HiFiMan Susvara
Jul 4, 2021 at 11:58 PM Post #9,796 of 26,687

I am now interested in a new headphone cable for my Susvara headphone. I am presently using a Niimbus US4 headphone amplifier to drive my Susvara headphone via a Norne Sivergarde cable, while I am using my Vioelectric V281 headphone amplifier to drive my Meze Empyrean headphone via a Forza Noir hybrid cable. Although the Susvara is technically the better headphone (especially in terms of transient attack, soundstaging, "air" around instruments and voices, and micro-resolution), I prefer listening to the Meze Empyrean headphone because it is more musical sounding. My Susvara headphone sounds too thin and with too much treble-energy, while the Meze Empyrean sounds more neutral and full-bodied. Is there a headphone cable that will correct my problem?
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Jul 5, 2021 at 12:11 AM Post #9,797 of 26,687
Hard for me to believe the empyrean can ever even approach the susvara..I sold my empyrean a couple of weeks after getting it….not in the same ballpark IMHO
Jul 5, 2021 at 12:24 AM Post #9,799 of 26,687

I am now interested in a new headphone cable for my Susvara headphone. I am presently using a Niimbus US4 headphone amplifier to drive my Susvara headphone via a Norne Sivergarde cable, while I am using my Vioelectric V281 headphone amplifier to drive my Meze Empyrean headphone via a Forza Noir hybrid cable. Although the Susvara is technically the better headphone (especially in terms of transient attack, soundstaging, "air" around instruments and voices, and micro-resolution), I prefer listening to the Meze Empyrean headphone because it is more musical sounding. My Susvara headphone sounds too thin and with too much treble-energy, while the Meze Empyrean sounds more neutral and full-bodied. Is there a headphone cable that will correct my problem?
The missing links might lie in the DACs that are paired with the Niimbus and the V281 rather than the cables. Could you please tell which DACs are in play on both rigs?

In the past 24-48 hours I have been listening to the Susvara on a Niimbus US4 + Sonnet Morpheus pairing, and a Niimbus US4 + Schiit Yggdrasil A2 pairing, and I do not hear "thin" anywhere. For more perspective, the Niimbus replaced a Violectric v281 which was previously paired with the same Yggy A2 in the same chain, and let me just say I wouldn't even dream of going back to the V281 + Yggdrasil A2 pairing again, even if I hadn't sold the V281, so I'm wondering what gives in your situation?

Oh and, my favorite cables for listening to all these rigs have been Norne Silvergardes-- First the S3, and then 2 different configurations of the S4, so from my perspective one important "ingredient" I cannot account for in your rig is the DAC, which is why I bring up that question. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
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Jul 5, 2021 at 12:29 AM Post #9,800 of 26,687

I am now interested in a new headphone cable for my Susvara headphone. I am presently using a Niimbus US4 headphone amplifier to drive my Susvara headphone via a Norne Sivergarde cable, while I am using my Vioelectric V281 headphone amplifier to drive my Meze Empyrean headphone via a Forza Noir hybrid cable. Although the Susvara is technically the better headphone (especially in terms of transient attack, soundstaging, "air" around instruments and voices, and micro-resolution), I prefer listening to the Meze Empyrean headphone because it is more musical sounding. My Susvara headphone sounds too thin and with too much treble-energy, while the Meze Empyrean sounds more neutral and full-bodied. Is there a headphone cable that will correct my problem?
for me:
and using very similar gear to yourself:

my empyrean with v280 (and taurus) needed a silver cable - i used the silver draug

my susvara on my niimbus us4 sounds best with copper. Currently my most preferred is norne volsund. I don’t mind my nordost heimdall (silver played copper).
the silver draug has a great wide sound with susvara but it’s a little too (upper) mid focused for what i want out of the susvara - ie looking for real transparency / naturalness. I find it’s ok for something different but it doesn’t have a natural decay (i think that‘s the right term) or that nice warm round sound that a good copper can bring. But I don’t want a copper cable that over does that lower end either (ie no bloating and keep everything balanced)

so yes, silver is best for empys (with +3db around 1k) and copper cable ((or copper dominant) for susvaras

(i have been considering looking into the drausk to see if that is better than the norne volsund - but am in no rush)
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Jul 5, 2021 at 1:13 AM Post #9,801 of 26,687

I am now interested in a new headphone cable for my Susvara headphone. I am presently using a Niimbus US4 headphone amplifier to drive my Susvara headphone via a Norne Sivergarde cable, while I am using my Vioelectric V281 headphone amplifier to drive my Meze Empyrean headphone via a Forza Noir hybrid cable. Although the Susvara is technically the better headphone (especially in terms of transient attack, soundstaging, "air" around instruments and voices, and micro-resolution), I prefer listening to the Meze Empyrean headphone because it is more musical sounding. My Susvara headphone sounds too thin and with too much treble-energy, while the Meze Empyrean sounds more neutral and full-bodied. Is there a headphone cable that will correct my problem?
A cable with higher inductance will roll off the treble, but before you go that route maybe you can just EQ at the source? If so, it's way cheaper and more flexible than ordering custom cables, at least in the experimentation phase. Another possibility would be to try the stock Susvara cable to see how that sounds. I seem to recall it's a bit dull (not bright).
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Jul 5, 2021 at 1:14 AM Post #9,802 of 26,687
My Susvara headphone sounds too thin and with too much treble-energy
I’ve never experienced Susvara to be thin or have too much treble. Detailed yes, but far from excessive treble energy. The source can definitely play a part in shaping the sound.
Jul 5, 2021 at 6:07 AM Post #9,803 of 26,687
Reposting from the TC thread:

Well-articulated Sajid. Enjoyed the vid. I mentioned it before, but we have similar ears though we prioritize sound characteristics differently.

BTW, your way of using the SR1a is very different than mine. I have the flaps extended 30 degrees from the sagittal plane (ie. there's about a 1cm gap between the drivers and my ears). In your configuration, I find the RAALs to be thin and lacking in the lower registers compared to how instruments are heard in person. The advantage, as you laid out, is a wide, airy, speaker-like soundstage, but at too great a cost IMO. I'll listen with the flaps open occasionally depending on the track. It's nice in bursts, but it doesn't take long for me to start missing bass.

With an EQ, the RAALs get even better, but I don't find EQing to be a requisite any longer with my current setup and config.

Edit: Sometimes when I use a sub with the SR1a, I do prefer the drivers far apart. Integrates better IME.

I love them without EQ,go figure how subjective it all is

It is, to an extent. See my reply above. This one factor alone changes my opinion of the SR1a significantly.
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Jul 5, 2021 at 6:14 AM Post #9,804 of 26,687
Well-articulated Sajid. Enjoyed the vid. I mentioned it before, but we have similar ears though we prioritize sound characteristics differently.

BTW, your way of using the SR1a is very different than mine. I have the flaps extended 30 degrees from the sagittal plane (ie. there's about a 1cm gap between the drivers and my ears). In your configuration, I find the RAALs to be thin and lacking in the lower registers compared to how instruments are heard in person. The advantage, as you laid out, is a wide, airy, speaker-like soundstage, but at too great a cost IMO. I'll listen with the flaps open occasionally depending on the track. It's nice in bursts, but it doesn't take long for me to start missing bass.

With an EQ, the RAALs get even better, but I don't find EQing to be a requisite any longer with my current setup and config.

Edit: Sometimes when I use a sub with the SR1a, I do prefer the drivers far apart. Integrates better IME.

It is, to an extent. See my reply above. This one factor alone changes my opinion of the SR1a significantly.
Thanks @Shahrose. Yeah, I probably should experiment more with driver angles (and a sub!). 🙂
Jul 5, 2021 at 7:39 AM Post #9,805 of 26,687

I am now interested in a new headphone cable for my Susvara headphone. I am presently using a Niimbus US4 headphone amplifier to drive my Susvara headphone via a Norne Sivergarde cable, while I am using my Vioelectric V281 headphone amplifier to drive my Meze Empyrean headphone via a Forza Noir hybrid cable. Although the Susvara is technically the better headphone (especially in terms of transient attack, soundstaging, "air" around instruments and voices, and micro-resolution), I prefer listening to the Meze Empyrean headphone because it is more musical sounding. My Susvara headphone sounds too thin and with too much treble-energy, while the Meze Empyrean sounds more neutral and full-bodied. Is there a headphone cable that will correct my problem?

Could be the recoding of your test songs are actually rather thin? May we know what songs you usually like to listen?

Anyway, if you like Empyrean and consider them close to neutral, then I fully understand if you think Susvara could be too bright.
Jul 5, 2021 at 8:07 AM Post #9,806 of 26,687
A cable with higher inductance will roll off the treble, but before you go that route maybe you can just EQ at the source? If so, it's way cheaper and more flexible than ordering custom cables, at least in the experimentation phase. Another possibility would be to try the stock Susvara cable to see how that sounds. I seem to recall it's a bit dull (not bright).
My audio system consists of the following-: PS Audio Perfect Wave CD-Transport => Wyred-4-Sound 2v2se 10th Anniversary Limited Edition DAC => Niimbus US4 headphone amplifier => Susvara.

There is no way to EQ at the source using a CD-player as my source.

The stock Susvara cable sounds less bright, but it is lifeless and it lacks the soundstaging and "air" between instruments and clarity that I have achieved with aftermarket custom cables.

I listen to a wide variety of classical music and opera recordings and it is nonsensical to blame my recordings for the problem. I obviously have recordings that are too thin and bright, but I have hundreds of classical/opera CDs that are not thin and bright.

Jul 5, 2021 at 8:15 AM Post #9,807 of 26,687
My audio system consists of the following-: PS Audio Perfect Wave CD-Transport => Wyred-4-Sound 2v2se 10th Anniversary Limited Edition DAC => Niimbus US4 headphone amplifier => Susvara.

There is no way to EQ at the source using a CD-player as my source.

The stock Susvara cable sounds less bright, but it is lifeless and it lacks the soundstaging and "air" between instruments and clarity that I have achieved with aftermarket custom cables.

I listen to a wide variety of classical music and opera recordings and it is nonsensical to blame my recordings for the problem. I obviously have recordings that are too thin and bright, but I have hundreds of classical/opera CDs that are not thin and bright.

There is the possibility to add an external EQ.
Something like a Schiit Loki is cheap and very transparent.

I didn't follow your full conversation, but for simple adjustments this could be easily added into the chain
Jul 5, 2021 at 8:24 AM Post #9,808 of 26,687
My audio system consists of the following-: PS Audio Perfect Wave CD-Transport => Wyred-4-Sound 2v2se 10th Anniversary Limited Edition DAC => Niimbus US4 headphone amplifier => Susvara.

There is no way to EQ at the source using a CD-player as my source.

The stock Susvara cable sounds less bright, but it is lifeless and it lacks the soundstaging and "air" between instruments and clarity that I have achieved with aftermarket custom cables.

I listen to a wide variety of classical music and opera recordings and it is nonsensical to blame my recordings for the problem. I obviously have recordings that are too thin and bright, but I have hundreds of classical/opera CDs that are not thin and bright.

Agree that the stock cable is lifeless. I guess since you’re so used to Empyrean, then Susvara can sound thin and bright.
Jul 5, 2021 at 8:59 AM Post #9,809 of 26,687
This rather respectable audiophile friend claims his innuos streamer and external clock fixed his TC’s mids for him. To be honest, I don’t have much experience with streamers or clocks, have tried a couple, and in both cases, the improvements to my May DAC were subtle and in the realm of resolution only, but thought I’d throw the question out to see what I get.
The server I use the USB board is directly clocked by a separate clock board and both boards are separately powered using out board power supplies further dealing with noise in a significant way from what I used prior, direct comparisons we’re readily heard with a much lowered noise floor .
Pairing with the Holo May KTE dac has made significant difference and it’s time for me to move up to a much better headphone .
Jul 5, 2021 at 9:52 AM Post #9,810 of 26,687
My audio system consists of the following-: PS Audio Perfect Wave CD-Transport => Wyred-4-Sound 2v2se 10th Anniversary Limited Edition DAC => Niimbus US4 headphone amplifier => Susvara.

There is no way to EQ at the source using a CD-player as my source.

The stock Susvara cable sounds less bright, but it is lifeless and it lacks the soundstaging and "air" between instruments and clarity that I have achieved with aftermarket custom cables.

I listen to a wide variety of classical music and opera recordings and it is nonsensical to blame my recordings for the problem. I obviously have recordings that are too thin and bright, but I have hundreds of classical/opera CDs that are not thin and bright.

Eq won’t help in this case.
i know.

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