Hifiman he-400i Impressions and Discussion
Sep 16, 2015 at 3:33 PM Post #4,861 of 14,386
So after about 2 weeks with the 400i i didnt notice any change in their sound.
the manual mention a 150 hours of burn in, so it might get better later on but i doubt i could tell.

still waiting for my Schiit stack :frowning2:

I never noticed any change in sound myself, but others may have. I have hundreds of hours on mine.

Schiit is always worth the wait. :bigsmile_face:
Sep 16, 2015 at 4:10 PM Post #4,863 of 14,386
Schiit is always worth the wait. :bigsmile_face:
Waiting for Schiit to come out is the worst though. :p[rule]I LOVE my HE-400i, thinking of possibly upgrading to the HE-560, but the HE-400i seriously outclass anything else I've ever heard at the price, until you get up to LCD-2, SR-009, and HD-800. :D The only things I want is a bit more airy sound, a little more detail, bass tactility, and soundstage.
Sep 16, 2015 at 4:13 PM Post #4,864 of 14,386
Waiting for Schiit to come out is the worst though. :p[rule]I LOVE my HE-400i, thinking of possibly upgrading to the HE-560, but the HE-400i seriously outclass anything else I've ever heard at the price, until you get up to LCD-2, SR-009, and HD-800. :D The only things I want is a bit more airy sound, a little more detail, bass tactility, and soundstage.

Some people read while that's happening. :D
Sep 16, 2015 at 4:45 PM Post #4,865 of 14,386
Waiting for Schiit to come out is the worst though. :p
I LOVE my HE-400i, thinking of possibly upgrading to the HE-560, but the HE-400i seriously outclass anything else I've ever heard at the price, until you get up to LCD-2, SR-009, and HD-800.
The only things I want is a bit more airy sound, a little more detail, bass tactility, and soundstage.

You might want to also start looking at amps/dacs to go with the HE-560, its a little harder to drive properly than the HE-400i.  For me the HE-560 was not an upgrade to the HE-400i, more like just a different sound signature.  Another headphone you might want to look at is the T1 for those traits you say you want.  I currently have the LCD-2 and HD-800 and really enjoy them for the different sound signatures that they have, good complimentary cans.  I should be getting a SR-009 in Nov, a friend of mine is giving me his spare in exchange for building a couple of SennGrado's.  I've listened to the SR-009 last week when I was in Japan for his daughter's wedding and while its considered a summit-fi headphone I would never have it as my only one.
Sep 16, 2015 at 4:59 PM Post #4,866 of 14,386
You might want to also start looking at amps/dacs to go with the HE-560, its a little harder to drive properly than the HE-400i.  For me the HE-560 was not an upgrade to the HE-400i, more like just a different sound signature.  Another headphone you might want to look at is the T1 for those traits you say you want.  I currently have the LCD-2 and HD-800 and really enjoy them for the different sound signatures that they have, good complimentary cans.  I should be getting a SR-009 in Nov, a friend of mine is giving me his spare in exchange for building a couple of SennGrado's.  I've listened to the SR-009 last week when I was in Japan for his daughter's wedding and while its considered a summit-fi headphone I would never have it as my only one.
I currently have an Asgard 2 and an Aune T1, wanting to upgrade the Aune to an ODAC though. (tube sound just isn't for me) :)
Sep 16, 2015 at 5:11 PM Post #4,867 of 14,386
The 400i sounds interesting then. I sold my beloved HE 560 and as I knew I would, I wish I had kept it. I'm now in a position where since I sold the 560 our dollar has dropped like a stone so rebuying a 560 is more than I want to do now so the 400i might be a really good option for me. I will likely keep my TH 900 as well, but who knows.
Sep 16, 2015 at 5:31 PM Post #4,868 of 14,386
The 400i sounds interesting then. I sold my beloved HE 560 and as I knew I would, I wish I had kept it. I'm now in a position where since I sold the 560 our dollar has dropped like a stone so rebuying a 560 is more than I want to do now so the 400i might be a really good option for me. I will likely keep my TH 900 as well, but who knows.

The 400i jumped up about $130.00 CDN since March when I purchased mine.
Sep 16, 2015 at 11:49 PM Post #4,869 of 14,386
  The 400i sounds interesting then. I sold my beloved HE 560 and as I knew I would, I wish I had kept it. I'm now in a position where since I sold the 560 our dollar has dropped like a stone so rebuying a 560 is more than I want to do now so the 400i might be a really good option for me. I will likely keep my TH 900 as well, but who knows.

I would think so too. I own the 400i, but I also loved the HE-560 as they are more similar than not. The only real deficiency of the 400i I think compared to the 560 is that it definitely has a smaller soundstage - otherwise, the 400i is excellent in its own right (ok, the 560 is more detailed IMO, but the 400i isn't lacking either).
Sep 17, 2015 at 1:39 AM Post #4,870 of 14,386
I would think so too. I own the 400i, but I also loved the HE-560 as they are more similar than not. The only real deficiency of the 400i I think compared to the 560 is that it definitely has a smaller soundstage - otherwise, the 400i is excellent in its own right (ok, the 560 is more detailed IMO, but the 400i isn't lacking either).

Exactly how I feel about HE-400i vs my HD800. 
Sep 17, 2015 at 4:35 AM Post #4,871 of 14,386
Hello there.
First of all, since this is my first post here, greetings to everyone here from the lovely little Austria over here in Europe :)
In the last weeks i read through the whole HE-400I thread here, and the LD 1+ thread,
got lots of information, but still some questions left.
A little bit to my background first.
I have a dedicated Stereo-System in my living room and was a speakers only guy up until now.
I have Audio Technica ATH-M50 for around 3 years, but only for portable use with my FiiO X1.
I really like to listen to my stereo system, but since i am a father of a 1 year old boy, i cant listen like i used to anymore.
Mostly because of not disturbing him while playing and not waking him up while sleeping :-D
Beacause of that my CDs and Vinyls dont get the attention they deserve anymore,
and i want to change that, so some headphones need to get here soon :)
Since here in Austria we are some kind of "Hi-Fi no-mans-land" in terms of not having much chance to try gear
i kind of have to rely on impressions on the internet, like here on head-fi.
The question about the headphone is actually decided as a pair of HE-400i (with the new connectors)
is already on the way to me.
I was already leaning towards them because of many reasons (allrounders, planars, not too hard to drive, etc.)
and when i saw a great offer (450€ new instead of the here asked 599€ msrp) i just pulled the trigger.
But that still leaves the question of amplification.
I just shortly got myself a Schiit Magni 2 as start item, mainly to use with my M50s while i wait for the 400i to arrive,
and because i think that its a solid amp for a good price.
BUT (ah, there it is) i always wanted to get into tubes, so i looked around for something to fulfill that need of mine.
And i found something, named the Little Dot 1+.
I have read mostly good about it, and the tubes for it are relatively cheap,
so seems like a good start to get into that cracy tube world.
The only problem that i have is that i fear of the 1+ holding the 400i too much back
and not allowing it to perform on the level that it could.
As an example, i have read multiple times here that the 400i is to the TOTL headphones somwhere about 75-80%
in terms of sound quality, but for a much lower price, hence big bang for the buck.
My question is now, what amp, if not the 1+, would be able to make the 400i perform to around 80% of their potential
without bleeding my wallet too dry?
I have searched long, but i didnt really find an alternative to the 1+ that was both available and not too expensive,
so i hope to get some suggestions here :)
Please keep in mind tho that everything from outside of the EU will cost lots more then the $ pricetag
due to delivery, taxes and customs.
As for the budget, i cant really define it exactly, but im really a cheap person, so probs not much more than 200-300€.
Some more informations that might help you:
Project 2 Xperience Turntable with 9cc-evolution carbon-tonearm and Ortofon Cadenza Red cartridge
running through a Project Phono-Box DS
Atoll IN-80 CD Player
Pioneer N-30 network-player and Samsung TV both running through Micromega-MyDAC
All of the above connected to Atoll IN-100 amp and via tape-out to the Magni-2 (and in the future to some other amp)
pretty much everything from Metal/Rock over Trip-Hop to Neo-Classic, solo-piano pieces and slow/doomjazz.
only thing i never or very rarely listen to is classic/orchestral and country.
I hope this is not too long and bothersome for my first post, but i think the more information the easier :)
If i forgot something you need to know just tell me and i will provide.
Greetings, Hirschi
Sep 17, 2015 at 8:30 AM Post #4,873 of 14,386
  Bewteen HE-400i and HE-560 which of the two is the brightest?

560 is brighter, the 400i has a bit of a warmer tonality, with less airy but still very nice vocals. While I think there are some advantages to the 560, I prefer my 400i since my music collection is largely mastered to be somewhat bright. Its more of a preference game to know which you might like
Sep 17, 2015 at 9:02 AM Post #4,874 of 14,386
I currently have an Asgard 2 and an Aune T1, wanting to upgrade the Aune to an ODAC though. (tube sound just isn't for me)

I tried a friends ODAC/02 and while it a great sounding DAC/AMP combo it was a tad to bright for me but in its price range its hard to beat.  I have the Asgard2 but since its also a tad bright to me the Bifrost is a better pairing since its a little less bright than the O2 line out when I tried it.  I don't know if all makes of the ODAC/O2 will all sound the same so it hard to say one way or another.  I'm actually a fan of the Aune T1, had it recommended to me for a economical DAC/AMP for use with a HD-650 and K7XX and its a great match, the use of 6DJ8 tubes make it easy to find tubes to roll.

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