= HiFiMAN HE-560 Impressions & Discussion Thread =
Nov 17, 2014 at 7:10 AM Post #10,201 of 21,182
My other side makes subbass noise also like there was a hair there (which I seriously doubt), going to RMA for sure some day when I'm not too lazy..

When testing, just mind the volume, you _can_ easily make them over excurse especially without seal. These are not Audezes in that regard. But it should be extremely apparent when that happens.
Nov 17, 2014 at 7:16 AM Post #10,202 of 21,182
  So my replacement HE-560 has the same rattle in it. When I open Sinegen at 50Hz and below with high gain on the Objective 2 it starts rattling on both sides. It's less obvious on low gain but still there. Not a amp problem since my reciever does the same. Is this a feature or a fault? Can anyone please confirm, please run a 30Hz sine wave at high volume and listen for a rattle. This sucks so much, I hope I won't have to send it back to the states and wait for a replacement.
Removing the grill and pressing slightly on the driver helps a little bit, shaking my head/headphone does also help while I'm doing it bu that makes listening a bit uncomfortable. I'm really starting to doubt the QC of HifiMAN because this one came from the latest batch in the factory and they said that this batch has solved the rattle issue. They said "The replacement you have should be the latest version and have fixed the distortion issue."

Have you tried pressing the cups against your face? These handle very low frequency tones at high volume without an issue as long as the seal is there. Basically what hekeli said (HE560 drivers at sub-bass frequencies can easily get out of the diaphragm excursion threshold if the seal isn't there).
The interesting thing is that the bass on these is substantially improved with seal-related modifications too (a la components of my HE560 mod).
Nov 17, 2014 at 7:18 AM Post #10,203 of 21,182
I know the problem gets worse without a proper seal which seems logical. But I can also hear in music sometimes when different harmonics line up I guess. This file also rattles a bit. http://www.audiocheck.net/download.php?filename=Audio/audiocheck.net_polarity_lowrumbleOK.wav
Pressing them tighter agains my face and removing my glasses helps a little bit but doesn't solve it.
Nov 17, 2014 at 7:20 AM Post #10,204 of 21,182
  I know the problem gets worse without a proper seal which seems logical. But I can also hear in music sometimes when different harmonics line up I guess. This file also rattles a bit. http://www.audiocheck.net/download.php?filename=Audio/audiocheck.net_polarity_lowrumbleOK.wav

Again, seal. My (modded) HE560 does absolute fine with this rumble track at high volume, until I lift the cups even slightly off the face then I hear the rattling (click...click click etc). The HE560 drivers just can't handle this sort of excursion without a proper seal partly due to its single-ended design, not really a flaw.
Nov 17, 2014 at 7:26 AM Post #10,205 of 21,182
I wish I could let you know at which volume this occurs so we can compare. The rattle is most definately caused by excursion but I feel that the volume level it starts at is just too low. It happens a little bit below comfortable listening levels.
Nov 17, 2014 at 7:31 AM Post #10,206 of 21,182
Here is another sample taken within the cup. https://www.dropbox.com/s/0dmaebkbfmxfow9/HE560test.mp3?dl=0
First few seconds without pressure, then a few firm pushes and then a few softer pushes against my head. I think my mic clipped a bit at the firm pushes though.
Nov 17, 2014 at 7:36 AM Post #10,207 of 21,182
  Again, seal. My (modded) HE560 does absolute fine with this rumble track at high volume, until I lift the cups even slightly off the face then I hear the rattling (click...click click etc). The HE560 drivers just can't handle this sort of excursion without a proper seal partly due to its single-ended design, not really a flaw.

Not really a flaw? Headphone should perform in a stable and artifact-free manner in stock conditions with appropriate amplification. This is a serious design flaw IMHO. My single-ended HE-4 had zero rattle problems.
Nov 17, 2014 at 7:38 AM Post #10,208 of 21,182
That's what I was thinking. If HifiMAN knows about the limitations of their design then they should let customers know about this in a max dB number or whatever. This headphone is sold at a premium price and if I want to listen to my music loud I don't want to worry about it clipping. My HD600 doesn't do this and nor do any of my other more cheap headphones.
Nov 17, 2014 at 9:07 AM Post #10,210 of 21,182
Not really a flaw? Headphone should perform in a stable and artifact-free manner in stock conditions with appropriate amplification. This is a serious design flaw IMHO. My single-ended HE-4 had zero rattle problems.

rattling at normal listenin volumes wld def b a flaw. howeva, ive neva xperiencd tat kinda problem w my he560. seems like u got rly unlucky twice.
Nov 17, 2014 at 9:49 AM Post #10,212 of 21,182
The diaphragm starts to vibrate agains the magnet which is next to it. When you dont seal the driver against your head with the pads there is not counter pressure to hold the driver in place so it's easier for it to move. Still I don't think this should ever happen when you are wearing it. 15-25Hz is inaudible for me but I do hear the ticking of the diaphragm against the magnets.
Nov 17, 2014 at 10:21 AM Post #10,213 of 21,182
That's what I was thinking. If HifiMAN knows about the limitations of their design then they should let customers know about this in a max dB number or whatever. This headphone is sold at a premium price and if I want to listen to my music loud I don't want to worry about it clipping. My HD600 doesn't do this and nor do any of my other more cheap headphones.

The he500 doesnt do that also as far i can remember and my code-x is rattleless also..but both with dual magnets on each side. :wink:
Nov 17, 2014 at 10:21 AM Post #10,214 of 21,182

Don't know the specifics, but somehow a lack of backpressure can cause the diaphragm to lose control when it's trying to oscillate at a very low frequency. Seems to be only against a single scenario (<40 Hz tones at loud volumes need the seal for the driver to stay pretty and produce pure tones).
Not too too relevant in real practice I think. More of an OCD annoyance.
Edit: also gives people more incentive to try my HE560 mod (which, incidentally, improves the seal further 

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