= HiFiMAN HE-560 Impressions & Discussion Thread =
Aug 5, 2014 at 11:32 AM Post #6,451 of 21,179
Pathetic, I am extremely disappointed to read that. It takes some of the pleasure I feel in my 560 away. I don't like supporting companies that refuse to provide acceptable customer service. With all of the high quality options available to me, this may be my first and last HFM headphone. You can call it an overreaction, and perhaps it is, but I can't stand hearing such poor customer service. Makes me wonder how badly treated I would be if I had to do a warranty claim or deal with a repair from them. HFM, you get an F- for this particular incident. Very sad.

I agree on this one..although i love their products..as everyone knows by now...
but i think its just a sales/logistic/aftersales thing..am sure mr. Fang would shoot in his own foot if he knew this kind of things happened in the states (or anywhere) with his precious designed products..

i myself (and many others in western europe) have very good experience with the european (benelux) importer (madooma) of hifiman products..they really surprised me with their personal attention (even offered me a second hand demo almost new he6 when i said a new one was above my budget..customer service they call that..as i already had bought 2 phones from them ) and service they provide...

no vague mails..broken? No problem..U get a new one..no costs extra!..
To be honest..i dont think its the fault of hifiman in general..its the link lower on the ladder thats a bit messed up..distributers/importers which must have a low profit margin..etc. maybe hifiman has to sort that out?

Good luck with that mr. Fang :wink:
Aug 5, 2014 at 11:54 AM Post #6,454 of 21,179
I could've been lost in translation, who knows. I really wasn't trying to scheme free gear from Head-Direct and the email might have sounded worse than it really is, but it just sucks that I have to wait another couple of weeks for this to arrive. I wouldn't be surprised if they came with scratches again to be frank but we'll see. I'm crossing my fingers for the best. At this point, the issue is pretty much dead, they said they're trying. The question is - how hard will they try this time? From the three days I had with the headphones, they sound and feel great. They were light out of the package and sounded amazing. Hopefully it all goes well.
Aug 5, 2014 at 12:04 PM Post #6,455 of 21,179
I could've been lost in translation, who knows. I really wasn't trying to scheme free gear from Head-Direct and the email might have sounded worse than it really is, but it just sucks that I have to wait another couple of weeks for this to arrive. I wouldn't be surprised if they came with scratches again to be frank but we'll see. I'm crossing my fingers for the best. At this point, the issue is pretty much dead, they said they're trying. The question is - how hard will they try this time? From the three days I had with the headphones, they sound and feel great. They were light out of the package and sounded amazing. Hopefully it all goes well.

Don't worry about it petezjunior, I'm sure we all are not in the opinion that you are scheming or what not. I admit the words they've used indeed sound offensive, just that I understand how non native English speakers (myself being one) sometimes just mess up words. A common one I always get wrong - "I stand corrected". Heh. Embarrassing moments.

Regardless, wishing you all the best. Fingers crossed that you do get a perfect pair of HE-560 - Much deserving of said perfect condition as much so as its sound quality. Hang in there!
Aug 5, 2014 at 12:50 PM Post #6,456 of 21,179
Lol, so I asked for some type of reimbursement for my headphones because it is the third time I will be receiving them. My first two came in rough shape with scratches on the gimbals and cups. The second HE-560s came with even larger scratches and a missing headphone cable. Yeah, weird right? So I asked for a possible reimbursement and some information on when the headphones would be shipped. They said it would take 1-2 weeks, so it would be a total of 1 month since I received my headphones. A little disappointed, but not the end of the world until I saw this email. They are acting like they are doing me a favor by shipping the replacements. 

[COLOR=222222]"Thanks for your support to our products. The reason why we delayed shipping and ship it from China is not what we expected. Just because you bought a headphone which costs almost $900, we must hold you and the headphone accountable. I apologize for the inconvenience. I've urged our factory in China to repackage a set of headphone for you, and ship it out today. Please understand that what we have done is for our customer's satisfaction."[/COLOR]

[COLOR=222222]What a nice email.[/COLOR]

That type of customer service makes me sad. You paid 900$ for a pristine product and you should not received such a letter. I hope the company will do better in the future.
Aug 5, 2014 at 12:54 PM Post #6,457 of 21,179
Frankly I think we should start an online open letter to HFM where we the supporters let them know that this type of customer service does not align with their products and where they are trying to take their company. Perhaps an on mass show of support for an increase in customer service savvy and quality control is what HFM needs to see. In isolation our voices are easy to ignore, but together not so easy to ignore. We are talking about somebody needing to get three headphones shipped to him and being told he has to take his responsibility as a customer. Pardon me, but I thought that was done when he paid the full retail price and was an early adopter which is a critical customer as we essentially act as the real-life testers for them to fine tune the headphone.

I agree with you and would gladly sigh a open online letter to HFM.
Aug 5, 2014 at 1:00 PM Post #6,458 of 21,179
There's going to be a bad transaction with all the good ones as well, probably happens to a lot of companies but guess just goes unnoticed. Thanks for sharing and taking one for the team.. hope you get a good pair this time.
I could've been lost in translation, who knows. I really wasn't trying to scheme free gear from Head-Direct and the email might have sounded worse than it really is, but it just sucks that I have to wait another couple of weeks for this to arrive. I wouldn't be surprised if they came with scratches again
Aug 5, 2014 at 1:12 PM Post #6,459 of 21,179
Sonic Defender If we start an open letter complaining about their customer service then I think it's fair we start one about good customer service as well. If you start an open letter then only ones that's experienced bad service should be able sign and write an invoice number next to their order otherwise that open letter will be taken advantage of and used to tar a company..

I've had to deal with their warranty dept twice for 2 different products and both times exceeded expectations along with purchases I've made. Yes, you are overreacting it seems as you've got a good pair and never had to deal with their customer service. Nor have you considered logistics of Hifiman products. If they warehoused in USA then we can easily throw another $100 on top of the price tag. I think we're lucky enough to buy these at a much more competitive price and not have to ship back to China when things go bad.

It's easy to point at problems when not everyone who's had a good transaction don't speak up about it. The translation goof is unfortunate though as it can be so easily avoided.
Aug 5, 2014 at 1:16 PM Post #6,460 of 21,179
  Frankly I think we should start an online open letter to HFM where we the supporters let them know that this type of customer service does not align with their products and where they are trying to take their company. Perhaps an on mass show of support for an increase in customer service savvy and quality control is what HFM needs to see. In isolation our voices are easy to ignore, but together not so easy to ignore. We are talking about somebody needing to get three headphones shipped to him and being told he has to take his responsibility as a customer. Pardon me, but I thought that was done when he paid the full retail price and was an early adopter which is a critical customer as we essentially act as the real-life testers for them to fine tune the headphone.

If they are reading the past few pages, they KNOW what we think.  Did you read my experience with the HE-6 replacement?  Same type of problem and their "english" skills cause all sorts of miscommunication as they did with mine.  I had it in writing they were sending ME a replacement for the chipped paint version of the NEW replacement (their words again), followed two days later by them asking when my chipped paint version was going to arrive so they could then send me the replacement.  Truly ridiculous and I know much of the issue is most CS is done in China instead of in the states. 
Aug 5, 2014 at 1:17 PM Post #6,461 of 21,179
Sonic Defender If we start an open letter complaining about their customer service then I think it's fair we start one about good customer service as well. If you start an open letter then only ones that's experienced bad service should be able sign and write an invoice number next to their order otherwise that open letter will be taken advantage of and used to tar a company..

I've had to deal with their warranty dept twice for 2 different products and both times exceeded expectations along with purchases I've made. Yes, you are overreacting it seems as you've got a good pair and never had to deal with their customer service. Nor have you considered logistics of Hifiman products. If they warehoused in USA then we can easily throw another $100 on top of the price tag. It's easy to point at problems when not everyone who's had a good transaction dont speak up about it.

I agree..good and bad experiences ..

as i stated..i have only good experiences..but that was with the importer/distributor (madooma germany) here in western Europe..and that was more then perfect..they almost acted like ur family..lolz...but dont have experience with contacting hifiman in china or distributors in states.
Aug 5, 2014 at 2:08 PM Post #6,462 of 21,179
Thanks for the comments about and support for my posts regarding these issues. I don't think we need to go on about the positives, that has been well established by the robust, and prolonged support and accolades HFM receives from this community. I think it is very obvious we like what they do or we wouldn't be dropping substantial money on their products. It needs to be dealt with that there can be such a situation as has been described. If this was my company, I very quickly contact a US reseller and explain that we need them to inspect a set of 560s that they have on hand in order to do a replacement for a customer. The seller would use HFMs account to ship the replacement to the US based customer. The US based reseller would be given a set of 560s from HFM the next time they order. I know there are a few other details to work, out, but I think it is plain to see that there were much better, customer-focused options by which HFM could have supported their customer.
Lets keep in mind this is a brand new headphone, not even to be considered a warranty issue, it is a product flawed from the outset. This triggers responsibility on the manufacturer that extends beyond a warranty claim even. No matter how you look at this situation HFM is underreacting and under-serving their customer. Here we see the customer having to suck it up simply due to somewhat inept customer service/quality control issues. If you people really like HFM help them grow by getting their house in order, tell them that they can't think that this is good customer service. Just letting this discussion go in this thread unattended by official HFM response is poor decision making. It might cost them a few sales from potential customers reading and thinking, what if that was me, do I want to wait for them to get it right, or do I want to perhaps look at another headphone company? Just not worth the risk as far as I can see. I am not sure what else to say.
Aug 5, 2014 at 2:09 PM Post #6,463 of 21,179
The only thing putting me off would be the 1 year warranty against 2y for Sennheiser and 3y from Audeze, although it may be because I worry too much 

Aug 5, 2014 at 2:18 PM Post #6,464 of 21,179
Here's an easy solution, buy from local dealer for the exact same price. You support the local economy and you have great communication (hopefully).

From a sales and marketing perspective, a bunch of complaints pooled into one makes a problem that much 'worse'. Specially when you've got people who have not even dealt with their customer service or worse got theirs in satisfactory condition signing a poor customer service open letter.

These are still isolated incidents not 1 in 3 orders or anything close..
Aug 5, 2014 at 2:37 PM Post #6,465 of 21,179
We all know the QC is not ideal...
Mine is great cosmetics wise but build quality overall is just ok.
One side of the adjustment headband is tighter, other is easier to adjust. One side of the rotational yoke more firm the other rotates much more freely and doesn't stay in place as much as I'd like (angling the headphone a bit)...

How come a $170 AKG headphone that's made in China can get it right?

It's easy to see that QC is a rather big issue for HFM... One that should see a drastic improvement cause so far, I don't see it...

And as others pointed out, if they can't get it tight on the outside then what makes us think they could on the inside...

Sonics are great, price is great but build quality is bordering unacceptable IMO...

And I am a huge Hifiman fan...
AUDIO-GD does a lot better and they're Chinese as sell...

Hifiman really needs to kick their QC up a few notches IMO...

Cause confidence they inspire not to me :frowning2:

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