HifiMAN HE-6 Planar Magnetic Headphone
Jan 23, 2011 at 11:58 AM Post #2,566 of 21,879

My thoughts are that part of the benefits of a public forum is that people gain knowledge of a product or industry.  I am in support of Jians comments and do see immtbiker as exerting undue censorship on the comments of this forum.  I agree that we always must maintain a positive attitude about how we can improve and fix matters rather than just complain but we do need to air the negative experiences as well as the good.
To keep this short.  I think that it is particularly bad quality to control to receive a non functioning product from the outset.  We are not talking of a mass production company like samsung but a premium product for its market.  I agree that Hifiman will correct and replace the product but there should be a system in place to control this process whilst Fang has a well deserved holiday.
As for Jians comment about being Chinese.  I personally, interpreted that to mean that he was proud of the achievements of Fang and that the product is a high end product.
By being able to air dirty laundry we will all get to see the process and the manner in which Hifiman serves its customers and most importantly the way that Fang and his team take care of those that are his business.
I have read enough forums about Fang to believe in him and his company to easily rectify any problems.  That is part of why I am awaiting my order of HE6 and didnt buy Audezes.

If you read again, what I had said to Jian, was that if he felt what I was doing was wrong, then why use the thread to post his concerns about the way that I was handling things, for all to see. Why not act like two adults, PM me with the same concerns, and we could have discussed it, and maybe I would have seen what I did was right or wrong. I don't see the reason why it had to be brought up, off-topic in a thread where hundreds of people are reading the posts.
I'm a pretty reasonable guy, and if I would have gotten a mature, non-aggressive PM from Jian, I might have agreed with him and we could have worked things out. But why (using an analogy here) yell at the friend at Walmart in front of other's instead of trying to work it out personally in the car. If I was still being stubborn and Jian felt there was no way to resolve my actions that he might not have liked, then bring it up in the thread. It's like at work, when I have a complaint about a co-worker, I go to him and try to have a conversation and resolve the problem. I don't instantly run to the manager and complain about my co-worker.
That was my key point. We all make mistakes and I'm open to having someone come to me and tell me their feelings, but of course I'm going to get defensive if it is done in front of hundreds of people.
I am not exerting undue censorship about comments on the forum. I was merely pointing out facts. I am allowed to post as a member as well as a Mod. When I pointed out that I felt it was wrong about a member being truly "angry" with a company when they didn't get a response back from the president, I followed that up with the fact that he must have had communication with the company because he very clearly stated that he was getting a replacement. So what you are saying about a member not getting a response from the company because the owner is away, is incorrect, if they have made arrangements to get a replacement it means they spoke to someone in the company. Of course you don't just abandon your customers just because you are going away.

But perhaps takoyaki was trying to get some diagnostic help from the product designer, who in this case is the good Doctor himself, hoping for some simple explanation and fix so as to avoid the hassle and highly expensive cost of international return-shipping -- I know I would if I were in his shoes.  If so I can understand his frustration of not getting a reply or especially if not getting even an "away-on-business or on-vacation" auto-reply.
Jan 23, 2011 at 4:29 PM Post #2,568 of 21,879
The HE6 is much easier to drive if you have some power but does not need a powerful speaker amp just an amp that has some balls and the EF5 drove them also very well but Fang has another amp coming out that he said will do 6W and hybrid and sound very very good.

The EF5 was 2W and worked well as did the Taboo and I would say yes speaker amps should do the trick but not sure about the 1W Woo6SE as we did not try it on those but if Ross buys that amp I will give it a whirl on the 6SE Make no mistake you need the power but the 2W hybrid as well as my 6W Taboo did the trick without effort.

I disagree regarding the EF5, as in IMO it was barely adequate for the HE-5/LE and inadequate for the HE-6. With the HE-5/LE it still needs a decent level from the source or will come up short on them as well. I am looking forward to the inevitable comparisons between the upcoming EF6 and the Schiit Lyr, they seem well-spec'd for the HE-6, as well as the K-1000 which has very similar amping requirements. This next post illustrates my point very well:
There's been some issues presented about focus, power requirements and break in.
They do need to be ran to form their final character. Not as much as a 701 but over a week of listening I was able to hear the changes. The center of the soundstage did sound fuzzy to me using the SP amp. It wasn't as bad with the LCD-2 but it had a fuzzy centerstage too. I was worried that maybe the technology was prone to this problem. Putting the HE-6 on a speaker amp has corrected that issue for me. Seems a bit more power is needed to complete the job for the planars.
How much power will be dependent on the amp performance. I would get something that can give you everything the HE-6 can take without compromise. Some amps being ran at the maximum to get there may not have enough reserves for demanding performance. I wouldn't run a 100 watt amp as the amount of wattage isn't the working issue. It's the quality of wattage in the range of about 6-10 watts. A 100 watt amp may not work well at the lower range of performance. 

Jan 23, 2011 at 4:58 PM Post #2,569 of 21,879

You get the same in the other planar thread. Mob mentality rules.

I don't understand your comment or what you refer to. 
As far being a moderator, I think Aaron does a great job with what can be a very difficult task at times. Participating in discussions, moderating when things get out of hand and trying to be even handed in those events, and then on top of that having the distinct quality of being human. 
I "should" get my HE-6 today. I hope I can power them towards their potential but I am not sure I have anything on hand that will, I shall see. Hopefully I can get the local contract UPS office off of their butt and down to the airport, all of 5 minutes away and pick up my package that has been here since Friday! lazy #@#*!'s
Jan 23, 2011 at 5:02 PM Post #2,570 of 21,879
I did most of my listening on the Taboo and spent very little time with the EF5 as Fang arrived kind of late but it worked  whether it was adequate long term I really did not spend significant time llstening to the EF5 but with the Tab0o CSP-2 combination it was outstanding and it was not at high volume levels to get the picture. The taboo power did very very well as it does with the LCD2 and T1 although I prefer my T1 with the CSP-2 .
Jan 23, 2011 at 5:22 PM Post #2,571 of 21,879

hey guys can anyone tell me if the cable for the HE- can be bought anywhere? Head direct only lists one OFC upgrade cable but the HE-6 has a better cable or am I wrong?

Yes, the HE-6 cable is an upgrade from the HE5 and HE-5LE.  IMO, it is an excellent choice for the HE-6 and personally, I have no plans to recable. 
Jan 23, 2011 at 5:55 PM Post #2,573 of 21,879

hey guys can anyone tell me if the cable for the HE- can be bought anywhere? Head direct only lists one OFC upgrade cable but the HE-6 has a better cable or am I wrong?

Yes, the HE-6 cable is an upgrade from the HE5 and HE-5LE.  IMO, it is an excellent choice for the HE-6 and personally, I have no plans to recable. 

thanks hiflight for this information
Jan 23, 2011 at 5:56 PM Post #2,574 of 21,879

 Hopefully I can get the local contract UPS office off of their butt and down to the airport, all of 5 minutes away and pick up my package that has been here since Friday! lazy #@#*!'s

Yeah but with the 1 minute of traffic from the 6 cars on the island that's like an eternity.   Cut the guy a break, thats island life.
Jan 23, 2011 at 6:11 PM Post #2,575 of 21,879

 Hopefully I can get the local contract UPS office off of their butt and down to the airport, all of 5 minutes away and pick up my package that has been here since Friday! lazy #@#*!'s

Yeah but with the 1 minute of traffic from the 6 cars on the island that's like an eternity.   Cut the guy a break, thats island life.

It isn't island life to say you are going to deliver it and then not show up for 2 days in a row, well maybe it is, since this is where I am. lol 
It should be soon though. I will try the HE-6 with the 71b, my very maxxed fi.Q  and the PB2 with 32 volts of swing and 2.5 watts into 32ohms. It may be on the edge of not enough power, but listening will tell and that is part of the fun. 
Jan 23, 2011 at 6:24 PM Post #2,576 of 21,879
Jan 23, 2011 at 6:29 PM Post #2,577 of 21,879

 Hopefully I can get the local contract UPS office off of their butt and down to the airport, all of 5 minutes away and pick up my package that has been here since Friday! lazy #@#*!'s

Yeah but with the 1 minute of traffic from the 6 cars on the island that's like an eternity.   Cut the guy a break, thats island life.

It isn't island life to say you are going to deliver it and then not show up for 2 days in a row, well maybe it is, since this is where I am. lol 
It should be soon though. I will try the HE-6 with the 71b, my very maxxed fi.Q  and the PB2 with 32 volts of swing and 2.5 watts into 32ohms. It may be on the edge of not enough power, but listening will tell and that is part of the fun. 

Amphibian planes?
Jan 23, 2011 at 6:47 PM Post #2,578 of 21,879

 Hopefully I can get the local contract UPS office off of their butt and down to the airport, all of 5 minutes away and pick up my package that has been here since Friday! lazy #@#*!'s

Yeah but with the 1 minute of traffic from the 6 cars on the island that's like an eternity.   Cut the guy a break, thats island life.

It isn't island life to say you are going to deliver it and then not show up for 2 days in a row, well maybe it is, since this is where I am. lol 
It should be soon though. I will try the HE-6 with the 71b, my very maxxed fi.Q  and the PB2 with 32 volts of swing and 2.5 watts into 32ohms. It may be on the edge of not enough power, but listening will tell and that is part of the fun. 

No, that is island time, lol.
Jan 23, 2011 at 7:18 PM Post #2,580 of 21,879

All kidding aside.  I do hope you get it soon so I can read your LCD2/HE6 comparison.

Same here! There really have not been enough LCD-2 vs HE-6 reviews. Thanks to JIAN for the comments earlier.
With any luck my HE-6 will be here tomorrow and I can join in on the LCD-2 VS HE-6 fun.

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