Hifiman he-400i Impressions and Discussion
Jul 10, 2018 at 4:41 PM Post #13,786 of 14,386
no point really though! I once bought a GNR Use your illusion 1 CD and when I played the music, it was the music from the Use your Illusion 2 CD... So they had misprinted the CD. crap happens! For 400i I just use the plugs to identify the L/R so I wouldn't bother unscrewing anything, but if you have OCD that's another matter! Or... Do you have a marker? :smiling_imp:
Jul 10, 2018 at 10:56 PM Post #13,787 of 14,386
Just tested mine - the supports pull out without any effort from the cans - shouldn't be an issue to swap them over to the correct sides if you wanted to.
Jul 11, 2018 at 8:20 AM Post #13,788 of 14,386
I've had my 400i's for a few years now but I haven't really used them for about 2 years because of my Elear and Nighthawk. So the other day I decided to get them out and hook them up to my little Schiit stack (Mimby & Magni 3) to see if I even like them at all anymore. At first, I wasn't too impressed but after about 30min they started to sound better so I used them for the next few days and nothing else. There not on the same level as the Elear and I wasn't expecting them to be but for a change of pace headphone, I really enjoy them. The mids are very clean sounding as I remember them to be and the overall sound sig is quite pleasing. I guess this is another hp I'll be putting back in the rotation from time to time.
Jul 11, 2018 at 11:30 AM Post #13,790 of 14,386
Just tested mine - the supports pull out without any effort from the cans - shouldn't be an issue to swap them over to the correct sides if you wanted to.

First of all, thanks for making the effort in trying this out for me. But just to confirm, do you mean the supports that actually holds the left and the right headphones in place can be easily pulled off? See pic below.

Jul 11, 2018 at 11:51 AM Post #13,791 of 14,386
But just to confirm, do you mean the supports that actually holds the left and the right headphones in place can be easily pulled off?

Yep - the frame you circled has a "nub" going into a "hole" in the cup

It's just the tension/pressure? in the frame that keeps the nub in the hole - no clips or anything.

Be gentle pulling the nub out and the cups will separate.

You can then swap them so the cups match the L/R marks on the headband.

Be gentle though and do it at your own risk - there have been issues with the frames? cracking without pressure applied at all. (maybe a bad batch)
Jul 14, 2018 at 5:02 PM Post #13,792 of 14,386
I've had my 400i's for a few years now but I haven't really used them for about 2 years because of my Elear and Nighthawk. So the other day I decided to get them out and hook them up to my little Schiit stack (Mimby & Magni 3) to see if I even like them at all anymore. At first, I wasn't too impressed but after about 30min they started to sound better so I used them for the next few days and nothing else. There not on the same level as the Elear and I wasn't expecting them to be but for a change of pace headphone, I really enjoy them. The mids are very clean sounding as I remember them to be and the overall sound sig is quite pleasing. I guess this is another hp I'll be putting back in the rotation from time to time.

Very cool. The more I hear about the Elear, "surgical precision of imaging", "imagine a 100 point grid around each ear and you can pick out from exactly which point any given sound came from", "built like a French tank" <----- lol last one is joke I think, the more I'm dying to hear them.

But are you liking the Nighthawks more than he400i? I've tried Nighthawks many times, beautiful headphone, very interesting concepts involved in it's production and the NH is the Pinnacle of weightless comfort, but in terms of audio quality I don't think they hold a candle to he400i.
Jul 17, 2018 at 8:56 PM Post #13,797 of 14,386
I ordered one. But I noticed it says they now use 3.5mm connectors. I would like to get a reasonably priced balanced cable for this. Any recommendations? Will cables for Focal Elears or Beyerdynamic T1's fit? I would ideally like to spend around $50-60 tops.
Jul 18, 2018 at 7:57 PM Post #13,800 of 14,386
Another question: can Dragonfly Red drive well enough 400i? I've read a lot of conficting opinions around.
conflicting opinions since "drive well enough" means different things to different people so I think only you can really answer the question. FWIW it will likely depend on how loud you listen, if on the quieter side (under 80dB) then you will probably happy with the DF Red, if you listen at higher levels (+90dB) then the DF Red might not do it for you. For me even the 100mW of my Teac UD301 is quite good at driving the HD400i.

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