HF-2 errors making anyone shy away?
Jul 6, 2009 at 4:20 PM Post #91 of 187

Originally Posted by orkney /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm pretty squarely in the "if it sounds good and is otherwise defect-free then WTH" camp. I just had a book come out with a major publisher. It went through FIVE stages of proofing, and then a production gremlin meant that a few pages of the MS reverted to an earlier version. Twenty-odd errors, three of them significant, in the first hard-cover print run. And when I pointed it out I was told "that's what reprints are for."

So I don't get the vitriol here. I get the irritation, even the disappointment, that a product we'd like to be perfect isn't. But that's what a vendor, and a 30-day guarantee, are for. I can't see that any owners genuinely believe that they'll be forced to keep an HP they can't live with for a legitimate QC or other reason.

High-end audio is a curious pursuit. Until fairly recently, it was a collection of boutique operations servicing the needs of a sympathetic, if critical, constituency of enthusiasts, and cosmetics were way down the list of desiderata/expectations (cf. early Naim/Linn/Arcam) gear, etc). Now we expect perfection across the line, from cottage industry ops onward. I've owned about 8 Grados from RS1 on down and none of have been cosmetically perfect and none have sounded any the less for that. For me, it's part of the house style: handmade, sometimes oddly.

Anyone owning or queuing for an HF2 is covered in three ways: by the vendor's 30-day guarantee, by Grado's 1-year warranty and then by TTVJ's justly renowned service. Given that, as well as the rational belief that Grado and TTVJ will sort these problems out, it's time to move on. Really.



Originally Posted by The Monkey /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I think orkney's post is spot on.


Based on my past experience with TTVJ there is every reason to believe this will be dealt with fairly and equitably for all. Forming a lynch mob and feeding the bonfire of accusations, injuries and suppositions seems both unwarranted and premature.
Jul 6, 2009 at 4:23 PM Post #92 of 187

Originally Posted by XXII /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I have the same problem I think. The plastic covering for the cable does not fit "tight" so you can squeeze the plastic covering and it will deform. I wonder if this is just the same cable as for the RS-1i etc.

Not that only the fit issue, but it's also twisted a little.
Jul 6, 2009 at 4:30 PM Post #93 of 187

Originally Posted by orkney /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm pretty squarely in the "if it sounds good and is otherwise defect-free then WTH" camp. I just had a book come out with a major publisher. It went through FIVE stages of proofing, and then a production gremlin meant that a few pages of the MS reverted to an earlier version. Twenty-odd errors, three of them significant, in the first hard-cover print run. And when I pointed it out I was told "that's what reprints are for."

Would the publisher's reaction have been the same if the typo was in the title of your book, right on the cover?
Jul 6, 2009 at 4:33 PM Post #94 of 187

Originally Posted by Bostonears /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Doesn't anybody get it? Head-F1 = Head-Fone

Good One


Originally Posted by krmathis /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Care sharing the content of the email? Cause you just tease us when referring to it, but not letting us know what it said...

Agree sounds like teasing, I did posted my original email and reply from "whoever replayed on it" but moderators decided it could be fake and deleted my post. So now only they could decide to share it or not... I do not want take consequences for repeating it.
As I also mentioned there: I hope we still have freedom of thoughts and of words" but of course responsibly for truth and consequences is laying on us or who ever moderate us
Jul 6, 2009 at 4:34 PM Post #95 of 187
^^ i was thinking the same thing.

what if the book you wrote was only a few words. would you be as forgiving with an error. also, i use to work as an editor in publishing. due to the shear volume of content, some typos here and there were inevitable. and this is true regardless of the number of times the manuscript was proofread. but the one thing that was always stressed was to read over and over titles and major headings. having errors here was considered unacceptable. i think the grado "head-f1" error is much closer to the latter than the former.
Jul 6, 2009 at 4:39 PM Post #97 of 187

Originally Posted by igor_f /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Agree sounds like teasing, I did posted my original email and reply from "whoever replayed on it" but moderators decided it could be fake and deleted my post. So now only they could decide to share it or not... I do not want take consequences for repeating it.
As I also mentioned there: I hope we still have freedom of thoughts and of words" but of course responsibly for truth and consequences is laying on us or who ever moderate us

I see. Guess it is best to leave it to that...
So we probably need to wait for official words from TTTVJ and/or Grado.
Jul 6, 2009 at 4:48 PM Post #98 of 187

Originally Posted by Bostonears /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Would the publisher's reaction have been the same if the typo was in the title of your book, right on the cover?

No idea. It certainly happens.


Originally Posted by vcoheda /img/forum/go_quote.gif
^^ i was thinking the same thing.

what if the book you wrote was only a few words. would you be as forgiving with an error.

Not sure what "forgiveness" has to do with it, nor was my aim to provide an exact analogy, with myself at the centre, for the purpose of fine-grained debate. Instead I was trying to point out that:

a) these things happen despite multiple layers of QC
b) anyone receiving a substandard HF2 has some clearly-defined ways to remedy the situation
c) we should give the maker and vendor the opportunity to explain the case to affected parties and then satisfy their obligations with respect to them which, given the established reputations of each, including the extra protection provided by TTVJ's satisfaction guarantee, seems a safe bet. I have a pair on order and plan to ask Todd to give them a once-over when they arrive, and then thank him for taking the extra trouble. If they're defective in a way that matters to me they'll go right back. I see neither real risk nor fuel for great indignation here.

Jul 6, 2009 at 5:21 PM Post #99 of 187

Originally Posted by orkney /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Anyone owning or queuing for an HF2 is covered in three ways: by the vendor's 30-day guarantee, by Grado's 1-year warranty and then by TTVJ's justly renowned service. Given that, as well as the rational belief that Grado and TTVJ will sort these problems out, it's time to move on. Really.


Well, but in this case it is different.

Because Grado is selling a Special Limited Edition headphone to every head-fier regardless of the country they live in. Therefore the situation is unfair for people living outside USA as shipping is more expensive, it takes much more time due to distances and customs, and it is a big pain in the ass.

For someone living in USA they can easily ship it, get it fixed, sent back and maybe in one week it is all sorted out. For some living elsewhere it can take way much more time and money...
Jul 6, 2009 at 5:46 PM Post #100 of 187

Originally Posted by Bullseye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well, but in this case it is different.

Because Grado is selling a Special Limited Edition headphone to every head-fier regardless of the country they live in. Therefore the situation is unfair for people living outside USA as shipping is more expensive, it takes much more time due to distances and customs, and it is a big pain in the ass.

For someone living in USA they can easily ship it, get it fixed, sent back and maybe in one week it is all sorted out. For some living elsewhere it can take way much more time and money...

This is exactly what i was thinking too... yes it could be not a problem return them or sent them for fix for US customers, but for "head-fi"-ers outside US it is a big pain!!! especially returns, as nobody would get back customs fees that could be quite high for some of us (50+ US$).
We could understand that we are getting exceptions form Grado and Todd - allowing to ship outside of US and they are not the one who who blame in complications with returns... but if it is released for head-fi community why not make it is initially in the way that would avoid such problems at least in some way... like slightly better QA and treating this model as fair as rest of their production.
Jul 6, 2009 at 7:10 PM Post #101 of 187
All of this is more real to me than most of you. When I checked USPS tracking this morning I saw that my pair had arrived at my local sub-station at 8:45AM. Whether it got onto my letter carriers' truck for today, I don't know.......and he is now running late.
I do know that I will be very happy if mine is a F1 pair (and it is the only "defect". I rather like that aberration. Rather cool according to my personal aesthetic. .........after all - my Joe Grado HP-2 have no printing at all (though otherwise completely "restored" by Joe a few short months ago)

Uh-oh, I see the mail truck.........it won't be too many more minutes to see whether he has them....or not.
.................................................. ..............
I went out to the truck and he had them - now I have them. Had to find a knife to slice open the box......and there they are - a perfect pair of F1. I immediately pulled off the pads - no excess glue - nothing to carp about at all. Quickly, I plugged them into K.I.C.A.S. Caliente/Pico dac./MacBook, just to be sure there is nothing wrong.....they're fine. Serial # is 45. first impression is very good - but it is only a first impression of a 'phone that hasn't been burned-in. Got to do other stuff while they get acquainted with some good ol' amp current....and Cassandra Wilson for starters.

BTW - my impression is that the Alum. cups are not engraved. It seems more like some sort of transfer printing to me.
Jul 6, 2009 at 7:16 PM Post #102 of 187
It's funny to see how "HF-2 errors" thread slowly moving in direction -> H1 HF2 SQ impressions

It would be interesting later to compare HI and H1 editions

too bad our long 180 page thread was temporary closed....
Jul 6, 2009 at 7:37 PM Post #103 of 187
There will not be a sound difference between H1 and HI, don't start rediculousness to make those with H1's get more for resale because of "different sound". THE ONLY way they would sound diff, is if people get pissed about all the public bashing instead of messaging Todd or Grado, and they produce no more, or who knows. Im just so ready to get my pair now, it's been so long, I wish Todd would come back from Vacation
Jul 6, 2009 at 7:40 PM Post #104 of 187

Originally Posted by BushGuy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
BTW - my impression is that the Alum. cups are not engraved. It seems more like some sort of transfer printing to me.

I checked real close with a magnifier. They look to be etched, like photoetching for model hobby detail parts. Part of the process is to photo-transfer a stencil onto the surface so the etchant (acid) knows which part to eat. That also may explain the comment at CanJam about the lettering being "fuzzy". If the transfer is out of focus, it can cause the etchant to dissolve more of the area than intended. With engraving, the bottom of the letters would usually be flat and level. Etching can provide the rough texture effect.

All the above is IMHO and Experience, but of course, I could be wrong.

-HK sends

P.S. - #44...one of the F1 series (just got today). I still like 'em.
Jul 6, 2009 at 8:05 PM Post #105 of 187
Yes, the printing has a roughness as you run your finger slowly across it and depth seems non-existant. So, HK_sends - I think you've nailed it.

.......and I still like 'em. They ain't leavin' this ol' ranch.

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