How long do you plan to keep your amps?
Mar 12, 2010 at 6:58 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 48


100+ Head-Fier
Aug 3, 2005
Heys guys just wondering how long you plan to keep your amps when you buy them. My current portable is the RSA Tomahawk and I plan to keep it as long as possible as I believe the endless source of AAA's will easily allow this option.

I was looking to purchase a RSA P-51 Mustang or Pico Slim in the future however they both use internal rechargeable batteries. Although these can be replaced one never knows when sourcing of such parts may become scarce.

Do you guys plan to keep your amps for a very long time or would you intend to move onto newer and better as the industry develops thus selling older amps along the way? If you're planning to keep these amps in the long run what would you do if the batteries were no longer available? Would you just run using the AC adapter? I guess my concern is that if one day I found an amp I truly loved and wanted to use until the day I died, the internal battery thing would make that difficult. Mind you my expectations are somewhat extreme considering one would never expect to continue using a DAP for so long but in the case of the RSA Tomahawk at this point I don't see any reason for it to stop working baring any unforeseen accidents etc.

Anyways just curious about some thoughts on this topic from the other members of this forum.
Mar 12, 2010 at 7:27 PM Post #2 of 48
Im on a huge battery kick thing lately.
I agree with buying amps with easily replaceable batteries.
I got a T&D Xtra1 Pro here with a dead battery , and im having a hard time finding a replacement.
I also have a C&C Box + .....the battery is still good, but ill have the same problem im sure.

So all my other amps have 9V's, and my Tomahawk has AAA's.

No more internal batteries. I even hate that my music players have internals!!!
My sansas have replaceable batteries though, except the Clip which is a throw away.
Mar 12, 2010 at 7:46 PM Post #3 of 48
Have a tomahawk and a Portaphile and no plans to retire them. For my gear I have the perfect amps. Tomahawk for IEM's and Portaphile for The big Cans.
Mar 12, 2010 at 7:51 PM Post #4 of 48

Originally Posted by BIG POPPA /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Have a tomahawk and a Portaphile and no plans to retire them. For my gear I have the perfect amps. Tomahawk for IEM's and Portaphile for The big Cans.

X2 !!!!


I cant wait to see all the paperweights for sale in our forum!!!
Mar 12, 2010 at 8:37 PM Post #6 of 48

Originally Posted by Drag0n /img/forum/go_quote.gif
X2 !!!!


I cant wait to see all the paperweights for sale in our forum!!!

Mar 12, 2010 at 9:09 PM Post #11 of 48
I think I going to keep my new one for at least two years. It will be the strongest part of my setup untill I am able to fully upgrade my source, transport, power, and cans. Then I will probably look into what is new in amps.
Mar 12, 2010 at 9:58 PM Post #12 of 48

Originally Posted by mesasone /img/forum/go_quote.gif

You cant figure out why?

Because some amp manufacturers will disapear, and most people wont know where to get a replacement battery for it, and wont know how to install it either.
Some of these batteries were purchased at a good deal in bulk especially for the amp its implimented into, and you may not be able to get them.

Some amp makers are the only one in their company, and when they die or retire and disapear, youre left with an amp that needs a propriotary battery, and wont know how to replace it.

If your Pico battery or Predator battery dies and Ray or Justin is gone......Where will you get a replacement?

I wish you luck

I like it simple.
Mar 12, 2010 at 10:52 PM Post #13 of 48
Well I would like to say never because I love my amp now (RSA Tomahawk) because of the amazing sound I get from it.

However I have a bad habit of buying other pieces of equipment so I'm not sure what I'll do down the road.
Mar 13, 2010 at 12:37 AM Post #15 of 48

Originally Posted by nycdoi /img/forum/go_quote.gif
every time a BETTER amp comes out, my old ones are destined to be goners.

I just keep adding to the collection. I was going to sell my T&D Xtra1 Pro , but now that the battery wont take a charge, and the board doesnt want to slide out so i can see what it is to possibly replace it, im not going to sell it like that.

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