= HiFiMAN HE-560 Impressions & Discussion Thread =
May 31, 2014 at 11:07 AM Post #3,151 of 21,176
  Is the HE-560 a somewhat bright sounding headphone (like HD800, HE-6) or warm sounding headphone (like HD650, LCD-2/3)?
I just realized this is my 1000th post. 

Initial impressions of the pre-production (not the final current model) stated that it was bright.  I actually didn't find it bright, it had a warm tinge in the midrange for me...  I think that was just me though :/
May 31, 2014 at 11:23 AM Post #3,152 of 21,176
Is the HE-560 a somewhat bright sounding headphone (like HD800, HE-6) or warm sounding headphone (like HD650, LCD-2/3)?

I just realized this is my 1000th post. :rolleyes:

Gratz :Do
It's neutral so brighter than LCD/HE-500 but warmer than HD800/HE-6.
Also, HE-560 supposedly is a very dynamic sounding headphone which is a very important criterion for me.
May 31, 2014 at 11:30 AM Post #3,153 of 21,176
Unfortunate for you I just discuss on my own behalf, deal with it. Calling someone a shill just because they have differing opinions from you here is a very egotistical thing to say, tsk tsk. :rolleyes:

didn't call you a shill but you sure are quick to defend the can against any reasonable criticism and you've been downright dismissive of it at times. think it's fair to say that you're personal bias is showing. anyways i'm done arguing with you man. looking forward to seeing and hearing this can for myself.
May 31, 2014 at 11:39 AM Post #3,154 of 21,176
didn't call you a shill but you sure are quick to defend the can against any reasonable criticism and you've been downright dismissive of it at times. think it's fair to say that you're personal bias is showing.

If by "any reasonable criticism" you mean two or three speculative points you raised, then sure, call that "personal bias" if that gets you going. I'm a guy, I reciprocate if something rubs me the wrong way. If you want, we can move this OT to private messages so neither of us get banned.
May 31, 2014 at 11:44 AM Post #3,155 of 21,176
didn't call you a shill but you sure are quick to defend the can against any reasonable criticism and you've been downright dismissive of it at times. think it's fair to say that you're personal bias is showing.

To be honest, he's only been quick to defend the issue with the wood veneer and the fact that HiFiMan is making a lot of changes since the original public announcement...  Everything else he's agreed with (bass issue which he found, treble issue if I'm not mistaken, wood scratching issue, etc.).  He's been the one that has pointed many of the issues out and had HiFiMan fix them.
There is a definite roll in the type of wood used that affects grain patterns, thickness, etc. 
On the other hand, I can flip this about you as well...  Ever since you heard about the delays in the product because they wanted to fix issues with the headphones, you've been mad, cold, and upset (possibly due to impatience)...  I have a feeling that's driving you to say half of these things equally since they are fueled by emotion (anger, maybe a little resentment, maybe you want some payback because you were a little impatient?  IDK).  You make the statement that he's quick to defend, I'm going to make the statement that you're quick to offend. 
I won't deny you do make a good claim here regarding wood thickness, but the type and quality of wood used makes a huge difference as well. 
May 31, 2014 at 11:58 AM Post #3,157 of 21,176
Back on topic,
The treble tizziness might have all but disappeared with the additional dampening allowed by the move to veneer.
People certainly are liking the 560 at T.H.E. meet or the initial impressions at least suggest so.
Would be in line with the sound improvement HFM claims it brings.

If that's true, that is if this additional damping does yield sonic improvement (which seems likely) then the move was certainly worth it. IMO.
May 31, 2014 at 11:59 AM Post #3,158 of 21,176
  Well it's his baby, so to speak, of course he is at least somewhat biased toward it.
My opinion has always been that this is a sound that's technically very good ~ excellent in all traits, with a truly genre-master tonal balance on top. It's not the best at anything (except maybe the general bass quality, but I haven't heard enough TOTL cans to make a claim that it is the best), but the well-roundedness + the strong technicalities gives it an strong edge. It is really quite similar to LCDX in terms of the goal of the product, maybe not in terms of sound though.

Hmmm. Have the LCD-X. Loved it for the first couple of months. Later on started feeling that there was a lack of air and treble extension in the upper regions.
I don't like bright cans like the Grado 325i, DTs etc. Just love well balanced cans with oomph at the top and bottom.
I will sell the LCD-X once i get the 560. Maybe the X's i have are not really that great.
May 31, 2014 at 12:04 PM Post #3,159 of 21,176
I just contacted Justin ad headamp to hopefully get an exchanged pair of LCD-X because I fear mine might be a dud pair too.  Hopefully I can at least get the cable exchanged because the quarter inch termination suffers contact issues and the right channel goes out quite often upon first connecting to the amp.
I let a friend of mine-- beats user-- listen to both the LCD-X and 560 using a couple Adele songs (he's a big Adele fan).
His comments were:
both headphones don't put Adele's voice in my head like beats
560 has clearer piano I like that
560 is a prettier headphone
560 is a better headphone
Simple and to the point I guess, haha.
May 31, 2014 at 12:07 PM Post #3,160 of 21,176
If by "any reasonable criticism" you mean two or three speculative points you raised, then sure, call that "personal bias" if that gets you going. I'm a guy, I reciprocate if something rubs me the wrong way. If you want, we can move this OT to private messages so neither of us get banned.

so you're a guy? should have known. well that's perfectly understandable then. lol! sorry to disappoint you fella but if you look back over the thread you'll find that other folks have also found fault with the design of this can. no need to take this to pm's coz we're done here right?
May 31, 2014 at 12:11 PM Post #3,161 of 21,176
  I just contacted Justin ad headamp to hopefully get an exchanged pair of LCD-X because I fear mine might be a dud pair too.  Hopefully I can at least get the cable exchanged because the quarter inch termination suffers contact issues and the right channel goes out quite often upon first connecting to the amp.
I let a friend of mine-- beats user-- listen to both the LCD-X and 560 using a couple Adele songs (he's a big Adele fan).
His comments were:
both headphones don't put Adele's voice in my head like beats
560 has clearer piano I like that
560 is a prettier headphone
560 is a better headphone
Simple and to the point I guess, haha.

Is it true that there a lot of variation in how the same Audeze models sound in general? Balance is such a hard thing to pull of. Maybe i will contact them for an exchange. Though nothing is physically wrong with it.
May 31, 2014 at 12:14 PM Post #3,163 of 21,176
Some folks might want to write it off as Audeze finally solving their inconsistency issues, but if my experience with the LCD-X being underwhelming while the LCD-XC being stupid good sounding, while many of the comments on... other forums... are true, then it's still highly possible that Audeze's still suffering consistency issues.
May 31, 2014 at 12:16 PM Post #3,164 of 21,176
so you're a guy? should have known. well that's perfectly understandable then. lol! sorry to disappoint you fella but if you look back over the thread you'll find that other folks have also found fault with the design of this can. no need to take this to pm's coz we're done here right?

Glad it's settled. And sure, we are done here with this off-topic joust.
May 31, 2014 at 12:19 PM Post #3,165 of 21,176
so you're a guy? should have known. well that's perfectly understandable then. lol! sorry to disappoint you fella but if you look back over the thread you'll find that other folks have also found fault with the design of this can. no need to take this to pm's coz we're done here right?

You guys sound like ex-husbands of the same woman, trying to get back with her by sniping at each other. Relax!!.
Weekends are for meditating on the qualities of beer, how Maleficent is awesome, and how annoying post-credit scenes are in Marvel movies.

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