HD800 vs T1 vs RS1i vs D7000: Help!
Jul 30, 2010 at 8:20 AM Post #32 of 55
I want the HUGE soundstage of the HD800 (but with BASS). The T1's don't compare in that regard. Plus the comfort factor is also a big consideration, something the T1's are not so good for. (As I have not auditioned them yet I still reserve my final thoughts).
I can get the HD800 for $980 delivered oversea's.
PS1000 $1695 + shipping.
Almost double

It's hard to have a lot of bass and a lot of soundstage at the same time.  The more bass you introduce, the more it crowds the soundstage.  Still, the HD800 - when amped well - can cook up some serious bass.  What's more, it's the right kind of bass.  Because it isn't moving into the midrange with some kind of psychoacoustic trick, its bass - when brought to a boil - has serious authority.  I don't know if it's basshead monster closed-can eardrum bleeding bass, but it's pretty amazing nonetheless.
Jul 30, 2010 at 9:25 AM Post #33 of 55
The T1 is one of the MOST comfortable headphones there is.  Like the sound, or not, but the comfort is among the very, very best.
Jul 30, 2010 at 12:40 PM Post #34 of 55
BeyerDynamic have a tradition of making very comfortable yes. But they went all out making the T1 uncomfortable with all this heavy metal and then the stock cable on top of that!
Not terrible and not THAT big of an issue but it´s miles away from DT 770 comfort.
Jul 30, 2010 at 12:42 PM Post #35 of 55

BeyerDynamic have a tradition of making very comfortable yes. But they went all out making the T1 uncomfortable with all this heavy metal and then the stock cable on top of that!
Not terrible and not THAT big of an issue but it´s miles away from DT 770 comfort.

Being a former DT880 and DT770 owner, I can't agree with that when it comes to the T1's comfort. But all heads are different I guess.
Maybe slightly less comfortable, but in no way "uncomfortable" with my melon.
Jul 30, 2010 at 12:48 PM Post #36 of 55
Yeah I find it basically the same as the DT770/880/990 in comfort, as long as you "dress" the cable right.
Jul 30, 2010 at 3:31 PM Post #37 of 55
Maybe it's just me,I dont think HD800 bass is weak at all.
Bass of HD800 is deep, tight and fast.
It's one of the bass  on headphone I have heard including PS1000 ,DX1000 and D7000.

But HD800 is no good for Hiphop,Dance,Trance,etc...if you like these kinds of music,better get DX1000,D7000 or DT990.
Jul 31, 2010 at 7:23 AM Post #38 of 55
Just auditioned the HD800's through a Black Cube and a Marantz CD player. One word comes to mind......EEWWWW 

Glad I auditioned them because they definitely aren't my cup of tea.
Every Senn I have tried I haven't liked and this was no exception.
Jul 31, 2010 at 7:46 AM Post #39 of 55
well done with testing them first though... Can you try out the other sets anywhere? Everyone likes a different sound... I settled for Sony MDR-7506's after much testing,,,, just goes to show that we all don't like the same sound.
Out of your list i would go for the Beyers.
Jul 31, 2010 at 3:17 PM Post #40 of 55
Yea I highly doubt either HD800/T1 would have enough bass for you.  The T1 does have a little more bass than the HD800 and to me the sound stage is more coherent than the HD800.  Why not audition some D7000's with MarkL mods to see if you like that? I noticed enough improvement from the D2000 to the D7000 to sell the D2000 and never look back.  Partner it with some J$ pads and LA cups and you have a soundstage in a closed can as wide as the HD650's.
Jan 5, 2011 at 6:53 PM Post #42 of 55
Should I choose the T1, HD 800 or D7000 when I: 
1. Listen to a wide range of music (though not trance, dance, much hip-hop, rap or metal) 
2. Want awesome cans for movie-watching
3. Prefer a very clean, detailed and smooth sound but with adequate bass for soundtracks and action-movies like Avatar
4. Will be using fiio e7/e9 combo + laptop or fiio e9 + stereo receiver (movie setup) - as a start
5. Have no plans on going balanced
I want detailed, motivated answers if possible. 

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