Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread
Dec 2, 2018 at 3:59 PM Post #3,827 of 19,017
Hi there!

I'm looking at getting an M-Scaler, and I notice the common thread of the reviews is more separation, clearer-sounding instruments, etc. Rather analytical.

I've never read anyone saying anything like "I get so much more joy listening to music through it."

Sonic detail aside, have people had a significantly increased raw emotional experience from it?

Actually men do not often talk about emotions. We try to use a neutral language that can describe some facts. Thus the attempt to describe by acustic terms. But the the easier breathing, the satisfaction, the happyness and the endorphins are there with HMS and did we not try to show gratefulness to the man who spent 35 years making this possible?
Dec 2, 2018 at 4:06 PM Post #3,828 of 19,017
Pass-through mode and M-Scaler removed from the chain sound exactly the same,

I know this is the theory but just wondered if you have done a comparison. I mean to but I have not yet had time.
Dec 2, 2018 at 4:17 PM Post #3,829 of 19,017
Hi there!

I'm looking at getting an M-Scaler, and I notice the common thread of the reviews is more separation, clearer-sounding instruments, etc. The assessments have almost all been rather "sonics analysis"-based.

I've never read anyone saying anything like "I get so much more joy listening to music through it."

Sonic detail aside, have people had a significantly increased raw emotional experience from it?
Absolutely, often sublime, especially with the right music. Overall music is more enjoyable with the M-Scaler.
Dec 2, 2018 at 5:09 PM Post #3,831 of 19,017
Hi there!

I'm looking at getting an M-Scaler, and I notice the common thread of the reviews is more separation, clearer-sounding instruments, etc. The assessments have almost all been rather "sonics analysis"-based.

I've never read anyone saying anything like "I get so much more joy listening to music through it."

Sonic detail aside, have people had a significantly increased raw emotional experience from it?

Yes, thats what all the HMS sonic improvements are about... Much more of our SQ fetish on many levels... deeper emotional impact and higher level of enjoyment included...
Dec 2, 2018 at 7:28 PM Post #3,832 of 19,017
I know this is the theory but just wondered if you have done a comparison. I mean to but I have not yet had time.
No, I haven't tested it systematically either, I'm just relying on theory – there's simply nothing I can see that would affect the sound negatively with the M Scaler in pass-through mode, supposed it doesn't infect the signal with RFI when not upscaling (...Rob?). After all the DAVE sounds like in the pre-HMS area with HMS in pass-through mode.
Dec 2, 2018 at 8:16 PM Post #3,833 of 19,017
For what it's worth, on subject of the difference between pass-through and non-HMS modes into a DAC, in my opinion there is no relevant theory:
  • The galvanic isolation on HMS's USB input may or may not be better than the filtering/galvanic isolation on the DAC
  • The DAC may or may not be sensitive to the RF noise that HMS adds into its outputs
  • The DAC may or may not be sensitive to the RF noise created by the power supply used by HMS
  • The BNC (or other electrical S/PDIF) input(s) on the DAC for use with HMS may or may not be more sensitive to RF noise than the optical or USB inputs (environmentally induced and HMS induced RF noise)
So there's no way to say there's a theory here. Just a long list of unknowns.
Dec 2, 2018 at 8:31 PM Post #3,834 of 19,017
No, I haven't tested it systematically either, I'm just relying on theory – there's simply nothing I can see that would affect the sound negatively with the M Scaler in pass-through mode, supposed it doesn't infect the signal with RFI when not upscaling (...Rob?). After all the DAVE sounds like in the pre-HMS area with HMS in pass-through mode.

Isn’t the HMS technically a digital to digital converter with its own external psu? I know Rob has put extensive, thorough, effort into filtering and isolation, but at the end of the day every extra component in the chain has an effect on the sound signature.

Its possible that the HMS in pass-through mode imparts its own sound signature to the signal that subjectively sounds better than Dave alone ,(think of usb to spidif converters for example)which could explain why some people could hear the M Scaler effect right away (because the M Scaler may have its own sound)
Dec 2, 2018 at 9:04 PM Post #3,835 of 19,017
Isn’t the HMS technically a digital to digital converter with its own external psu?
Yes, but not in pass-through mode, where it simply passes the signal through. The 3 dB decrease is no conversion process, as little as a corresponding decrease in foobar or Winamp, which doesn't affect the sound.

When I said «exactly the same», that was a sloppy way of explaining the function of the M Scaler to someone who couldn't detect the differences caused by the different upscaling modes. In fact the RFI (shielding) effect with the M Scaler in the digital-signal path (as explained by Jawed) may absolutely affect the sound to a minor degree, but that's a different level and a different topic. To my ears, without direct comparison, pass-through sounds like DAVE direct – and I'm one who noticed a pronounced sonic change from the M Scaler.
Dec 2, 2018 at 9:41 PM Post #3,836 of 19,017
1. So how prevalent are these problems with a DAVE/MScaler combination?
2. What if my DAVE is pre-owned? If I buy a new MScaler from a dealer will Chord help me out if I have problems?
3. Is there any what to know if my DAVE is one with these issues before I get an MScaler?
4. How much would it cost to fix a DAVE with this issue if I had to pay?
5. Does it need to be shipped to Britain (from the US)?
DAVE shouldn't be the issue. My setup is primitive, using stock SMPS for HMS, stock BNC cable for the link and basic PC for DAVE. It works fine. Check the streamer.
Dec 2, 2018 at 9:54 PM Post #3,837 of 19,017
Moon Audio Black Dragon Dual BNC

i have no desire to listen to Utopia. someone buy it from me. E2 is my #1. absolutely amazing in this set up right now.
What's wrong with the Utopia?
Dec 2, 2018 at 9:58 PM Post #3,838 of 19,017
Deoxit is an excellent contact cleaner and anti corrosion so your connection is more reliable, longer
May try the Furutech nano fuild as well. Heard good things but pretty expensive.
Dec 2, 2018 at 10:06 PM Post #3,839 of 19,017
Hi there!

I'm looking at getting an M-Scaler, and I notice the common thread of the reviews is more separation, clearer-sounding instruments, etc. The assessments have almost all been rather "sonics analysis"-based.

I've never read anyone saying anything like "I get so much more joy listening to music through it."

Sonic detail aside, have people had a significantly increased raw emotional experience from it?
Yes, much better enjoyments, goosebumps, ..., etc.

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