1000+ Head-Fier
I found that the Cardas upgrade cable made a very big difference to my listening experience.
I got a pair of HD800's a couple of months ago which is an upgrade to my HD650's. I ordered the upgrade for the 800 right away because I remember the sonic difference it made to me when I got my 650. So when I started listening to my new 800 with the stock cord, they sounded almost exactly like my 650 with the Cardas cord; and it was the upgrade cable that made the difference. When my Cardas 800 upgrade cable arrived, it moved the 800 up a very big notch.
I've heard so many varying opinions. I'm stuck with the basic flimsy HD600 cable and wanted to know if those $200+ cables out there really make that big of a difference? I have a modest setup, but i'd hate for this thin cable to be my bottleneck.
Would the (cheap!) upgrade to the HD650 cable bring any improvement? Or am I best saving for something like the Stefan Equinox or the Cardas cable?
These are all rather pricey for someone on a limited budget as I so I suppose what i'm saying is would I be wasting my money for a minute upgrade or is this the real deal? I've read quite a few reviews of the various upgrade cables and it either seems like they "sounded the same, I returned them" or it was "night and day difference, worth twice the price I payed!"
How do you think i'm best off spending my money in this matter? Should I upgrade to the HD650 cable for ~$16, not upgrade at all, or save my cash for one of the more pricey options mentioned above?