HiFiMan Susvara
Oct 24, 2022 at 2:18 PM Post #18,466 of 25,990
I have owned the Susvara for 3 years and it was therefore my reference point when I subsequently purchased a Meze Empyrean ~2 years ago. I temporarily used the Meze Empyrean but it was too thick/warm and I now own the Meze Empy Elite, which has the best overall musical tone/timbre in my audio system.


You pretty much established it’s time for you to sell your Susvara. Your tastes have clearly evolved in warmer directions, and (based on you prior post) your sources are good. It just happens. All of us one day realize that something we used to like years ago is no longer as great for us. For most of us here, our journey has led us to the Susvara. For you, it may be elsewhere 🤷‍♂️
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Oct 24, 2022 at 3:52 PM Post #18,467 of 25,990
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong on this, but Susvara any bright sounding probably is underpowered, no?
It's not just about the amps power output values. This is where a lot of people that are not enjoying their Susvara's are making the mistake !

The secret source is an amp that gives a enough high current output with a low impedance output across all of the music frequencies and capable of quick and large voltage swings to move the planer magnetic drivers that makes the Susvara's sing.

Such amps with these very important attributes are not cheap to design and build.

The cheap ones may have a respectable power output but it will mainly be a high voltage with a low current output and quite high impedance output.
A Susvara connected to such a cheap amp may sound quite load but it won't be very nice to listen too !

You have to remember that the Susvara is a TOTL Headphone and as such should be treated like a high end Speaker that has to be linked to a powerful Power Amp with the attributes given above. And as such, these type of Power Amps are very expensive to purchase.
Oct 24, 2022 at 4:22 PM Post #18,468 of 25,990
It's not just about the amps power output values. This is where a lot of people that are not enjoying their Susvara's are making the mistake !

The secret source is an amp that gives a enough high current output with a low impedance output across all of the music frequencies and capable of quick and large voltage swings to move the planer magnetic drivers that makes the Susvara's sing.

Such amps with these very important attributes are not cheap to design and build.

The cheap ones may have a respectable power output but it will mainly be a high voltage with a low current output and quite high impedance output.
A Susvara connected to such a cheap amp may sound quite load but it won't be very nice to listen too !

You have to remember that the Susvara is a TOTL Headphone and as such should be treated like a high end Speaker that has to be linked to a powerful Power Amp with the attributes given above. And as such, these type of Power Amps are very expensive to purchase.
Out of curiosity, are these types of attributes listed in an amps spec sheet? Can I easily see, for instance, the current output of a given amplifier, and if so, what would be considered a good amount?

It seems like the attributes you mentioned should be listed somewhere as Im assuming they’re measurable.
Oct 24, 2022 at 4:24 PM Post #18,469 of 25,990
HOW TO Replace a Susvara Head Strap

I recently replaced the head strap on my Susvara, and thought I'd chronicle the experience for the potential benefit of anyone else needing to do same. I bought my Susvara used a couple years back, and the head strap was already a bit raggedy at that time. The most annoying aspect was that the ends had stretched and were no longer rigid, which meant the strap flopped upside down when the Susvara was removed from my head. I lived with this for a long time, and finally decided to fix it. I contacted HFM support and ordered a new strap, which set me back $50 + $15 shipping to California (from China). It took about a week to arrive from the time I ordered it.

When I went to install the strap, it became apparent that to remove the two little screws on the bottom of each slider, you have to remove the ear cup gimbals unless you have a very short Phillips screwdriver (which I don't). This simply requires removing two screws that secure the clamp at the base of the metal headband on both sides. Unfortunately, while performing this operation, both screws on the left side broke (may have rusted tight in their cast receptacle holes). After I removed the clamps, it was then straightforward to remove the tiny screws at the base of each slider. However, on one of the sliders, both screws again broke. Since the ends of all the broken screws were still lodged inside their receptacle holes, simply finding replacement screws would have done no good. I had to contact HFM support once again and order new sliders and clamps. Cost for these parts totaled $65 + $15 shipping, and I received them again a little over a week after ordering them. I will say that HFM support was consistently excellent and helpful throughout the entire process.

Anyway, once I had the new parts in hand, reassembly was very straightforward. There's really only one way the metal pieces on each end of the head strap will fit into the sliders. I did bend the tab on each metal end out a little bit to increase the sliding resistance, which was too low (for me) by default. This should be done carefully to avoid damaging anything. Putting the ear cup gimbals back on is only slightly trickier. The indent in the central pin should face outward so that the pin can mate with the end of the metal headband (see photo). Pushing up on the pin with one finger will make this easier. Once the headband is slotted into the pin, simply align and push the outer half of the clamp through the holes in the headband, mate the inner half of the clamp and use the screws to secure the whole assembly. Easy peasy.

I've attached a handful of photos which may be of interest. I will say that the dark lettering on the new parts is a nice improvement on the older style simple routed look. It wasn't dirt cheap to replace the strap, but all in all it was definitely worth it. The worst part was being without the Susvara for over two weeks! The Utopia makes sweet music, but the Susvara is sublime.
I was able to use this advice to replace mine and it went very well. I was able to do it without breaking screws so that was nice. It looks like i have the newer one that you had to order already on the cans. HiFiman did also provide the parts under warranty so that was nice.

Side note: this strap is rancid garbage and completely unacceptable at this level. And of course the strap is integrated into the slider so having an aftermarket product made to replace it isn't even an option. Realistically, you'd have to replace the entire headband.
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Oct 24, 2022 at 5:00 PM Post #18,470 of 25,990
I really think Susvara was built for long listening hours. Headphones that has more bass gives me fatigue for longer sessions. Yes it does sound like some of the lows has been chopped. But the layering is unmatched. Thats where Arya fell off and others I have tried. I will try the Meze Elite and Emp again on the first. I really hope I like the Elite because it is so beautiful.

EDIT: Layering side note = it is very clear how the producer is panning the elements. On a holographic level
EDIT2: Forgot to mention that loud volume on Susvara does make it sound thin. But at a comfortable level its delicious.
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Oct 24, 2022 at 7:34 PM Post #18,471 of 25,990
You pretty much established it’s time for you to sell your Susvara. Your tastes have clearly evolved in warmer directions, and (based on you prior post) your sources are good. It just happens. All of us one day realize that something we used to like years ago is no longer as great for us. For most of us here, our journey has led us to the Susvara. For you, it may be elsewhere 🤷‍♂️
Good comment!

If my Susvara headphone does not sound much better with the Cayin HA300MK2 tube amplifier that I have recently ordered, then I will give up on using the Susvara headphone. I definitely think that I have progressively gravitated towards preferring a warmer sound.

Oct 24, 2022 at 8:00 PM Post #18,472 of 25,990
I was listening to the Susvaras this morning after neglecting them for a while. These are some good headphones. I always talk about bass first for some reason, but the bass didn't disappoint with a rap album this morning (the new Youngboy). The Susvaras do everything well, but I don't know what they do the the best in the TOTL field. Maybe they don't do anything "the best," and their value lays in the fact that they do everything very well across the board. I was listening to the ES-R10 this morning for a bit too, and the highs and the sound is a bit sweeter on them, compared to the Susvaras. The Susvaras have more resolution and better weight, but there is just something extra the ES-R10 brings to the table. The Susvaras are better headphones in all technical areas, but they don't have that extra "something" (it's hard to put into words) that the ES-R10 brings to the sound (maybe it's the wood that is making everything sound "sweeter," on the ES-R10, but I'm not sure).

The Susvaras definitely have their own awesome, kind of laid back sound that works well with specific albums. Maybe that's their distinguishing feature. I recently got the Stax SR-X9000, and it really reminds me of the Susvaras. The X9K is the Susvara of the e-stat world. If you have an e-stat amp, and don't mind waiting 11 months to get a pair, pick up the Stax X9K. I think you'll like them.
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Oct 24, 2022 at 8:02 PM Post #18,473 of 25,990
Good comment!

If my Susvara headphone does not sound much better with the Cayin HA300MK2 tube amplifier that I have recently ordered, then I will give up on using the Susvara headphone. I definitely think that I have progressively gravitated towards preferring a warmer sound.


Hope this works for you!!

(if it doesn't, and you find you like a slightly warmer sound, you may want to explore ZMF)
Oct 24, 2022 at 8:09 PM Post #18,474 of 25,990
Good comment!

If my Susvara headphone does not sound much better with the Cayin HA300MK2 tube amplifier that I have recently ordered, then I will give up on using the Susvara headphone. I definitely think that I have progressively gravitated towards preferring a warmer sound.

Please leave a review! I’ve been eyeing the Susvara for a more neutral headphone, like many people I’m sure. It seems there’s been varying reports of how workable the HA-300 is for the Susvara - though I bet in this thread there’s contradictory reports for EVERY amp at some point. More data is always helpful.
Oct 24, 2022 at 8:44 PM Post #18,475 of 25,990
Kennerton headphones are always worth exploring too, I'd say. They should be releasing some new models soon. (While pretty much agreed that they're not at the level of the Susvara, I've seen positive reviews comparing, say, the Kennerton Thekk and Wodan to the Susvara. Kennerton, with the exception of the Thror model perhaps, tends to have a thicker/warmer tonality than the HifFiMans I've heard/own. While still being reasonably fast, airy, detailed.
Oct 24, 2022 at 9:00 PM Post #18,476 of 25,990
Kennerton headphones are always worth exploring too, I'd say. They should be releasing some new models soon. (While pretty much agreed that they're not at the level of the Susvara, I've seen positive reviews comparing, say, the Kennerton Thekk and Wodan to the Susvara. Kennerton, with the exception of the Thror model perhaps, tends to have a thicker/warmer tonality than the HifFiMans I've heard/own. While still being reasonably fast, airy, detailed.

This is correct. I actually have the Kennerton Thekk (full discloure: currently listed for sale/trade). I've loved it for a long time, but had the opposite experience, my tastes evolved from it and gravitate these days much more toward the Susvara. The Thekk is very unique. It's warmer, so your recommendation here may be a good one. But not in quiet the same way as ZMF (of which I have a few) or the Elite (which I owned briefly), the Thekk I'd describe as more resonant in the mid bass/lower mids (think of a rich decay around bass guitars, cello). The Susvara, in contrast, is more tonaly balanced and better resolving in the higher mids and upper frequencies. (again: disclosure above for objectivitty etc)
Oct 24, 2022 at 9:32 PM Post #18,477 of 25,990

We all have our own preferences and so many options to play with.

my own personal experience is that the susvaras have never been bright or sharp. I do consider them forgiving. Absolutely.

i have demoed a few amps with them and have only owned the niimbus us4 with them

amps like the cayin ha300 do attract me but from what i have (only) read of these amps my niimbus will better serve my susvara, as much as i try to find a reason to justify buying a ha300.

with my niimbus and holo may dac i have moved away from silver cables in my chain fwiw, though in a warmer dac, like my metrum hex dac i could throw a bit of silver in (audioquest diamond usb) and not have it too bright

and i will never conclude that the susvara price represents value (for everyone) but the expenditure in buying it has been an indulgence i have never regretted and have not found anything that is better for me. I personally, eg, after demoing the abyss 1266 for two hours, do not consider the abyss to be an upgrade but more of an arguable side grade.l and have not heard anything that i would say is an upgrade

again, it all comes down to personal preferences and we are fortunate to have some many options to choose for

having said that i would not consider the top end options as “value” like a lot of upper mid fi options such as the hekv2, arya. But if these top end hps (eg abyss, susvara, lcd5, expanse) sell whilst being at these prices who am i to conclude these are not priced correctly since i myself have a susvara.

enough of my rambling

ps sitting here at ikea in sydney having just come in to buy a work desk for my wife and am so happy i was able to grab some pork ribs for lunch just know - certainly beats the meatball options
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Oct 25, 2022 at 12:28 AM Post #18,478 of 25,990
What headphones are you coming from. I did not have that impression, maybe because I was using the Arya first. But yeah Susvara is more soft/gentle/elegant sounding in general. However its amazing with vocals imo.
I have the Focal Clear and HD800. I'm thinking because the vocals are so much clearer/brought forward that it makes the bass seem less, even though there might be the same amount. The remaining part for me to figure out is if a much more exp amp will be worth it and boost the bass/warmth noticeably. Since I believe ultimately it's the combination of everything that determines listening pleasure and not technical supremacy alone.
Oct 25, 2022 at 12:40 AM Post #18,479 of 25,990
I have the Focal Clear and HD800. I'm thinking because the vocals are so much clearer/brought forward that it makes the bass seem less, even though there might be the same amount. The remaining part for me to figure out is if a much more exp amp will be worth it and boost the bass/warmth noticeably. Since I believe ultimately it's the combination of everything that determines listening pleasure and not technical supremacy alone.
Oct 25, 2022 at 3:08 AM Post #18,480 of 25,990
I have the Focal Clear and HD800. I'm thinking because the vocals are so much clearer/brought forward that it makes the bass seem less, even though there might be the same amount. The remaining part for me to figure out is if a much more exp amp will be worth it and boost the bass/warmth noticeably. Since I believe ultimately it's the combination of everything that determines listening pleasure and not technical supremacy alone.
AryaV2 and Susvara has a very bright side, I think it is a HiFiMAN character. Thats why Tube/Saturation is a popular compliment. I wont go that route because I like tuning the sound from the source/player. I rather find a good DSP solution than being tied to a tubeamp. Not every song sounds good on tube.

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