strongly leaning to a Linn Selekt, with the Organik DAC's. The best single box system I've heard. The TT2 with the M-Scaler was simply a different level. Music was soo easy to listen to. It all sounded effortless. On it's own, the TT2 sounded a little forced (dare I say it, even fake). As a combo I just loved whatever we listened to. Long story short, I ordered both in silver :gs1000smile:
Oct 13, 2023 at 11:44 AM Post #18,130 of 19,128
@headmanPL , it sounds as if you actually removed the Mscaler from the chain, right?

Did you also happen to compare Mscaler in the chain at 1X (no upscaling) vs. 16X? Thanks!
Oct 13, 2023 at 11:59 AM Post #18,131 of 19,128
@headmanPL , it sounds as if you actually removed the Mscaler from the chain, right?

Did you also happen to compare Mscaler in the chain at 1X (no upscaling) vs. 16X? Thanks!
That's right, it was disconnected entirely, and reconnected for each track. We didn't change the scaling settings in the demo. He did offer to cycle through, but I listening to each track 3 times (scaled-not scaled-scaled) burnt through 4 hours very quickly.
Oct 13, 2023 at 1:20 PM Post #18,134 of 19,128
Well, I heard the M-Scaler & TT2 together today. The dealer has a Chord DAC at home, but said M-Scaler never convinced him enough to own one. He suggested I buy a TT2, borrow an M-Scaler for a few weeks to see if I could justify the expense.
I listened to a broad mix of tracks. We listened with M-Scaler, then direct to TT2. I'd say my experience was as above. M-Scaler certainly changed the sound of TT2 on every track. Some were very different. The dealer was surprised by the Bicep tracks (electronic music). He said before we took M-Scaler out, that there would be no difference with a recording like that. 2 minutes into the track, he paused it, put M-Scaler back in, then we listened to the whole track again. When it finished he said how surprised he was by the change.
The TT2 is a good DAC. Honestly, I wouldn't have bought it on it's own. I was torn between keeping my existing Linn setup, or, I was strongly leaning to a Linn Selekt, with the Organik DAC's. The best single box system I've heard. The TT2 with the M-Scaler was simply a different level. Music was soo easy to listen to. It all sounded effortless. On it's own, the TT2 sounded a little forced (dare I say it, even fake). As a combo I just loved whatever we listened to. Long story short, I ordered both in silver :gs1000smile:
Welcome to the club of happily emptied pockets!

I want to add that the experience I described in the post you cited was with Dave. I started with Dave, then MS, and then I bought TT2 with my second M-Scaler for my second setup... Perhaps the effects of M-Scaler are more immediately obvious with the TT2 than with Dave? Just guessing... I enjoy both of my M-Scaled setups and also have Opto-DX in both.
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Oct 13, 2023 at 9:35 PM Post #18,135 of 19,128
Enjoying my TT-2 and M Scaler. Absolutely love it.

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