HE-400 have let me down, what happened?
Jun 3, 2013 at 6:15 PM Post #46 of 144
Does anyone know of a place in seattle to try any of these recommended options out? Thanks again for the help here when Im home on a PC ill be writing things down and analyzing this list of recommendations pretty heavily.

There just happens to be a Microsoft store in Seattle. You can go there to try out the V-MODA M-100. They carry the entire V-MODA line up. Here's where it is:
2624 NE University Vlg, Seattle, WA 98105-5015
You should be able to pull that up on Google maps and get directions.
Jun 3, 2013 at 6:24 PM Post #47 of 144
I think when OP says "flat", he really means to say "dull-sounding" ala negative connotation, not per the objective, measurable lack of peaks, valleys, etc. 
Still a little weird to call the HE-400's "flat" even if you don't like em, but hey, you hear what you hear. Sounds like OP probably just wants a dose of crazy-fun colored V-cannons
Jun 3, 2013 at 6:34 PM Post #48 of 144
Ya cal im not making up definitions im just describing how they sound to me. You are obviously on another level as far as knowledge on headphine vocab. But try to understand where a novice user is coming from when they use the word flat
Jun 3, 2013 at 7:17 PM Post #51 of 144
Ya sunshine im starting to realize this is almost too much work to find what I want. But I need just that one pair like you have to make me happy. I just havent found it yet. I think the M100s should hit the spot. If not an ultrasone or denon pair. Hell maybe even the Logitechs I do love that brand. Thank you all for your input, Im going to put this information to use and go out and find the right set of phones. Feel free to give any other information you feel I might want to hear. Other than that case closed. No pun intended... but they will be closed cans..lol..
Jun 3, 2013 at 8:08 PM Post #56 of 144
OK I'm on a pc finally I can type something out without going insane. Yea go ahead and call me a troll, Ive apparently obliterated this whole post.
This is my final word, this paragraph should sum up what I have been trying to say this whole time:
In comparison to what I have heard before in over-ear headphones, the HE-400's sound flat (from my experience flat to me meant no V-shape. maybe a half V up on the treble side haha. In no way was I breaking down the science of the true definition of "flat") to me. It's my FIRST OPEN CAN SET. Can't you understand why I would say that? I changed that word to dull, boring, and non-colorful I guess would be another one. Now the word flat was defined, now I know not to use that. I have just a completely different mentality than you experienced listeners who have heard some truely neutral headphones.
It's all about what your used to, and to me they were dull sounding. So to the people saying I'm a bass head and want a heavy V shape. I think you are right. I ****** love V's I guess. I'm really suprised how you all have taken my words, knowing a big part of this forum is newcomers coming to ask for help.
I'm not saying you all haven't helped, you have tremendously. I have no intentions of irritating people. No intentions of arguing, none to put anyone down. Surely no intentions of trolling and wasting time. Take what I say however you want but in the end, I wanted something more colorful than an HE-400, something more musically satisfying. sorry if i used the wrong words. But from the start I said I can't take other peoples reviews too seriously on a set of cans. It obviously isn't the right way to pick them out.
Jun 3, 2013 at 8:18 PM Post #57 of 144
dun worry Fedelesk....
take your time..circulate thru a few cans, and u will find the sweetspot....
sooner or later...
its a path of discovery, and your taste might evolve too.
i dun listen to dubstep, electronic music, but somehow i just started on those yesterday..lol.
Jun 3, 2013 at 8:23 PM Post #58 of 144
You're probably sensitive to high frequencies that's why you don't like the neutrality of all these high end phones.

Check the basshead section of this site, you might find some stuff to your liking there.
Dsnuts also usually recommends a lot of "fun" sounding things for cheap too. Toy around with inexpensive stuff before setting yourself on high end gear. Because those mistakes aint cheap
Jun 3, 2013 at 8:24 PM Post #59 of 144
I also want to say sorry again, a lot of people requested information from me, like my EQ's and all that. I had been working all day throughout this thread, I couldn't give that information and I even missed some questions on my phone. To be honest I found my EQs changing for each song, I will look at those iTunes EQ's you posted, but I feel like one setup to another (like my sound card) could make those EQ's obsolete. Maybe not though, I will definitely try them out. I want nothing more to be satisfied with the HE-400's but I find myself breaking down the EQ for each song like no other. Also, I use some song recordings under 320kbps, would it make sense if i wanted something a little more "forgiving" than the 400's? Something that can make a not so great recording sound ok still? I always heard that some headphones make bad recordings sound like crap, good ones sound great. While others do better with worse recordings. What's the case with the HE-400's on this matter?
Jun 3, 2013 at 8:28 PM Post #60 of 144
I think this argument about what truly is neutral/flat derailed the thread a little.
Everyone hears differently... but it's just that your case is a bit odd. Normally the HE-400 is considered a bassy headphone, which you are calling neutral. The 280s are also considered bass-light, which you are saying is warm and punchy. And you seem to use some bass-boost EQ with your 280s which creates a unique warm tilt that you've become used to, and probably won't be able to match. You can see why it's confusing.
So from what I can tell, you don't like harsh treble, and want something warmer/bassier than the HE-400. That's calling for some serious coloration. Lucky that I just auditioned a D7100 this morning, and that might be a good fit. If they're out of your price range, go for the D600, which are supposed to be very similar with a tad less bass.

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