Headphones for bassheads.
Jan 21, 2011 at 10:19 AM Post #31 of 51
Yea DJ1 is the same but make sure it's "DJ1" and not "DJ1 Pro" Those are similar to Pro 550 model I think rather than 580. You can always double-check with the specs themselves, should be similar, 32 ohm for DJ1/HFI-580.
Jan 21, 2011 at 10:27 AM Post #32 of 51
Yea I will check specs because it's critical that I wouldn't NEED an amp to drive them.  Right now though I was told to take a look at the Shure SRH750DJ's over the 580/DJ1's or the M50's and at least spec wise I'm rather impressed.  Anyone ever take a look at them to see how they compare in bass/clarity/comfort?
Jan 21, 2011 at 11:38 AM Post #33 of 51

Yea I will check specs because it's critical that I wouldn't NEED an amp to drive them.  Right now though I was told to take a look at the Shure SRH750DJ's over the 580/DJ1's or the M50's and at least spec wise I'm rather impressed.  Anyone ever take a look at them to see how they compare in bass/clarity/comfort?

The Shure's compared to the M50's have slightly better bass, but most people find the M50's more comfy. 
Jan 21, 2011 at 12:00 PM Post #34 of 51
So the Shure's are more closely compared to the DJ1/HFI-580 in comfort.. would you know how that compares to my HD555's?  Because I definitely love the comfort level I'm at now so a new headphone choice I wouldn't want to downgrade
How to the Shure's stack up in the mids/highs?  Better or worse than the DJ1/HFI-580's?
Jan 21, 2011 at 12:20 PM Post #35 of 51
I think soundwise the Shure 750DJ and HFI-580/DJ1 are probably very closely related, on frequency response curve charts they follow almost identical shape from mids to highs. If you read reviews of both they should be described in a rather similar way, even comfort seems to be similar, not optimal but not uncomfortable enough for most people.
Jan 21, 2011 at 3:50 PM Post #36 of 51
Any reason to go with the DJ1 and not just the DJ1 Pro?  Price wise it barely seems like an increase and you get the nice case and spare pads and such.  Really haven't seen anything bad about the DJ1's at all other than maybe some people's preference of the M50 but nothing particularly against the Ultrasones.
Edit ** 64ohm on the pro's and 32 on the non-pro.. right now my Senn HD555 is 120ohm and I just run that on my macbook without an amp so I'm assuming I either of the DJ1's will work fine without an amp as well and it almost seems that I may have been wanting to use an amp with my HD555's.  But aside from the Senn's; the only difference between the Pro's and the standard DJ1's are the size of the cups and the impedence but neither should require an amp and both should provide pretty much the same sound is what I'm thinking.
Jan 21, 2011 at 4:30 PM Post #37 of 51

Ultrasone HFI-580 are excellent choice if you want emphasized bass without sacrificing any detail/clarity.

I second this =]
Jan 21, 2011 at 5:00 PM Post #41 of 51

Any reason to go with the DJ1 and not just the DJ1 Pro?  Price wise it barely seems like an increase and you get the nice case and spare pads and such.  Really haven't seen anything bad about the DJ1's at all other than maybe some people's preference of the M50 but nothing particularly against the Ultrasones.
Edit ** 64ohm on the pro's and 32 on the non-pro.. right now my Senn HD555 is 120ohm and I just run that on my macbook without an amp so I'm assuming I either of the DJ1's will work fine without an amp as well and it almost seems that I may have been wanting to use an amp with my HD555's.  But aside from the Senn's; the only difference between the Pro's and the standard DJ1's are the size of the cups and the impedence but neither should require an amp and both should provide pretty much the same sound is what I'm thinking.

I briefly owned the PRO550's, which are claimed to be identical to the DJ1 Pro's (Similar to the HFI-580 to DJ1 comparison). And I was in the same exact position as you, thinking that the PRO550's were merely the HFI-580's with better accessories. Unfortunately I was wrong as the PRO550's (running both out of laptop and iPhone) had disappointing bass. They did go very low and were quite detailed, but there was no punch whatsoever. I could only hear it, not "feel" it. (Even with EQ attempts). They also leaked too much for my uses, so i was forced to return them regardless. Though I do assume that they needed a powerful amp to bring out any punch they could've had.
Course, this is contradictory to Wind's results, as he states that they can be quite bassy; so take my impressions with a grain of salt.
I plan to get the HFI-580 in the near future (when I can afford it, as I had to concentrate my resources on books for the new semester), for somewhat opposite reasons than yours (compared to your DJ1 choice) as I actually prefer a straight cord, hate coiled x] I'm also looking into the DT250 pads to make the HFI-580's more comfortable, but I have no idea as to how that affects sound, so I've been searching for that as well.
Jan 22, 2011 at 2:23 AM Post #42 of 51
Yea the straight cord for me just seems to be such a pain where the coiled never gets tangled and stays nice and neat.  But that aside (since you can obviously choose either by switching models) I am waiting from a response from Ultrasone to confirm what we are saying.  It has been confirmed that the HFI-580 is the same as the DJ1, just a different cord and styling.  However, I don't think the Pro555 to DJ1Pro is accurate because it seems the latest iteration of the DJ1Pro has everything the same as the DJ1 according to the website other than the impedance.  The previous gen DJ1Pro didn't have the S-Logic Plus like the DJ1 so maybe that's why they sounded different in a lot of people's reviews on here? 
I just really want to choose a can that will be as comfortable as my HD555's, and still give me a very clear sound, yet bring more bass to the table and a fair amount of isolation (not going to be playing in a club or anything so doesn't have to be top notch).  Oh don't forget my coiled cord haha.  Seems like I already ruled out the M50's but I don't really know why?  Most people say they aren't as crisp of a sound it seems compared to the Ultrasones I suppose it seems?  Then there have been a few other suggestions thrown out there but I just seem so confused at this point on how many ways I could go with choices that the DJ1/DJ1Pro seem to be a worthwhile change from the open ear HD555 sound.
Jan 22, 2011 at 2:39 AM Post #43 of 51
Take a look and see how the DJ1 PRO and PRO 550 compare spec-wise, they're identical. Just as the HFI-580 DJ1.
I'm not sure however if Ultrasone would classify HFI-580/DJ1, PRO550/DJ1 PRO as being the same.
Jan 22, 2011 at 10:22 AM Post #44 of 51
So very simply put; the DJ1's are pretty recommended due to that they are identical to the HFI-580 which really seems to stack up there in people's favorites, however for whatever reason Ultrasone did this, the DJ1Pro just doesn't sound the same, hence not being as liked by the community.  Strange though when I read a lot of threads on here that people went after the DJ1Pro when it came out like hotcakes.
The other can I was looking at was the Shure SRH750DJ because also supposed to have great clarity as well as great bass, but I've found a lot saying uncomfortable sadly 
Jan 22, 2011 at 3:48 PM Post #45 of 51

So very simply put; the DJ1's are pretty recommended due to that they are identical to the HFI-580 which really seems to stack up there in people's favorites, however for whatever reason Ultrasone did this, the DJ1Pro just doesn't sound the same, hence not being as liked by the community.  Strange though when I read a lot of threads on here that people went after the DJ1Pro when it came out like hotcakes.


The other can I was looking at was the Shure SRH750DJ because also supposed to have great clarity as well as great bass, but I've found a lot saying uncomfortable sadly 


People have had different experiences I guess. For example, head-fi user wind has had positive experience with the PRO550's (assumingly same as dj1 pro) and said they had very fuffilling bass; whereas when i listened to them, the bass was very weak. Hes was running unamped out of a cowon, i was running unamped out of an onboard card/iphone.

In regards to the shures, whats keeping me away from those is both the comfort, and build quality(and coiled cord, not my preference x]). From what Ive been reading about the build, it seems as if the product shouldve been branded as "hasbro".

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