HD600 VS AD700, is the HD600 much of an improvement?
Feb 3, 2009 at 3:10 PM Post #16 of 40

Originally Posted by donunus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Wow this is the first time ive seen a pretty good comparison of these cans ever. Looks like I might like the ad900s after all. As for ad700 vs hd600s. Put it this way, I like hd600s more than the ad2000s

Can you please be more specific why you like the hd600 over ad200? I have the hd600 now and considering getting ad2000. what kind of amp and source you use on hd600 and ad2000.
Feb 3, 2009 at 3:11 PM Post #17 of 40

Originally Posted by donunus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Really??? Is the soundstage improvement on the ad700s enough to be better sounding than the ad2000s?
Now if thats the case, I'm all over them. It just sounds too good to be true though

FWIR, the 2k has more detail, clarity, etc, but the 700 has a wider soundstage and more air. So if you like the 700 for its air and stage, you'd get less of that in the 2k (and slightly more in the 900). When I read this from multiple sources, it helped me decide that the 2k wouldn't be an upgrade for me. The 900 would be an upgrade, but at that price range, I felt the K701 would be a much more impressive upgrade, so I ordered that instead, and will review when it comes.
Feb 3, 2009 at 3:28 PM Post #18 of 40
I just edited my post about AD700/900 and Ad2000, I forgot to say that AD700/900 are more airy than AD2000. I think you have to try to judge what you prefer, might be not so impressed, disappointed, or love them (in my case

I have heard HD600, compare to AD line, they are dead slow. AD700/900 definitely have wider and more airy soundstage than HD600, but AD2000 I'm not sure, I don't have the HD600 so can't compare them directly.
However I quite like HD600, they are very smooth, relax sound and more bassy than AD2000, of course alot more than AD700/900.

@donunus: if you have heard AD2000, you propably find AD700/900 have wider and airier soundstage, IMO that is the only thing they are better than AD2000. The rest, is... downgrade, i think
, though the sound signature are quite different.

@iancraig: although I haven't heard AD1000, but FWIR, AD1000 are much closer to AD900 than AD2000. I guess that's why AD2000 are a lot more expensive
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Feb 3, 2009 at 3:40 PM Post #19 of 40

Originally Posted by nhat_thanh /img/forum/go_quote.gif

@iancraig: although I haven't heard AD1000, but FWIR, AD1000 are much closer to AD900 than AD2000. I guess that's why AD2000 are a lot more expensive
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That's what I thought until I contacted Audio Technica who insist that the 1000 and 2000 are very close. (From the specs it looks that way too)

I have a love/hate relationship with the 1000. Sometimes, I think, 'wow' these are good' and other times awful and tinny. Depends on my mood I suppose. I don't think that the 1000's have had enough coverage in these forums; especially given the difficulties of getting the 2000 in UK at least. We would have to add import tax which makes them a lot of money.

Makes me wonder whether the 900's are in fact a little better balanced than the 1000. I prefer the tonal balance of my ad700's to the 1000, but occasionally, the 1000's shine. Depends on recording.

The Grado 325i seems more consistent with different recordings. Maybe the added slam at the bottom helps them. I don't know.

Feb 3, 2009 at 3:41 PM Post #20 of 40
The ad2000s are too colored in the mids IMO which is why I sold them in the end. Screechy is a good word yes... Also they sounded a little too dry compared to the shimmery top end of the hd600. They are brighter in the sense that they are more forward but the hd600s win on treble extension and airiness IMO. But here is where there is a controversy about the ad2000 fit being the main cause for the very colored and forward mids and muffled highs. Also the snappy tight bass of the ad2000s are almost peerless except for the fact that there is a little too much upper bass that shows itself on all music you play
Feb 3, 2009 at 3:59 PM Post #21 of 40

Originally Posted by donunus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The ad2000s are too colored in the mids IMO which is why I sold them in the end. Screechy is a good word yes... Also they sounded a little too dry compared to the shimmery top end of the hd600. They are brighter in the sense that they are more forward but the hd600s win on treble extension and airiness IMO. But here is where there is a controversy about the ad2000 fit being the main cause for the very colored and forward mids and muffled highs. Also the snappy tight bass of the ad2000s are almost peerless except for the fact that there is a little too much upper bass that shows itself on all music you play

Good to know before my wallet hurt.
Feb 3, 2009 at 4:01 PM Post #22 of 40

Originally Posted by donunus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The ad2000s are too colored in the mids IMO which is why I sold them in the end. Screechy is a good word yes... Also they sounded a little too dry compared to the shimmery top end of the hd600. They are brighter in the sense that they are more forward but the hd600s win on treble extension and airiness IMO. But here is where there is a controversy about the ad2000 fit being the main cause for the very colored and forward mids and muffled highs. Also the snappy tight bass of the ad2000s are almost peerless except for the fact that there is a little too much upper bass that shows itself on all music you play

I agree all the things you mention except the treb. I thought that the treb on HD600 doesn't very extends (compare to AD2000), but that the way I like it, very pleasant, smooth and non-fatigue. The treb on AD2000 sure is not spectacular or wonderful, but I like the same way like HD600, not bright at all, pleasant and smooth.

Oh I like the way you decribed AD2k's bass "the snappy tight bass of the ad2000s are almost peerless", couldn't agree more
. I would say AD700/900 have that kind of tight bass, but drier.
If I'm not wrong, when you sold your Ad2000, Did the head-fier who bought it stretched the headband and that seems to fix too colored mids and better fit? Anyway the mids is already quite colored.

@iancraig10: if you are planning to go to CanJam UK this year, you might have a chance to listen to my AD2000 :p.
Feb 3, 2009 at 5:25 PM Post #24 of 40

Originally Posted by nhat_thanh /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I own both AD700 and AD2000, have heard AD900 and did a comparison with AD700. I agree that AD900 is clearly superior to AD700.
When I was thinking about upgrade from AD700, I considered AD900 but from other's people experiences, the price different is not worth it, anyway I want to try new "flavour" so I didn't get the AD900. After that I had a chance to try AD900 and I glad I didn't get them, as I said they are just like AD700 but better.
IMO AD2000 is more musical than both AD700 and 900, due to the warmer sound, I haven't heard AD1000 though so can't say anything about them.
AD2000 are much fuller and clearer sound, the mids is more foward, more bass (the amount is perfect for me) with more impact and very extension at low end. I wouldn't call AD2000 analytical, but compare to AD700/900, they have much more detail, I realized that there are some bass attack that I missed when I listen to AD700.
Though if you like AD900/700's soundstage, you might disappointed with AD2000 soundstage because they are indeed have narrower and less airy soundstage. But it is more focus on accuracy and go better with the their sound signature. I'm sure you will find AD2000 are quite different from AD900/700, because they have their own characteristic. But they still, IMO, remain lots of things from AD-series sound.

Great post. Sounds like the AD2000 are for me then. And I would probably keep the AD900s still. But unlike you, I would sorely miss my AD900s if I had the AD700s. The differences are great enough where I would not be happy with the AD700s. I do remember Asr stating the AD2000 were his flat out no question his favorite headphones, and I loved reading his reviews, not just about the AD2000s. Either way, I love the AT sound. And well I absolutely abhore the HD555 and HD595, and I know they are different from the HD600 and HD650, but so many posts here claim there is a consistent Sennheiser sound in all of their headphones. So maybe just going with what I already know sound amazing with my ears be the better idea for me.

Also now that I have a new DAC and Amp, I'm sure the AD700s would just not be for me even further.
Feb 3, 2009 at 8:33 PM Post #25 of 40
Lol, my thread is now a comparison of the HD600 vs the AD2000 >:|

Well, unfortunately for me I don't think there is anywhere nearby that allows headphone demo-ing, which is why I'm relying on all of your opinions.

Can I get a few more opinions on HD600 vs AD700 please, thread got kinda hi-jacked halfway through
although still very informative.
Feb 3, 2009 at 10:12 PM Post #26 of 40
This thread has been really interesting with people suggesting an upgrade route depending on what kind of sound you want rather than a simple comparison. Really enjoyed reading it.

Technically, the Sennheiser 600 is probably a superior phone but I really prefer the sparkle of the 700's for general listening, comfort and presenting an easy load for portables if you want to use them that way without an amp. (Just)

Just comparing the two isn't as interesting as the alternatives of all of that experience out there.

Feb 4, 2009 at 12:25 AM Post #27 of 40

Originally Posted by nhat_thanh /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I agree all the things you mention except the treb. I thought that the treb on HD600 doesn't very extends (compare to AD2000), but that the way I like it, very pleasant, smooth and non-fatigue. The treb on AD2000 sure is not spectacular or wonderful, but I like the same way like HD600, not bright at all, pleasant and smooth.

Lets put it this way, the ad2000s have more bite than the hd600 cause they are brighter cans. But just like grados, their brightness masks the upper end of the treble spectrum. Listen to the decay of well recorded Jazz like some Patricia Barber and you'll know what I mean. In simple terms, the ad2000 goes PSSSSSSSht while the hd600s go PSSssssssss if you know what I mean
Feb 4, 2009 at 12:28 AM Post #28 of 40
About the headband being stretched, the next owner didn't tell me much but the 3rd owner of my ad2000s(Rednamalas1) said the headband stretch made my ad2ks like his old pair meaning it fixed the mids and added a natural treble decay.
Feb 4, 2009 at 1:01 AM Post #29 of 40
I find the HD600s better than the AD700s in everything from bass, to separation, closeness, positioning (isolating instruments) and intricacy (drum rolls sound incredibly crisp) except for airiness, and wideness (height feels about the same) of soundstage - that was probably the biggest disappointment upon switching but I quickly got over it and use the HD600s exclusively now. This is with a very modest Mini^3 amp by the way.
Feb 4, 2009 at 3:30 AM Post #30 of 40
Very Imformative thread, as there is not too much info on the AT AD Series. Purchasing a pair of AD900s in a couple of days from a fellow Head-Fier. I'm reassured that I've made a excellent choice. That should do it as far as an Open-Can, next Modded, Re-Cabled & Woodied D2000s.


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