GS1000 sn 112 (arrived today)
May 24, 2006 at 12:23 AM Post #31 of 171

Originally Posted by Carl
Why not the Orpheus with some 300Bs? That may well be a HD650+300B crusher.

Apparently this is very true. Just ask msjjr. He has a very unique 300B SET electrostatic amp for his HE90's and from what I have heard from others, it roasts the HEV90, and perhaps any other HE90 amp
May 24, 2006 at 12:28 AM Post #32 of 171

Originally Posted by Nik
I don't think I'll have the patience to wait for a full burnin time...

I find this a 701 sister... similar "school" even if american production, very impressive at the first listening... but, but, but...

...not for highest headphones listener (IMHO).

(Tested with Cary)

Nik .... so you think the gs1000 sounds similar to the 701? I read a post on another website with that person stating the same thing. Out of curiosity, do you like the 701 or the gs1000 better .... so far?
May 24, 2006 at 12:38 AM Post #35 of 171

You had the Angstrom, didn't you? CD12 into Angstrom into R10? And then Rudistor into Qualia. And the Cary + 650 is the best HP amp you've ever heard? I wouldn't think anything would be better than your old Angstrom setup. Maybe as good, but not necessarily better.

Did you have the Cary moddified? I've heard better than the Cary + Senn combo and I'm interested in you findings. I don't question your findings at all. I'm just interested in the history.

May 24, 2006 at 12:45 AM Post #38 of 171

Originally Posted by PeeeMeS
Does it still have a tube-like sound?

Not to my ears. But it has a LOT of bass
May 24, 2006 at 1:09 AM Post #40 of 171

Originally Posted by boodi
the thing is simple ..
there's no possibility to do a more perfect headphone then the ps-1 .. they're perfect , for music pleasure , and for general music pleasure&portrait too , and have a focused perfection too , so no way competitors . Doing something different is going to get out of perfection . Even if Grado , Jhon series , new flag .
And if one wanted true neutrality there another un.beatable beast , the hp-2 ( and 1000 ) , Joe series ; lil bit more recessed on extremes , vs ps-1 , still holding his own and the crown of neutrality against anything that came to life in the headphone world .

ok , flames on now

Soudstage? (I've never heard them, so I'm guessing what might be a weakness)
May 24, 2006 at 1:37 AM Post #41 of 171
Hate to do it but I must respectfully disagree with Nik. In my rig, I hear no "treble spike". Are these the be all end all cans? I doubt it, but they still have a good way to go before being broken/burned in so it's premature to speculate. In the end, it's all a matter of taste so I take these posts/opinions with a grain of salt. No offense Nik!!

After two days of listening, these cans stand out for comfort, bass, and soundstage. So far I don't find them lacking in any area. The bass is stong and deep but I would prefer it be a tad tighter but I've been told that time will take care of this. Mids are very good and there's no lack for detail/top end. I personally don't feel they are that close to the 701's but again, break/burn-in is far from complete.

IMO, they most certainly are gradoesque in their sonic signature, and I've done the most of my comparison with the PS-1's. Again, in my rig and IMO, the PS-1's are more aggressive and "in your face" than the GS-1K. I think the PS-1 has deeper and more slam to its bass and is a bit edgier in the top end, but I expect things to change as these cans settle in and hit their stride.

I also find them very non-fatiguing in my system and that's something I'm very sensitive to.....bright/fatiguing gear that is.

I know of one head-fier who's at 100 hours and feels like the GS-1k's are beginning to settle so that's my magic number. JMO but I think it's not only premature but a bit unfair to judge a headphone before it's broken in.

I'll be honest in saying that I'm favorably impressed with these phones. Will I keep them? Probably. Will they move to the top of the heap for me? I don't know. Time will tell I suppose. Hey, take all this for what it's worth.....not much other than just another opinion.
May 24, 2006 at 1:46 AM Post #42 of 171

Originally Posted by KenW
Hate to do it but I must respectfully disagree with Nik. In my rig, I hear no "treble spike". . JMO but I think it's not only premature but a bit unfair to judge a headphone before it's broken in.

I'll be honest in saying that I'm favorably impressed with these phones. Will I keep them? Probably. Will they move to the top of the heap for me? I don't know. Time will tell I suppose. Hey, take all this for what it's worth.....not much other than just another opinioin.

Hooray, an actual early impression from someone who bought the headphones. Thank you Ken.

I've got about 15 hours on mine. I like them. I had heard them at the national head-fi meet, in lousy conditions, but they sounded good to me. Nothing yet (going day by day) displeases me about the sound or changes my original favorable impression. In fact their performance with classical surprises me favorably. I don't hear a treble spike either.

But its too early for me to be happy about saying more about sound quality. I wouldn't base a purchase decision on this post if I were you.
May 24, 2006 at 1:51 AM Post #43 of 171
Still waiting for mine
ordered a month ago and requested no box.

Sorry for the self indulgence. back to the thread
May 24, 2006 at 2:18 AM Post #44 of 171
The GS1000 needs a long time to burn in. Mine was one of the earliest to arrive, and it's still changing (and improving). Anything that I posted about sound prior to burn in simply would be supposition about what may or may not sound like in the future. I'm only aware of three prototype units that have been with people long enough for them to have burned in, and present the headphone fairly. Two of them have posted sonic impressions that IMO are the only ones worth anything at all at this point. Patience!!! (And yeah, I hate waiting for the burn-in to complete itself also, but I'm not going to attempt to characterize the headphone until it does).
May 24, 2006 at 2:55 AM Post #45 of 171

Originally Posted by Zanth
You've heard msjjr's custom one of a kind amp?

Have you?

It uses princess tubes, not 300b hehe. I would gather the tight bass he hears is from going from omega II's to he90's. If I were rich I would want to make that a two of a kind amp. ^^


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