Help with new headphones please
May 10, 2013 at 5:20 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


500+ Head-Fier
Mar 2, 2012
Hey guys/girls, I thought I would never ask such a subjective question, but here goes...
I am new to the hobby and have not heard many headphones. I currently own and love the Denon ah-d7100's. I also have a pair of porta pros, koss kde 250's, and ah-d2000's. I used to own pairs of senn 558 and denon ah-d1100. I did really enjoy the 558's and miss that sound and comfort but want better.

I want a pair that is unique from the 7100's, ie offers a different sound signature and listening experience. I have a Denon avr-1613 and a audinst amp-hp and listen to R&B and Jazz in apple lossless format from a mac mini, ipod 5th gen and iphone 4S. I want to stay within $750. I am considering Senn hd700 or 600 or 650, akg q701, or koss esp 950. Thanks all and appreciate your advice!
May 10, 2013 at 7:40 AM Post #2 of 5
Both a Q701 and an HD 650 will be very different from your D7100.  With the Q701, you'll be awash with detail and some great staging.  With the HD 650, you'll probably focus in on the lush vocals.  Either way, you're in for a very different treat I'm sure.  And if your max budget is $750, you could probably get both! 

May 10, 2013 at 11:17 AM Post #3 of 5
Thank you very much for your recommendation. What about the hd 600 do you think that is a drastically different sound and experience from the 7100 and q701? Thanks again.
May 10, 2013 at 11:27 AM Post #4 of 5
Sure!  I haven't heard the HD 600 so I can't say.  I very much want to audition the HD 600 though.  By all accounts, it seems to be an "unveiled" HD 650.  Note, not everybody believes the HD 650 to sound veiled.  You may or may not, and I think the subtlety of it will be something you have to judge for yourself.  But if you're looking for something very different from both the Q701 and the D7100, yes the HD 650 certainly is that.
May 10, 2013 at 12:09 PM Post #5 of 5
The hd600 and 650 are actually pretty close...more alike than different for sure. The 650 will have a little punchier bass and the 600 slightly more neutral. I'd ended up with the 650 and very happy. 

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