Heed CanAmp
Feb 26, 2007 at 1:26 AM Post #976 of 2,784
In fact, there's a post from yesterday in the Xin forums from an unlucky guy who says:

" I ordered a mini on Nov 7 and changed it later in November to a macro. Haven't heard anything yet."

I really think these small amp producers should figure something out to cut the wait times. It's just ridiculous to wait 3+ months to get a product.
Feb 26, 2007 at 3:27 AM Post #977 of 2,784
Hey all,

Just wanted to share my experience. I placed an order for the Heed amp back at the very end of November. I was able pick up my amp from Dan this Saturday. I must echo what many have already said: Dan is a great guy. Since I am about 10 minutes away from Black Bird Audio I arranged to pick up the amp on Saturday morning. I am also in the process of looking for new speakers and Dan was happy to set up a few of the speakers he carries for my wife and I to audition (Totem). While we were there, we also go to check out a few other products that were very cool from turntables and the Heed Obelisk (sp?) Integrated Amp to the Slim Devices Transporter. I had not seen a Transporter first hand so it is cool to know there is now a local dealer that I can come to and check it out. Again, this was a top notch experience. He offered us coffee and soda while we auditioned a few pieces of gear too
. We didn't leave with any speakers but we left with the Heed and a good feeling that if we do go with Totem speakers, it will definitely be from Black Bird Audio. I would definitely recommend that anyone in the San Diego area check out Black Bird Audio.
Lastly, I am currently in the process of running in both the new amp and a new pair of 650s so I can't comment too much on the SQ. But so far it is holding up to the hype. Very detailed and clear sound at this early stage. Just wanted to ask 1 question from anyone using the 650s with the Heed: What volume level do you usually run the Heed at?
Feb 26, 2007 at 10:19 AM Post #978 of 2,784

Originally Posted by DaNuS /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Just wanted to ask 1 question from anyone using the 650s with the Heed: What volume level do you usually run the Heed at?


For cd listening between 8 & 9 O'clock on the dial. You gotta be careful not to start off listening too loud. Just find the minimum level, when the sound snaps into focus. What level do you listen at?
Feb 26, 2007 at 10:21 AM Post #979 of 2,784

Originally Posted by dw6928 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hopefully? Have you read this thread?

Not quite yet..after several days of close reading I'm only about 70% through the entire thread and couldn't resist to place order immediately once Dan quickly replied my email with informative response

By hopefully I just mean that even though I haven't hear the CanAmp myself it definitely look like it's gonna meet all the expectation based on your feedbacks.

Considering that I'm upgrading from senn HD590 directly driven by headphone output of the audigy 2 zs front panel to k701 (on it's way) and CanAmp it look like a sonic miracle for me is coming
--once i get through the waiting.
Feb 26, 2007 at 1:59 PM Post #980 of 2,784

Originally Posted by Nigel /img/forum/go_quote.gif

For cd listening between 8 & 9 O'clock on the dial. You gotta be careful not to start off listening too loud. Just find the minimum level, when the sound snaps into focus. What level do you listen at?

I listen at about 9 to 10 o'clock (depending on the CD). I am using a Derek Shek D2 DAC that haw a lower output so I was told from the maker that the level would have to be bumped up a little louder. But it looks like I am in the ballpark. Thanks!
Feb 26, 2007 at 3:31 PM Post #981 of 2,784

Originally Posted by DaNuS /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey all,

Lastly, I am currently in the process of running in both the new amp and a new pair of 650s so I can't comment too much on the SQ. But so far it is holding up to the hype. Very detailed and clear sound at this early stage.

Danus, can you tell us more about the synergy between Heed and HD650? Is this amp excellent for HD650 or just ok?
Feb 26, 2007 at 5:40 PM Post #982 of 2,784
Having had both since last Fall, the Heed/650 combo is
extraordinary. The Heed will dissipate any "veil" you may
have read about with 650s and has more than enough power
for the Sennheisers.
Feb 26, 2007 at 6:41 PM Post #983 of 2,784

Originally Posted by dw6928 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Having had both since last Fall, the Heed/650 combo is
extraordinary. The Heed will dissipate any "veil" you may
have read about with 650s and has more than enough power
for the Sennheisers.

Sweet to hear this. I placed my order in January and I will get mine only next month. The wait is more than just thrilling.
Feb 27, 2007 at 1:27 AM Post #984 of 2,784
Strange. Here it is, sitting on my door step, and yet the tracking says it's in Mesquite, TX. A nice little surprise, wouldn't you say? I'll be burning it in and using it on the K701's, but also will be modifying it Pink Floyd style. But I do computer stuff by day and cut down trees by night, so duty calls for now.
Feb 27, 2007 at 2:52 AM Post #985 of 2,784

Originally Posted by Murugesh /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Danus, can you tell us more about the synergy between Heed and HD650? Is this amp excellent for HD650 or just ok?


So far really good. Both my amp and cans are new so I'm letting both burn in. Anyone know how much time is needed for the amp and 650s to really hit their stride?
Feb 27, 2007 at 11:01 AM Post #987 of 2,784

Has anyone used this amp with Grado's? Specifically, the 225/325's? I used my 32ohm Senn PMX100's & was pleasantly surprised by the quality.


Feb 27, 2007 at 11:21 AM Post #988 of 2,784
I have used the Heed with Grado 225s. No longer a Grado fan
(my wife uses them now) I find them a bit shrill and metallic.
The Heed does warm them up as best as possible and adds
tremendous bass to the Grado sound. The clarity is remarkable however.
Feb 27, 2007 at 11:41 AM Post #990 of 2,784
I like my Heed + Grado HF1s very much. I my opinion the canamp is a very good amp for grados in this price range.
Only a small drawback with low impedance headphones like Grados: without music or at very low levels I can hear a some slight noise. It is not a problem for me because it can not be heard at normal volume levels. Rav started a thread about this some time ago here. It seems that no american user has reported this, but several spanish friends have confirmed it. Maybe only european ones have this trait. . I asked Alpar about it but I have no answer yet. I think I will mail him again...

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