Hifiman he-400i Impressions and Discussion
Nov 25, 2015 at 12:26 PM Post #5,567 of 14,386
  But I bet that when another product that you do not own goes on sale you will be happy about it.

Fair enough, but you do need to keep in mind that the pricing difference is moderately large so it isn't realistic to think that people who just paid full price for these is going to be thrilled. I can just as easily suggest to you that if the shoe is on the other foot and you paid way more than somebody else for a product you might not be so happy yourself.
Nov 25, 2015 at 12:34 PM Post #5,568 of 14,386
  Fair enough, but you do need to keep in mind that the pricing difference is moderately large so it isn't realistic to think that people who just paid full price for these is going to be thrilled. I can just as easily suggest to you that if the shoe is on the other foot and you paid way more than somebody else for a product you might not be so happy yourself.

Products go on sale, especially around this time of year. BF is known for deep discounts so if you are willing to wait and get lucky then the product you want might be available for cheap. If you choose to not wait for a sale and pay full MSRP and taxes and shipping (even though these have been available with free shipping and no taxes from multiple vendors in multiple states) then I feel that boycotting the manufacturer is juuuuuusssst a bit too much.
I am willing to bet that some have paid more for these so is a boycott of Amazon on order too?
Nov 25, 2015 at 12:39 PM Post #5,569 of 14,386
Received my 400i's today. I may have to shelf my HD600s. Only listening for an hour (I'm sure they'll improve with burn-in) and music sounds more full than the 600's. More bass present and vocals are more upfront then further back which I enjoy. I'm impressed.
Nov 25, 2015 at 12:42 PM Post #5,570 of 14,386
  But I bet that when another product that you do not own goes on sale you will be happy about it.

well, generally im against sales because they make you buy only when a deal comes on, thats why i like Schiit.
if you make deals only before a new product comes out or at BF\end of year its ok as long as the price is reasonable.
shaving off 200$ from a 500$ product is too much, it hurts older customers and the 2nd hand market.
so i will say it again, if the new price was 400$ i wouldnt mind.
also, HiFiMan supposed to be an high quality company and i think they should keep a certain reputation, making sales like that one hurt this rep in my opinion.
(think about Mercedes making massive discounts, they cant behave like a Toyota\Hyundai).
i learned my lesson with HiFiMan, and if i ever want any of their products i would purchase it only on sale.
Nov 25, 2015 at 2:34 PM Post #5,571 of 14,386
  Fair enough, but you do need to keep in mind that the pricing difference is moderately large so it isn't realistic to think that people who just paid full price for these is going to be thrilled. I can just as easily suggest to you that if the shoe is on the other foot and you paid way more than somebody else for a product you might not be so happy yourself.

I can sympathize because we have all been there. You just have to know you made your decision at the time you made it and it was the right one knowing all the available facts at that time. How many people bought tv's this year that will be $500-$1000+ cheaper this coming weekend?  Sennheiser HD650 also $300 on sale. 
Nov 25, 2015 at 2:51 PM Post #5,572 of 14,386
I can sympathize because we have all been there. You just have to know you made your decision at the time you made it and it was the right one knowing all the available facts at that time. How many people bought tv's this year that will be $500-$1000+ cheaper this coming weekend?  Sennheiser HD650 also $300 on sale.

Even SVS heavily discounted their SB-12NSD, from $679 to $399.  Ouch!
It's an aggressive season so far, with LOTS of extremely deep discounts before Thanksgiving.  I understand being upset, I really do, but it's happening throughout the electronics sector, not just headphones.
Of course, people will complain here about it.  I respect that.  But please don't call me a fanboi because I'm defending it (that's to no one in particular, but I've been here a while and it's inevitable)
Meanwhile, I'm looking forward to dozens of impressions from the new owners!

Nov 25, 2015 at 2:53 PM Post #5,573 of 14,386
  Even SVS heavily discounted their SB-12NSD, form $679 to $399.  Ouch!
It's an aggressive season so far, with LOTS of extremely deep discounts before Thanksgiving.  I understand being upset, I really do, but it's happening throughout the electronics sector, not just headphones.
Of course, people will complain here about it.  I respect that.  But please don't call me a fanboi because I'm defending it (that's to no one in particular, but I've been here a while and it's inevitable)
Meanwhile, I'm looking forward to dozens of impressions from the new owners!

I agree, it's definitely annoying if you spent $200 more for the same headphones just a few weeks ago, but that's how the consumer market is. Car dealers run discounts all the time, same for any electronic store really. Just goes to show you how much headphones probably cost to produce though...probably a hell of a lot less than they cost, huge profit margin.
Anyway I'm really enjoying my 400i's thus far, from other owners, can I expect the sound to change at-all with burn-in?
Nov 25, 2015 at 2:58 PM Post #5,574 of 14,386
Received my 400i's today. I may have to shelf my HD600s. Only listening for an hour (I'm sure they'll improve with burn-in) and music sounds more full than the 600's. More bass present and vocals are more upfront then further back which I enjoy. I'm impressed.

Look forward to more impressions! I am waiting on my 400i to arrive and I currently own the HD600s. I use the Bottlehead Crack to drive them- what amp do you use?
Nov 25, 2015 at 3:05 PM Post #5,576 of 14,386
So, I've had my 400S for a couple of weeks and love them. Should I get a pair of 400i ? Will I hear a difference??
Nov 25, 2015 at 3:16 PM Post #5,577 of 14,386
well, not buying any more HiFiMan products?
if the sale was 400$ i wouldn't say anything, but 300$ make me feel a bit stupid for paying 500$ (slightly more actually because of shipping and taxes).

Agree with this sentiment. I could return it for a refund and buy for 300$ and maybe save a bit, but I wouldn't get refunded for import fees and shipping costs. I ended up asking for a partial refund to avoid that and the reseller was surprised hifiman lowered the price so hard too.
Nov 25, 2015 at 3:17 PM Post #5,578 of 14,386
I was planning on buying the 400i and using it with a vintage Marantz 2252b until I can get a strict headphone amp. Would the Marantz be okay until then or does anyone have experience with the 400i and a vintage speaker amp??
Nov 25, 2015 at 3:17 PM Post #5,579 of 14,386
  Products go on sale, especially around this time of year.

Yes and no, and I don't think that those who are upset are cry babies who just don't know how the real world works. Typically a new release headphone should hold it's price from the manufacturer for a period of time. Cars will not drop proportionally this much at the dealership even when they are clearing them out. For my part5, I can live with it, I didn't cry to Razordog and ask to return my 400i although even if I did and paid the restocking fee, and bought them again, I would save money. My point remains the discount is too deep, and I think it is too soon given the fairly newly released nature of the 400i.
As others have touched on, this does have the potential to water down the perceived value of the brand. I agree, if they can afford to drop this much and still make some money, it tells us the markup is fairly generous so the next time they come out with a solid, non-flagship model, as you said, I should just wait it out. In all reality I suspect that those who want them don't mind paying a premium for getting headphones before the sale, I just think the sale price was a little deep, certainly enough to sting some. I'm good, but that was never my point.

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