How come girls aren't into Spiderman?
Jun 25, 2006 at 4:41 PM Post #46 of 83

Originally Posted by JahJahBinks
It's like you are talking with this girl and she brought up Justin Timberlake, you probably want to leave too.

Speak for yourself.

Timberlake 4 ever!1!!!!
Jun 25, 2006 at 5:34 PM Post #47 of 83
Spiderman is just creepy, you guys! I mean, he got BIT BY A RADIOACTIVE SPIDER! Come on, most girls don't even like to SEE spiders, let alone think about getting bit by one. Plus, he never shows his face when he is Spiderman, so you can't really claim "Spiderman is a good-looking dude" or whatever the OP said. At least Batman's lips are still accessible. Though Batman is pretty weird too.

OK, plus everything all the other posters said about comic book conversation = geek talk.
Jun 25, 2006 at 7:01 PM Post #49 of 83
You can talk about Spiderman, as long as the guy next to you is wearing this-

Comparatively, you will be Stud Muffin material. She won't know what "Grok" is, but "Spock" usually is enough to drive em away!
Jun 25, 2006 at 7:17 PM Post #51 of 83

Originally Posted by Spareribs
34. I'm not really a huge Spiderman fan but enough to see all the movies and own the DVDs. I'm planning on getting the 60's cartoon series on DVD as well. Some day I'll invite a bunch of girls over and we'll have a Spiderman DVD party.

Oh, ok. You kept a straight face for too never know around here.
Jun 25, 2006 at 8:10 PM Post #52 of 83
kirosia, i hate to admit this, however, the capt. obvious reference is one of the funniest and most pertanent posts ever made on this forum......

can i ask what the average age of the forum members is these days and why exactly you people could possibly be talking about spiderman and females in the same sentence??????

my lord, i guess im just getting old and need to be sent to the retirement home for geriatric headfiers.....
Jun 26, 2006 at 12:38 AM Post #53 of 83
There is no possibility other than that this thread is a joke. No, I cannot believe that a guy could understand so little of the nature of females. Not even on Head-Fi will I believe it to be seriously true.
Jun 26, 2006 at 11:39 AM Post #55 of 83

Originally Posted by Spareribs
If I'm at a party and I start talking to a chick, it can be great and casual. Then I'll bring up the topic of Spiderman and discuss it. Later, I seem kinda invisable and she moves on with her friends. I don't understand. Spiderman is an attractive male with a good physique and great personality and so naturally you would think that girls go crazy over him right?

Oh gee, where to start?
Newsflash: Women are PEOPLE, not poultry, or any other assortment of objects. PEOPLE - just like you are a PERSON. Get it? Understand? Yes, the female brain generally operates in a different way, but it's not so much different as to be some form of alien object... or poultry.

So let's say you start talking to a stranger in a social situation. It's clear the person wants to impress you. Then suddenly the person begins to ramble on obsessively about a given subject. You put out the singals that you're not really interested in it, at least at this time. Yet the person goes on and on and on, and you start to think this person is a bit left of center, probably lives in a basement. Annoying as hell.

Do you move on? Yes, you do.

There's a lesson in there somewhere.
Jun 26, 2006 at 11:46 AM Post #56 of 83

Originally Posted by Jahn
You can talk about Spiderman, as long as the guy next to you is wearing this-

Comparatively, you will be Stud Muffin material. She won't know what "Grok" is, but "Spock" usually is enough to drive em away!

Personally I'd rather talk to the guy that Grok's Spock. Granted TNG is where it's at, not TOS, but still, better than talking about a guy who shoots white stuff out of his wrists and enjoys the feel of head-to-toe spandex.
Jun 26, 2006 at 2:33 PM Post #57 of 83
Perhaps in order to gain their interest, you could have asked them to ponder on the greater mysteries of life, like how long it takes them to comb their hair or do their nails, or how many "oh my god"s they utter in a single, 5-hour cell phone conversation?

Seriously, why do you care what the hell they think about you anyway? Maybe I'm being the bad guy, but most of what women talk about is uninteresting to guys, but guys pretend to like it anyway. Women don't even make the effort. I say, find a woman who doesn't mind your fascination with Spiderman, and run with it. There are many women who won't mind it, so long as it isn't an obsession with Spidey. If you bring up Spidey and the girl leaves, that is a good thing and you won't waste your time making an effort for someone that isn't worth it in the first place. Let the "kegger-girls" continue on in their self-absorbed lives and find themselves someone stupid enough to bow down to their every want and need.
Jun 26, 2006 at 3:49 PM Post #58 of 83
I would assume it's for the same reason that guys dont like Rainbow Bright, or Hello Kitty...

Girl: What do you mean you don't like hello kitty? You must! She's a girl and she's cute!!!

Comic book references before 3rd date... Not so smart.
Jun 26, 2006 at 5:36 PM Post #59 of 83
Reading all these posts makes me feel a little inadequate to be a woman because I like Spiderman.

Choice of superhero says a lot about a person: my sister was in love with Bruce Wayne and she married a guy like that, my other sister was in love with Superman and her husband wants to save the world.
I was never in love with spidey but he was my favorite since the old tv cartoons. He didn't win all the time and was often misunderstood.
imo, movies ruined Spiderman a little, I find the Hollywood version a little too colorful and glamorized, and I don't think the real spiderman would get the girl in the end.

I still liked the movies because I love spiderman!

So yea, don't talk to girls about this stuff until you've seen each other nkd.
Once she pictures you in Superman underwear it's too difficult to recover.
Jun 26, 2006 at 7:20 PM Post #60 of 83
1. Because women are constantly evaluating a male's ability to provide a family and financial resources in the long run. Mentioning comic book characters does nothing to show that you are a good catch - genetically or financially.
a. They evaluate you physically - height, weight, facial features, etc., because they want to get an idea of the genetic package in case they actually do get married to someone and have kids.
b. They evaluate your financial potential - your degree, what you currently do, are you good at what you do, how much you make now, etc. Let's be real, not very many women (heck, or guys for that matter) really look forward to having to work their tails of for 40 years. Why not find a guy that makes enough so that you can quit working and be an annoying soccer mom for the next 18 years instead?
2. Because women are insufferable romantics and fall in love with the dashing image of a male. Or, the really shallow, disgusting women out there view a guy as a trophy that they can flaunt in front of their female friends. Either way, mentioning comic book characters isn't a good way to impress women.

My wife didn't realize I was a comic book freak until AFTER we were married. Then, after a few years, she bitched and moaned about the fact that I spent about $15-$20 a week on comic books. I think she didn't think it was "cool." It didn't give her something to talk about with her friends.

How do I know it was a perception issue as opposed to a money issue? Because the next year, I took up golf, and spent beaucoup dollars on equipment, and would spend at least $50/week on greens fees. She never complained once! Why? Because in her mind, a husband that goes out and golfs is a cool thing. She can talk to her friends about the places where I golf - especially the ones with $150-$200 greens fees.

Women! Hah! Can't live with 'em. Can't... uh... live with 'em!! Yeah!

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