Home-Made IEMs
Nov 8, 2016 at 8:05 PM Post #5,506 of 16,090
I herd gulf wax is good too. ?

I've been using Gulf Wax and I haven't had very good results. I've melted it both with a Sous Vide (Water Bath) system and also using the microwave. I've been able to melt it and get it to coat the impressions really well, but my problems have been related to the low melting point (approx 130-140 degrees fahrenheit; however, the melting point of both the gelatine and Krystalloid is higher. When I've poured the investment material, I've had significant issues with both causing the wax to melt and become unstable. I also tried coating the impressions in clear nail polish, which adhered really well, but again seemed to bubble and melt as well. Anyway, I'd love to know more about the dental wax as well. I'm seriously considering buying some to try as well. I hope this helps you decide as well. :)
Nov 8, 2016 at 8:42 PM Post #5,509 of 16,090
  I've been using Gulf Wax and I haven't had very good results. I've melted it both with a Sous Vide (Water Bath) system and also using the microwave. I've been able to melt it and get it to coat the impressions really well, but my problems have been related to the low melting point (approx 130-140 degrees fahrenheit; however, the melting point of both the gelatine and Krystalloid is higher. When I've poured the investment material, I've had significant issues with both causing the wax to melt and become unstable. I also tried coating the impressions in clear nail polish, which adhered really well, but again seemed to bubble and melt as well. Anyway, I'd love to know more about the dental wax as well. I'm seriously considering buying some to try as well. I hope this helps you decide as well. :)

As far as I know, the red dental wax is what most IEM companies use for their investments.  It has significantly improved my shell quality.  I would say this is a "must buy"!
Nov 8, 2016 at 8:55 PM Post #5,510 of 16,090
I have been using clear ballistics gel for my molds, which has a melting point of 265-270 F, but paraffin does not stand a chance against that.
I have just been looking around and I think I might have a new idea...downhill ski wax.
From what I am seeing, different types of ski wax have varying melting points, and there appear to be a couple that are above 270F.
I need to look into it further.
Nov 9, 2016 at 1:57 PM Post #5,511 of 16,090
  I have been using clear ballistics gel for my molds, which has a melting point of 265-270 F, but paraffin does not stand a chance against that.
I have just been looking around and I think I might have a new idea...downhill ski wax.
From what I am seeing, different types of ski wax have varying melting points, and there appear to be a couple that are above 270F.
I need to look into it further.

Killer idea!!!  I gave up on Clear Ballistics because I could only get a bubble free investment after sticking the whole thing in the oven for a few hours.  So, wax was a no-go.  Which is a shame because it's awesome stuff -- super strong and way more transparent than Krystaloid.  Still yet to try it in a pressure pot though.  That may do the trick, I just don't have access to one.  I never thought about ski wax though.  If you try it, let me know how it goes!
Nov 9, 2016 at 5:06 PM Post #5,512 of 16,090
Congrats ForceMajeure for winning the Noble Sage Giveaway!! That's pretty awesome!! I heard an interview with John (Wizard) who talked about the Sage, they are revamped Savant's - they had knowles add a tip to the ED-30761 creating there own proprietary driver making it easier to connect tubing reducing the technical skill required to assemble, it also gives it a small improvement on the bass response.
Nov 9, 2016 at 11:34 PM Post #5,513 of 16,090
Is there a page on this where it talks about a DIY faceplate? I'd love to see everyone's process and procedure how they go about do them.
Nov 10, 2016 at 7:08 AM Post #5,515 of 16,090
Congrats ForceMajeure for winning the Noble Sage Giveaway!! That's pretty awesome!! I heard an interview with John (Wizard) who talked about the Sage, they are revamped Savant's - they had knowles add a tip to the ED-30761 creating there own proprietary driver making it easier to connect tubing reducing the technical skill required to assemble, it also gives it a small improvement on the bass response.

Yes, I saw that video also.
Thanks. so nice to win something out of the blue :)
Nov 10, 2016 at 12:47 PM Post #5,516 of 16,090
Nov 14, 2016 at 11:41 PM Post #5,518 of 16,090
  As far as I know, the red dental wax is what most IEM companies use for their investments.  It has significantly improved my shell quality.  I would say this is a "must buy"!

Thanks for your advice! I've bought some and it should be arriving Wednesday! :D My impression creation is decent, and I'm getting a lot better at using the Krystalloid. I'm hoping that by the time my Nice Fit arrives from China, I'll be ready and able to make quality shells with them! I'll write up a post detailing what I have learned, what has worked, and what hasn't. Unfortunately the list of failures and problems will be much longer than the list of successes :/ On the plus side, I've learned a lot regarding successful shellmaking and I'm getting better with time. :D Thanks again for all the advice and the wisdom encompassed in this thread. I really appreciate it guys! :)
Nov 15, 2016 at 1:38 AM Post #5,519 of 16,090
Hi. Myself experience failure making shells. They cure very uneven. Some parts solid while some parts on the thicker walls of negtive dont cure at all, probably due to the silicone negative i went over to use. Before i used gelatin/kanten and larger forms/cups to mold the negatives in. Now i bought the small size cylinders, i probably should have bought the big ones. What size do you use?
Nov 15, 2016 at 9:59 AM Post #5,520 of 16,090
Hi. Myself experience failure making shells. They cure very uneven. Some parts solid while some parts on the thicker walls of negtive dont cure at all, probably due to the silicone negative i went over to use. Before i used gelatin/kanten and larger forms/cups to mold the negatives in. Now i bought the small size cylinders, i probably should have bought the big ones. What size do you use?

Uneven curing is probably because of uneven light exposure - smaller cups will help a bit to some extent, but it will greatly help to rotate the molds as you cure it under UV light. What I do is rotate the mold 90 degrees 8 times over the course of the curing time period (if my cure time is 8 minutes, I rotate it 90 degrees every minute). This allows any uneven lighting to even itself out.

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