HiFiMan Susvara
Mar 29, 2021 at 11:01 AM Post #7,756 of 26,670
Well thanks guys!

I'm posting this in both the Solitaire P and Susvara threads as both have been useful in getting me here.....

My T+A Solitaire P and HA200 arrived today. :astonished:

I can't compare these to any other headphones/amps as I haven't had any before - and probably/hopefully won't :relaxed: :thinking:.

I just dived off the deep end and went for TOTL as based on my trials and tribulations I have wasted a lot of time and money getting to where I want to with daps/iems.

I just wanted to cut to the chase, as you've probably guessed if you've read any of my disrespectful past posts!

And I'm completely blown away!

Cheers for putting up with me and the advice and encouragement!

Nice one!

Back to stalking!
Mar 29, 2021 at 11:01 AM Post #7,757 of 26,670
Had my second extended audition with the 1266 Phi TC today. Wanted to buy it, but quite disappointed. Inexcusably thin, echoey, and hollow vocals; and sibilance on certain tracks, which play well on all my other HPs. The vocal timbre is also underwhelming - just doesn’t sound natural or engaging.

Wash your ears?
Mar 29, 2021 at 11:13 AM Post #7,758 of 26,670
Susvara's review in Polish. Worth checking that out via google translate. That reviewer is a true poet :)


It was an interesting read (or skim in my case) with google translate. Plenty of colorful descriptions...not sure how much was the author and how much was google translate ("The shortbread cookie lost to the greasy cake.", lol). It is probably the longest review, so the reviewer clearly put some work into it. I'm glad the reviewer tried speaker amps and upgraded cables which in my experience also are necessary to get the most out of the Susvara as the reviewer also concluded.
Mar 29, 2021 at 12:48 PM Post #7,759 of 26,670
Had my second extended audition with the 1266 Phi TC today. Wanted to buy it, but quite disappointed. Inexcusably thin, echoey, and hollow vocals; and sibilance on certain tracks, which play well on all my other HPs. The vocal timbre is also underwhelming - just doesn’t sound natural or engaging.


I have not heard TC, but the OG and Phi, and didn't like the tonality of them. I have been told that the TC's tonality has improved but still hasn't the rich and full mids and smooth and sweet treble of Hifiman that I like so much.
Mar 29, 2021 at 1:00 PM Post #7,760 of 26,670
I have not heard TC, but the OG and Phi, and didn't like the tonality of them. I have been told that the TC's tonality has improved but still hasn't the rich and full mids and smooth and sweet treble of Hifiman that I like so much.
Not even close, IMO. Not a close call.
Mar 29, 2021 at 1:04 PM Post #7,761 of 26,670
Hey @Sajid Amit . Thanks for that info. I've been trying to chase down a TC myself. I guess what most people rave about is the bass slam, detail, soundstaging. How did you find those? I wonder if tubes would help out a bit too.
Hear it for yourself and report back. I was quite surprised at how underwhelming its overall tuning is. Maybe I need to wash my ears. 🧼

But jokes aside, I am befuddled at the praise it receives. Bass slam is fun and the SS is larger than the Susvara’s on some tracks, but the overall presentation is incoherent, and those vocals are unmistakably thin, unnatural sounding, and unengaging given the price.

Switching from the 1266 to even the Auteur felt like going to vocals heaven.
Mar 29, 2021 at 1:12 PM Post #7,762 of 26,670
Not even close, IMO. Not a close call.
I have not heard TC, but the OG and Phi, and didn't like the tonality of them. I have been told that the TC's tonality has improved but still hasn't the rich and full mids and smooth and sweet treble of Hifiman that I like so much.
Well at least they are not dull and boring like Susvara...
Mar 29, 2021 at 1:54 PM Post #7,766 of 26,670
Hear it for yourself and report back. I was quite surprised at how underwhelming its overall tuning is. Maybe I need to wash my ears. 🧼

But jokes aside, I am befuddled at the praise it receives. Bass slam is fun and the SS is larger than the Susvara’s on some tracks, but the overall presentation is incoherent, and those vocals are unmistakably thin, unnatural sounding, and unengaging given the price.

Switching from the 1266 to even the Auteur felt like going to vocals heaven.

I agree the Susvara sounds more natural in terms of tone and timbre. Although with proper adjustment and system-building (which takes time), the TC can be decent in those regards but with noticeably better technical performance. I should mention I had the same reaction as you with the TC the first two days of ownership. Similar ears.

Also, maybe in part due to less damping material and different pads, the Susvara have more of an open-HP sound than the Abyss IMO. At times, more holographic and convincing in making me forget the drivers are there. Whereas with the Abyss I feel like I'm listening to a cavernous-sounding 70% open and 30% closed headphone (SR1a would be 100% open for reference, Susvara be maybe 85/15). Haven't seen this reported, but that's how I hear it.
Mar 29, 2021 at 2:36 PM Post #7,767 of 26,670
@Sajid Amit did you take the time to find the ideal fit for them? Frame width and ear pad rotation is important, did you try different positions? I think we are hearing very different things from them. What were they being driven from? Something doesn't sound right with the setup, if you heard so many flaws. When setup properly, the TC are undeniably astounding.

Also, it occurs to me that you might just have a strong preference for a warm sound. Your description of sibilance on the TC was a surprise. That was barely an issue with the Phi, but the TC totally corrected it for me. I have yet to hear any sibilance from the TC. The vocal presence that you prefer might also be an indication of a warmer sound where there is greater emphasis on mids and mid-bass than treble. That's what I get from the Susvara compared to the TC.

There's no doubt that the TC has a different tonality from the Susvara, that's why they are great together. The Abyss TC, to my ears, is neutral and most transparent. The Susvara has a slight warm tilt, which does indeed sound very pleasing as I too like a warm sound. The Focals, on the other hand, I would describe as brighter than the TC and a lot brighter than the Susvara.
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Mar 29, 2021 at 3:15 PM Post #7,768 of 26,670
Utopia sounded too closed in and intimate, Susvara is just on a different level!

Had my second extended audition with the 1266 Phi TC today. Wanted to buy it, but quite disappointed. Inexcusably thin, echoey, and hollow vocals; and sibilance on certain tracks, which play well on all my other HPs. The vocal timbre is also underwhelming - just doesn’t sound natural or engaging.

something is wrong my friend...
Mar 29, 2021 at 3:17 PM Post #7,769 of 26,670
We all hear differently though, so yeah, I mean, if you ever get a chance to audition, let me know what you think.
I do think if hifiman is ever looking for a spokesman for the susvara that they should seek you out!

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